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        검색결과 547

        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A field experiment was conducted to examine the fruit quality characters in second generation (F2) hybrid cultivar and to compare the fruit characters with original F1 hybrid cultivar of minipaprika (yellow and orange type) at the Research Farm, Hwacheon in July, 2010. Fruit characters varied within F2 population of each minipaprika type. In minipaprika yellow, fruit weight varied from 12.2 g to 50.8 g (average 28.5 g) and fruit length/width varied from 1.4 to 2.8 (average, 2.0). Pericarp thickness ranged from 1.8 mm to 4.1 mm (average, 2.9 mm). Total soluble solid (TSS) varied from 6.2˚Brix to 13.5˚Brix with an average of 8.7˚Brix. Fruit volume varied from 10.3 cc to 46.7 cc with an average of 24.4 cc. In minipaprika orange type, fruit weight ranged from 19.7 g to 42.4 g (average, 29.0 g) and fruit length/width varied from 1.5 to 2.6 (average, 2.0). Pericarp thickness varied from 2.1 mm to 4.1 mm with an average of 3.0 mm. TSS varied from 5.0˚Brix to 12.2˚Brix (average, 7.9˚Brix) and average fruit volume was 24.6 cc ranging from 10.7 cc to 35.0 cc. The average fruit quality characters in F2 population in both yellow and orange minipaprika did not differ from their F1 hybrid parent and F2 seed can be an additional way to supply high yielding hybrid cultivars at lower cost to the minipaprika growers.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We developed an efficient protocol for transformation of balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorum) root cultures by using cotyledon leaf explants that were infected by Agrobacterium rhizogenes. We found that four different strains of A. rhizogenes differed in their ability to transform P. grandiflorum hairy root cultures. We also found correct antibiotics concentration for selection after transformation by Agrobacterium. Our results demonstrate that use of suitable strain of A. rhizogenes and correct level of antibiotics for the hairy root culture, and may allow to study and apply of valuable metabolites like phenolic compounds from P. grandiflorum hairy root culture.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Allium sativum, belongs to a member of the onion family (Alliaceae) are economically important vegetables because of the culinary value and medicinal purpose. Using PCR strategy with degenerated primers targeted to conserved regions of orthologous phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) sequences available, full-length PAL and C4H from A. sativum. The amino acid sequence of these genes is highly conserved, particularly AsPAL and AsC4H has greater than 70% amino acid identity to other plants. AsPAL and AgC4H were most highly expressed in roots of A. sativum, whereas lowest level of transcript was detected in flower. Phenolic compounds most highly produced in flowers of A. sativum. The presented sequences and expression an alysis of PAL and C4H will provide possible material to enhance the understading of phenolic compounds synthesis in A. sativum.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        family in the Brassica genome sequences by computational approach. The MITE family showed a total of 264bp length including 36bp terminal inverted repeats and remained 2bp (TA) targets it eduplication by its insertion. By searching the genome database of Brassica species, 516, 227, and 15 members were identified from 470Mbp of Brassica oleraceae, 154Mbp of B.rapa and 15Mbp of B.napus, respectively, indicating that there are approximately 692, 760, 1235 copies in B.oleracea, B.rapa and B.napus genomes,respectively. A total of 225 relatively intact MITE members, 146,68, and 11 members, which showed >80% sequence similarity and sequence coverage were identified and retrieved for MITE analysis from B.oleracea, B.rapa and B.napus genomes, respectively. Out of 225 MITE family members 159 having full structure of MITE and 66 having the truncated end either in right TIR or left TIR. Insertion polymorphism due to insertion or non-insertion of MITEs showed high level of polymorphism among accessions intra and inter species of Brassica. The new MITE would provide abetter tool for study molecular breeding in Brassica species and also helpful to understand their contribution in evolution and diversification of the highly duplicated Brassica genome.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Corn (Zea Mays L.), the third cereal crop in the world, is not known well in Mongolia. The corn research program was started in 2004 with collaboration of International Corn Foundation (ICF), International Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) of KNU, Mongolian Academy of Science (MAS), Mongolian University of Agriculture (MUA) and Mongolia International University (MIU) in Ulaanbaatar. Since that time approximately 2000 genotypes were planted. Within 6 years of research we have succeeded in forming Mongolian corn population (MCP). In 2009, some promising segregating parental line crosses and inbreds were selected at Plant Science and Agriculture Research Training Institute (PSARTI) in Darkhan, 250 km toward the North from the capital city, and in greenhouse of Kunwi, Korea for further breeding. To develop corn hybrids we selected lines based on yield potential, cold tolerance and early maturity. Early plantings in the mid of May as well as tolerance to cold would permit longer growing cycle for higher yield. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed highly significance within lines, which means we can easily select cold tolerance and early maturing lines and breeding materials for further breeding program. Due to lack of plant proteins and Vitamin A deficiency, health of Mongolians has been affected. We consider corn can be a solution to reducing pasture and soil erosion. Breeding and cultivation of locally adapted stress tolerant stable corn hybrids may boost livestock industry and improve people’s health for Mongolians.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Perilla is a genus as a member of the mint family Lamiaceae which is known to contain lots of volatile metabolite. Perilla has been called as ‘deulkae’ indicating ‘wild sesame’ that means it has been maintained in Korea with long history. It has been very friendly used as edible oil and as fresh leaf vegetable. Perilla oil is valued for its medicinal benefit because it contains best amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, especially for the alpha-linolenic acid, known to omega-3 fatty acid, among all of the plant oils. It also include many beneficial phytochemicals. However, little study is conducted on their genetics. Here, we announce construction of well normalized and full length enriched-perilla cDNA library from a whole plant of one cultivar ‘Youngho-deulkae’ and their sequence characterization to provide useful resources for genetics, breeding and metabolite engineering. By sequencing of 5,760 cDNA clones, we 5,438 high quality EST sequences. Sequence trimming and assembly resulted 3,995 unigenes which consists 1,004 contigs and 2,991 singletones. Unigenes that showed little homology at the DNA sequence level with known genes in other plants even though they showed similarity at the protein domain level based on BLASTN, BLASTX, and TBLASTX. This study may provide good resources for initiation of further genomics, comparative genomics, functional genomics such as metabolic engineering and molecular breeding.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 나리의 종간잡종 육성체계를 확립하는데 필요한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 OA hybrid 중 자발적으로 생식세포 염색체가 배수화된 계통을 이용하여 후대 획득과 후대검정에 필요한 실험을 수행하여 얻은 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 2n 화분을 생산하는 OA hybrid의 경우 화분의 채취시기에 따른 생존율과 발아율은 10월에 비해 6월이, 생존율은 n성 화분이, 발아율은 2n성 화분이 높았다. 2n 화분을 생산하는 2배체 OA hybrid와 2배체
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mongolia is known as the livestock country for 800 years from the period of Chinggis Khaan Empire. The livestock has been raised without corn, a high quality feed. Hence, the meat of Mongolia has not been exported. In 2004, International Corn Foundation (ICF) and KNU in Korea initiated corn breeding program for Mongolia with Mongolian Academy of Science and Agricultural University of Mongolia. Since that time approximately 2000 genotypes were planted in Agricultural Research Station in Darkhan, Mongolia. Within 4years of research we have succeeded in forming Mongolian corn population (MCP), which can be used to breed locally adapted varieties in different zones. MCP characterizes early maturity, cold and drought tolerances. In 2008, 160 S1 were planted and 16 lines were selected. For further inbreeding and population improvement we planted all 16 lines in KNU vinyl house at Kunwi in late September. F1 crosses and advanced S3 lines will be tested in 2009 first time for hybrid development in Mongolia.
        2005.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Shoot induction system was developed in the recalcitrant plant species, Brassica rapa ssp. rapifera by using optimum selection of profit organ, phytohormone combination, seedling age and kind of culture container. Out of in vitro cultured leaf segment, petiole, hypocotyl, and cotyledon with petiole, only cotyledon with petiole derived from 4 day-old seedlings induced multiple shoot. The optimum combination of auxin and cytokinin for the multiple shoot induction was MS medium containing 5mg/L BA and 0.5mg/L NAA. The major factors for multiple shoot propagation were part of plant organ, age of seedling, and ratio of auxin and cytokinin. In addition, shoot regeneration was promoted in the 100ml Erlenmeyer flask compared with the 90mm×20mm Petri-dish. The induced shoots formed roots easy on MS medium containing 0.1mg/L IBA and the whole plants were successfully cultivated in soil.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ice yield and plant growth response to nitrogen (N) fertilizer may vary within a field, probably due to spatially variable soil conditions. An experiment designed for studying the response of rice yield to different rates of N in combination with variable soil conditions was carried out at a field where spatial variation in soil properties, plant growth, and yield across the field was documented from our previous studies for two years. The field with area of 6,600 m2 was divided into six strips running east-west so that variable soil conditions could be included in each strip. Each strip was subjected to different N application level (six levels from 0 to 165kg/ha), and schematically divided into 12 grids (10m ~times10m~;for~;each~;grid) for sampling and measurement of plant growth and rice grain yield. Most of plant growth parameters and rice yield showed high variations even at the same N fertilizer level due to the spatially variable soil condition. However, the maximum plant growth and yield response to N fertilizer rate that was analyzed using boundary line analysis followed the Mitcherlich equation (negative exponential function), approaching a maximum value with increasing N fertilizer rate. Assuming the obtainable maximum rice yield is constrained by a limiting soil property, the following model to predict rice grain yield was obtained: Y=107651-0.4704*EXP(-0.0117*FN)*MIN(I-clay,~;Iom,~;Icec,~;ITN,~; ISi) where FN is N fertilizer rate (kg/ha), I is index for subscripted soil properties, and MIN is an operator for selecting the minimum value. The observed and predicted yield was well fitted to 1:1 line (Y=X) with determination coefficient of 0.564. As this result was obtained in a very limited condition and did not explain the yield variability so high, this result may not be applied to practical N management. However, this approach has potential for quantifying the grain yield response to N fertilizer rate under variable soil conditions and formulating the site-specific N prescription for the management of spatial yield variability in a field if sufficient data set is acquired for boundary line analysis.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For developing the site-specific fertilizer management strategies of crop, it is essential to know the spatial variability of soil factors and to assess their influence on the variability of crop growth and yield. In 2002 and 2003 cropping seasons within-field spatial variability of rice growth and yield was examined in relation to spatial variation of soil properties in the· two paddy fields having each area of ca. 6,600m2 in Suwon, Korea. The fields were managed without fertilizer or with uniform application of N, P, and K fertilizer under direct-seeded and transplanted rice. Stable soil properties such as content of clay (Clay), total nitrogen (TN), organic mater (OM), silica (Si), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and rice growth and yield were measured in each grid of 10~times10m . The two fields showed quite similar spatial variation in soil properties, showing the smallest coefficient of variation (CV) in Clay (7.6~%) and the largest in Si (21.4~%) . The CV of plant growth parameters measured at panicle initiation (PIS) and heading stage (HD) ranged from 6 to 38~% , and that of rice yield ranged from 11 to 21~% . CEC, OM, TN, and available Si showed significant correlations with rice growth and yield. Multiple linear regression model with stepwise procedure selected independent variables of N fertilizer level, climate condition and soil properties, explaining as much as 76~% of yield variability, of which 21.6~% is ascribed to soil properties. Among the soil properties, the most important soil factors causing yield spatial variability was OM, followed by Si, TN, and CEC. Boundary line response of rice yield to soil properties was represented well by Mitcherich equation (negative exponential equation) that was used to quantify the influence of soil properties on rice yield, and then the Law of the Minimum was used to identify the soil limiting factor for each grid. This boundary line approach using five stable soil properties as limiting factor explained an average of about 50~% of the spatial yield variability. Although the determination coefficient was not very high, an advantage of the method was that it identified clearly which soil parameter was yield limiting factor and where it was distributed in the field.
        2004.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new pink longiflorum (Lilium longiflorum x (L. longiforum x L. rubellum)) lily cultivar was obtained by integrated intersectional hybridization techniques. The F1 intersectional hybrid was obtained by crossing between L. longiflorum “Gelria”
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