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        검색결과 45

        2003.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Embryonic stem (ES) cells, derived from preimplantation embryos, are able to differentiate into various types of cells consisting the whole body, or pluripotency. In addition to the plasticity, ES cells are expected to be different from terminally differentiated cells in very many ways, such as patterns of gene expressions, ability and response of the cells in confronting environmental stimulations, metabolism, and growth rate. As a model system to differentiate these two types of cells, human ES (hES, MB03) cells and terminally differentiated cells (HeLa), we examined the ability of these two types of cells in confronting a severe oxidative insult, that is . Ratio of dying cells as determined by the relative amount of dye neutral red entrapped within the cells after the exposures. Cell death rates were not significantly different when either MB03 or HeLa were exposed up to 0.4 mM . However, relative amount of dye entrapped within the cells sharply decreased down to 0.12% in HeLa cells when the cells were exposed to 0.8 mM , while it was approximately 54% in MB03. Pretreatment of cells with BSO (GSH chelator) and measurement of GSH content results suggest that cellular GSH is the major defensive mechanism of hES cells. Induction of apoptosis in hES cell was confirmed by DNA laddering, induction of Bax, and chromatin condensation. In summary, hES cells 1) are extremely resistant to oxidative stress, 2) utilize GSH as a major defensive mechanism. and 3) experience apoptosis upon exposure to oxidative stress.
        2002.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Inchinoe; SCN) is a devastating pest of soybean and is responsible for significant losses in yield. The use of resistant cultivars is the effective method to reduce or eliminate SCN damage. The objective of this research is to identify AFLP markers linked to the SCN resistant genes. Bulked genomic DNA was made from resistant and susceptible genotypes to SCN and a total of 19 primer combinations were used. About 31 fragments were detected per primer combination. The banding patterns were readily distinguished in resistant and susceptible bulked genotypes. Polymorphic fragments were detected between resistant and susceptible bulked genotypes in the primer combination of CGT/GGC, CAG/GTG and CTC/GAG. In primer combinations of CGT/GGC and CAG/GTG, bulked resistant genotype produced a polymorphic bands. However, in primer of CTC/GAG, bulked susceptible genotype produced a polymorphic fragments. Three AFLP markers identified as a polymorphic fragments between bulked genomic DNA were mapped in 85 F2 population. Among them, only two markers, CGT/GGC and CTC/GAG, was linked and was mapped. Broad application of AFLP marker would be possible for improving resistant cultivars to SCN.
        2000.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed weight is a important trait in cultivar development. Objective of this study was to identify and confirm quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for seed weight variation in the F2 and F2:3 generations. QTLs for seed weight were identified in F2 and F2:3 generations using interval mapping (MapMaker/QTL) and single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). In the F2 plant generation (i.e., F3 seed), three markers, OPL9a, OPM7a, and OPAC12 were significantly (P<0.01) associated with seed weight QTLs. In the F2:3 plant row generation (i.e., F4 seed), five markers, OPA9a, OPG19, OPL9b, OPP11, and Sat_085 were significantly (P<0.01) associated with seed weight QTLs. Two markers, OPL9a and OPL9b were significantly (P<0.05) associated with seed weight QTLs in both generations. Two QTLs on USDA soybean linkage group C1 and R were identified in both F2 and F2:3 generations using interval mapping. The linkage group C1 QTL explained 16% of the variation in seed weight in both generations, and the linkage group R QTL explained 39% and 41% of the variation for F2 and F2:3 generation, respectively. The linkage group C2 QTL identified in F2:3 generation explained 14.9% of variation. Linkage groups C1, C2 and R had previously been identified as harbouring seed size QTLs. The consistency of QTLs across generations and populations indicates that marker-assisted selection is possible in a soybean breeding program.
        2000.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The in vitro culture of rice panicles is a culturing technique only panicle without other organs in culture solution containing organic substance, so that would be useful to study how assimilate supply affects grain development and maturation. To find the optimum stage for in vitro culture, rice panicles grown in greenhouse were sampled periodically after anthesis and cultured in nutrient medium. The panicles older than 1 weeks after anthesis had produced normal grains. Grain-filling was apparently dependent upon sucrose concentration (8-12 %) in medium, but not affected by nitrogen concentration supplied with glutamine. As far as rice panicle was supplied with sucrose and N in nutrient medium, grains continued accumulation of dry matter and maturation regardless to light condition. Considerably, grain-filling was improved when panicles were positioned horizontally inside flask, so that each grain was partially submerged to nutrient medium.
        1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Molecular markers are useful to confirm the hybridity of F1 plant derived from cross of two homozygous parents with similar morphological traits. RAPD markers were used to test F1 hybrid plant obtained from cross of two homozygous soybean (Glycine max) parents. Fl plant for cross I was made from the mating of Hobbit87 (female) and L63-1889 (male) and Fl plant for cross II was obtained from the mating of H1053 (female) and L63-1889 (male). Selfing plant per each cross was also obtained. Among 20 Operon primers used, OPA04 and OPA09 show polymorphism between cross I and II parent. Band in size 1Kb of OPA04 and 2.1Kb of OPA09 primer was polymorphic band. This fragment identified Fl hybrid plant and selfing plant in cross I and II. Female parent Hobbit87 in cross I and H1053 in cross II has no this fragment (recessive allele). However, male parent L63-1889 and Fl hybrid plant in cross I and II has this size of polymorphic band (dominant allele). This indicated that Fl hybrid and selfing plants were detected by RAPD marker before phenotypic marker would be used to identify Fl hybridity. Amplification products of selfing plant for cross I and II were completely same to the those of female parent. When mature, flower color of Fl hybrid plant in cross I and II was purple and flower color of selfing plant in cross I and II was white. Purple flower is dominant trait. Fl hybridity was successfully detected at very early growth stage using RAPD marker. Therefore, RAPD marker can be used broadly to confirm Fl hybridity in many crops.
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