
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 38

        2019.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Territory and landscape are vitally important to both nations currently on the Korean peninsula. Historically both Koreas have contested and imagined the others territory as their own. However, both Koreas have both been forced to consider what the landscape of the other might look like at the moment of or following unification. Occasionally both Koreas have joined together to enact and imagine such moments of unification. This paper in particular considers arboreal elements of geography and topography reproduced at moments of intersection between the two Koreas, and how they are historically framed, imagined and grounded and embodied in real materiality, so they are not just imagined places in the future, but places of imagination in the present. Specifically, this paper focuses on a ceremonial tree planting ceremony on the April 27, 2018 between Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-in at the April 2019 Inter-Korean Summit held at Panmunjom in the Joint Security Area. Using the work of Denis Cosgrove, Nak-chung Paik, Gilles Deleuze, Heonik Kwon and Byung-ho Chung, the paper places the ceremony and other symbolic elements that day within a wider historical-geographical and transnational frame of the place of trees and topographic features at moments in which both practices of political authority and unification are performed and enacted in Korean history.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mountain worship and sanshin (mountain gods) legends are intrinsic to Korean culture. Central for narratives of anti-colonial struggle and contemporary policy of North Korea, Mt. Paektu also became a symbol of Korean national identity in South Korean popular culture. This paper engages two legends sited there, suggesting that their main protagonists represent contemporary sanshin. Firstly we consider the image of Kim Chŏng-suk of North Korea, and those narratives addressing her husband, Kim Il-sŏng’s guerrilla resistance in terrains surrounding Paektu. As a bodyguard of Kim Il-sŏng and a champion of revolutionary struggle, Kim Chŏng-suk transcends her human nature, and embodies female presence on Mt. Paektu. Secondly the paper investigates narrative from contemporary South Korean practice GiCheon (氣天 Kich’ŏn), intended for physical and moral cultivation of a person, reinvented in modernity on the basis of ancient East-Asian traditions. It recounts a mythic meeting of Bodhidharma with the Immortal Woman of Heaven (天仙女 Ch’ŏnsŏnyŏ) dwelling at Mt. Paektu. The Woman of Heaven overpowers Bodhidharma in battle, challenging patriarchal gender conceptions and contesting Chinese cultural superiority. Examined together, these two narratives demonstrate common cultural background. Ancient tradition, passed down from past to present, continuously accumulates and transforms, acquiring new forms in South and North Korean contexts.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        존 애쉬베리의 작품『세 시』는 T. S. 엘리엇의 모더니즘 시『네 사중주』에 대한 포스트모던적인 반향이다. 엘리엇은 “육화”를 “회전하는 세계” 속에서 궁극적인 “정점”으로 동일시함으로써 기독교적인 중심을 갖는다.『세 시』를 면밀히 분석해보면 애쉬베리가『네 사중주』의 특정한 언어와 생각에 공명하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 그는 우리가 시간에 포섭되는 것을 거스르는 엘리엇의 기독교적인 주장을 해체하고자 했다. 엘리엇의 기독교적 세계관에 기반한 유럽중심적인 고착이 자신들만의 문화적 구조를 바탕으로 세계관을 발전시키는 비서구사회의 독자들에게 문제시될만한 영향을 만들어내는 반면에, 애쉬베리의 보다 평등한 중점은 비서구사회의 문화적 구조에서도 보다 폭넓게 해석될 수 있다. 한편, 애쉬베리의 비정치적인 주체적 병합은, 즉 탈중심화된 주체는 그 자체가 유럽중심주의라는 측면에서 문제시 될 수 있다. 포스트모더니즘 비평가들이 논의해온 것처럼, 탈중심화된 정체성은 비서구사회와 소수민족들이 정체성에 목소리를 부여하는 순간 특권을 갖는다. 애쉬베리의 엘리엇에 대한 비위계적이고 탐구적인 비평은 유럽중심주의에 반하는 좀 더 성공적인 미적 대응 방식을 제시할 수 있다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        TRiplet Ionospheric Observatory-CubeSat for Ion, Neutron, Electron & MAgnetic fields (TRIO-CINEMA) is a CubeSat with 3.14 kg in weight and 3-U (10 × 10 × 30 cm) in size, jointly developed by Kyung Hee University and UC Berkeley to measure magnetic fields of near Earth space and detect plasma particles. When a satellite is launched into orbit, it encounters ultrahighvacuum and extreme temperature. To verify the operation and survivability of the satellite in such an extreme space environment, experimental tests are conducted on the ground using thermal vacuum chamber. This paper describes the temperature control device and monitoring system suitable for CubeSat test environment using the thermal vacuum chamber of the School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University. To build the chamber, we use a general purpose thermal analysis program and NX 6.0 TMG program. We carry out thermal vacuum tests on the two flight models developed by Kyung Hee University based on the thermal model of the TRIO-CINEMA satellite. It is expected from this experiment that proper operation of the satellite in the space environment will be achieved.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This report describes the inception, development and extensive use over 30 years of elliptical polarimeters at the Uni\-versity of Pennsylvania. The initial Mark I polarimeter design utilized oriented retarder plates and a calcite Foster-Clarke prism as the analyzer. The Mark I polarimeter was used on the Kitt Peak 0.9 m in 1969-70 to accomplish a survey of ap\-proximately 70 objects before the device was relocated to the 0.72 m reflector at the Flower and Cook Observatory. Suc\-cessive generations of automation and improvements included the early-80’s optical redesign to utilize a photoelastic modulated wave plate and an Ithaco lock-in amplifier–the photoelastic modulating polarimeter. The final design in 2000 concluded with a fully remote operable device. The legacy of the polarimetric programs includes studies of close binaries, pulsating hot stars, and luminous late-type variables.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Observations with milliarsecond resolution using the Navy Optical Interferometer have been obtained for a number of stellar systems which include high-mass binaries, eclipsing binaries, and radio stars. These observations also reveal the previously unseen companions in single-lined spectroscopic binaries via directly measured flux ratios. We will present examples of published and ongoing research efforts of these systems to illustrate how an optical interferometer contrib\-utes to our knowledge of stars, their environment, and companions. These studies include a conclusive revealing of the previously unseen companion in the single-lined binary Φ Herculis, the direct determination of orbital parameters in the wide and close orbits of Algol, and revealing the orbit of β Lyrae with spatially resolved images of the Hα emission.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Triplet Ionospheric Observatory (TRIO) CubeSatforIon, Neutral, Electron MAgneticfields (CINEMA) is a CubeSat with the weight 3 kg that will be operated in the orbit conditions of about 800 km altitude and 90° inclination angle, using the S-band and ultra-high frequency (UHF)-band communication frequencies. Regarding the communication antenna loaded on the satellite, the two patch antennas has the downlink function in the S-band, whereas the two whip antennas has the function to receive the command sent by the ground station to the satellite in the UHF-band. The uplink ground station that communicates through the UHF-band with the CINEMA satellite was established at Kyung Hee University. The system is mainly composed of a terminal node controller, a transceiver, and a helical antenna. The gain of the helical antenna established at the Kyung Hee University ground station was 9.8 dBi. The output of the transceiver was set to be 5 W (6.9 dB) for the communication test. Through the far-field test of the established system, it was verified that the Roman characters, figures and symbols were converted into packets and transmitted to the satellite receiver in the communica\-tion speed of 9,600 bps.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Thermal analysis and control design are prerequisite essential to design the satellite. In the space environment, it makes satellite survive from extreme hot and cold conditions. In recent years CubeSat mission is developed for many kinds of purpose. Triplet Ionospheric Observatory (TRIO)–CubeSat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, MAgnetic fields (CINEMA) is required to weigh less than 3 kg and operate on minimal 3 W power. In this paper we describe the thermal analysis and control design for TRIO-CINEMA mission. For this thermal analysis, we made a thermal model of the CubeSat with finite element method and NX6.0 TMG software is used to simulate this analysis model. Based on this result, passive thermal control method has been applied to thermal design of CINEMA. In order to get the better conduction between solar panel and chassis, we choose aluminum 6061-T6 for the material property of standoff. We can increase the average tempera\-ture of top and bottom solar panels from -70°C to -40°C and decrease the average temperature of the magnetometer from +93°C to -4°C using black paint on the surface of the chassis, inside of top & bottom solar panels, and magnetometer.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문은 미국내의 다른 터미널 운용구조를 고찰하고, 크레인 사용을 위해서 가장 효과적인 터미널 관리장치유형(ACC, CUP, PTU)을 찾조자 시도하여 연구한 결과이다. 터미널 비교에 사용된 효율을 산정하기 위해서 시간당 순총 크레인 움직임을 사용했다. 가장 효과적인 장치를 찾기 위해서 총 31개 터미널을 비교하여 시도했다. 이 이론에서는 PTU 시설이 가장 효과적인운영장치임을 알게 되었으며, 보기로 든 터널이 너무 적어서 미국내 터미널에 이 결과를 직접적으로 적용하기에는 어려움이 있다.
        1982.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        At a time when world population and food supply are in a delicate balance, it is essential that we look at factors to improve this balance. We can alter the environment to better fit the plant's needs, or we can alter the plant to better fit the environment. Improved technology has allowed us to increase the yield level. For moderately detrimental weather events technology has generally decreased the yield variation, yet for major weather disasters the variation has increased. We have raised the upper level, but zero is still the bottom level. As we concentrate the production of particular crops into limited areas where the environment is closest to optimum, we may be increasing the risk of a major weather related disaster. We need to evaluate the degree of variability of different crops, and how weather and technology can interact to affect it. The natural limits of crop production are imposed by important ecological factors. Production is a function of the climate, the soil, and the crop and all activities related to them. In looking at the environment of a crop we must recognize these are individuals, populations and ecosystems. Under intensive agriculture we try to limit the competition to one desired species. The environment is made up of a complex of factors; radiation, moisture, temperature and wind, among others. Plant response to the environment is due to the interaction of all of these factors, yet in attempting to understand them we often examine each factor individually. Variation in crop yields is primarily a function of limiting environmental parameters. Various weather parameters will be discussed, with emphasis placed on how they impact on crop production. Although solar radiation is a driving force in crop production, it often shows little relationship to yield variation. Water may enter into crop production as both a limiting and excessive factor. The effects of moisture deficiency have received much more attention than moisture excess. In many areas of the world, a very significant portion of yield variation is due to variation in the moisture factor. Temperature imposes limits on where crops can be grown, and the type of crop that can be grown in an area. High temperature effects are often combined with deficient moisture effects. Cool temperatures determine the limits in which crops can be grown. Growing degree units, or heat accumulations, have often been used as a means of explaining many temperature effects. Methods for explaining chilling effects are more limited.
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