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        검색결과 73

        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To preserve the superior genetic resources and restore the endangered species, Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been used widely. In Korea, the research of dog cloning has made outstanding achievements including the production of the world`s first cloned dog. Sapsaree (Sapsalgae), the representative dog of Gyeongsan-si was designated as a Korea natural monument (No. 368). This male dog used in this study has azoospermia due to unknown cause. In this study, the aim was to confirm the cause of infertility in the cell donor dog and to evaluate the reproduction potential of dog cloning using infertile male dog by SCNT. First, to confirm the infertility of the cell donor dog, the reproductive history and the testis were evaluated. The breeding histology was not recorded in individual document. In histopathology, the Sertoli cell tumor was confirmed in biopsy of the cell donor dog after death. But, these tumors are predominantly in older dogs. Second, we produced the cloned dogs with the somatic cells of the infertile dog and the appearance was similar with the cell donor dog. Also, microsatellite analysis confirmed the genetic relationship between the cell donor and clone dogs. Third, the potential breeding capacity of the cloned dog was confirmed. In T4 assay, the normal dog (same age with cloned dogs), cell donor dog, and cloned dogs was investigated. The cell donor dog with azoospermia had very low T4 level, and cloned dogs showed higher level of T4 than normal dogs. In CASA, There was no significant difference in sperm motor ability between normal dogs and cloned dogs. As a result, cloned dogs produced by SCNT had no problem regarding the reproductive function of the testis. In AI experiment, the semen of clone dogs was used to fertilize a natural female bitch and was diagnosed pregnancy by ultrasonography. In total, 7 puppies were born by normal delivery (male: 3, female: 4). In conclusion, this study confirmed that the reproduction problem of non-genetic infertility can generate a normal descendant by SCNT. Also, the first successful research to restore infertile dogs was completed. Furthermore, SCNT would be useful for the restoration of endangered species and application of superior traits.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The AKARI NEP Deep Field Survey is an international multiwavelength survey over 0.4 deg2 of the sky. This is the deepest survey made by the InfraRed Camera (IRC) of the infrared astronomical satellite AKARI with 9 filters continuously covering the 2-25 μm range, including three filters in the Spitzer gap between the IRAC and MIPS coverages. This enabled us to make sensitive MIR detection of AGN candidates at z~ 1, based on hot dust emission in the AGN torus. It is also eficient in detecting highly obscured Compton-thick AGN population. In this article, we report the rst results of X-ray observations on this eld. The field was covered by 15 overlapping Chandra ACIS-I observations with a total exposure of ~300 ks, detecting  450 X-ray sources. We utilize rest-frame stacking analysis of the MIR AGN candidates that are not detected individually. Our preliminary analysis shows a marginal detection of the rest-frame stacked Fe Kα line from our strong Compton-thick candidates.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent updates of the North Ecliptic Pole deep (0.5 deg2, NEP-Deep) multi-wavelength survey covering from X-ray to radio-wave is presented. The NEP-Deep provides us with several thousands of 15 μm or 18 μm selected galaxies, which is the largest sample ever made at these wavelengths. A continuous filter coverage in the mid-infrared wavelength (7, 9, 11, 15, 18, and 24 μm) is unique and vital to diagnose the contributions from starbursts and AGNs in the galaxies out to z=2. The new goal of the project is to resolve the nature of the cosmic star formation history at the violent epoch (e.g. z=1{2), and to find a clue to understand its decline from z=1 to present universe by utilizing the unique power of the multiwavelength survey. The progress in this context is brie y mentioned.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An overview of the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) deep multi-wavelength survey covering from X-ray to radio wavelengths is presented. The main science objective of this multi-wavelength project is to unveil the star-formation and AGN activities obscured by dust in the violent epoch of the Universe (z=0.5-2), when the star formation and black-hole evolution activities were much stronger than the present. The NEP deep survey with AKARI/IRC consists of two survey projects: shallow wide (8.2 sq. deg, NEP-Wide) and the deep one (0.6 sq. deg, NEP-Deep). The NEP-Deep provides us with a 15 μm or 18 μm selected sample of several thousands of galaxies, the largest sample ever made at these wavelengths. A continuous filter coverage at mid-IR wavelengths (7, 9, 11, 15, 18, and 24 μ m ) is unique and vital to diagnose the contribution from starbursts and AGNs in the galaxies at the violent epoch. The recent updates of the ancillary data are also provided: optical/near-IR magnitudes (Subaru, CFHT), X-ray (Chandra), FUV/NUV (GALEX), radio (WSRT, GMRT), optical spectra (Keck/DEIMOS etc.), Subaru/FMOS, Herschel/SPIRE, and JCMT/SCUBA-2.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the relationship between PSS-HSP70 gene polymorphism and artificial insemination (AI) reproductivity in the pigs. The RFLP polymorphism of PSS and the SSCP polymorphisms of HSP70 K1, K3 and K4 PCR product were detected different patterns. In the experiment for AI of fresh semen, spring and fall season showed higher litter size born of 10.89 head than 10.47 head of summer season. Landrace was showed higher litter size of 9.96 head than that of Duroc and Yorkshire (p<0.05). Stress relating PSS and HSP70 polymorphism of PSS-Normal, HSP70 K1-BB, K3-AB, K4-AA showd a highest litter size born of 10.97 head and litter size born alive of 10.69 head than that of the other polymorphisms(p<0.05). In the experiment for AI of frozen semen, effects of season and pig breeds were not showed for litter size born. The stress relating polymorphism of PSS-Carrier, HSP70 K1-BB, K3-BB, K4-AB showed highest litter size born of 11.29 head and litter size born alive of 10.82 head and PSS-Normal, HSP70 K1-BB, K3-AB, K4-AA showed the lowest litter size born of 8.48 head and litter size born alive of 7.33 head than that of the other polymorphisms(p<0.05). These results suggest that AI litter size born for the stress of forzen thawed semen may be affected by PSS and HSP70 polymorphism in pigs.
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