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        검색결과 14,973

        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Although older adults’ adoption rates of smartphones have continued to increase in recent years, health-related apps are not widely accepted by older adults. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to explore older adults’ adoption behavior of mobile health (mHealth) apps in the U.S. Specifically, this study applied protection motivation theory (PMT; Rogers, 1975) as the theoretical base to explain older adults’ adoption process of health apps to understand the influences of threat and coping appraisals on older adults’ adoption behavior of health apps. In addition, the current study incorporated the technology readiness theory (Parasuraman, 2000) to understand the influences of older adults’ positive and negative technological readiness (TR) on their PMT components. Data were collected from older adults (n = 600; 60% female) aged over 55 in the U.S. using online survey questionnaires. The data analysis was conducted using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings suggest the impact of coping appraisals on older adults’ attitudes toward mHealth apps and their (continuance) intention to use mHealth apps. Especially among PMT’s four appraisal components, response efficacy was the most critical underlying mechanism driving mHealth app-related attitude and behavioral intention. In addition, older adults’ beliefs about using mHealth apps (i.e., TR) significantly influenced their coping appraisal processes, while positive TR was more critical in forecasting their coping appraisals. The results suggest a need to classify older consumers into different segments based on their TR to develop differentiated marketing strategies. The findings also suggest that marketers understand various protective motivation components concerning the use of mHealth apps among older adults.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We enjoy various forms of leisure every day. Human play culture continues to change according to the development of technology and social environment. In line with the changing society, humans experience socialization, and the market continues to change in response to human new ways of life.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines how brand-influencer, influencer-users, and user-brand congruences affect perceived fantasy about the influencer and closeness toward the brand when an Instagram ad is endorsed by celebrity (vs. non-celebrity) influencers. The study employed a between-subject online experiment by manipulating an advertisement endorsed by a celebrity and a non-celebrity influencer. The results suggest that congruence between brand-influencer matters in building effective relationships.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Consumer brand engagement has recently drawn attention for researches because of its importance in predicting brand loyalty. Meanwhile, social media is used as digital marketing tools for marketers to attract and engage younger consumers. This study aims to answer the question whether social marketing efforts by fashion brands on major social media platforms have influence on consumer brand engagement in the context of Vietnamese fashion brands. Social marketing efforts include five dimensions of entertainment, interaction, trendiness, customization and word-of-mouth. Although social marketing efforts has been examined in relationship with other important marketing concepts such as brand equity and customer equity (Godey et al., 2016; Kim and Ko, 2012), few studies have investigated its effect on consumer brand engagement, especially in fashion brands. Besides, Vietnam as an emerging market is witnessing considerable changes that social media brings to every field including fashion markets. It is noticeable that more and more fashion brands in Vietnam are trying to expand and advance their marketing strategies on social media to engage consumers. In this study, a self-administered online survey was delivered to Vietnamese consumers, which included 281 valid responses who followed Vietnamese fashion brands on Facebook or Instagram. The empirical results show that social media efforts engage consumers differently on brand engagement dimensions. The key finding indicates that entertainment and word-of-mouth are positively related to brand engagement in affective, cognitive and behavioral dimensions. Interaction is positively related to affective and behavioral brand engagements. Trendiness is positively related to behavioral brand engagement. Finally, customization is positively related to cognitive brand engagement.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the development of social media, most people will use social media to watch the videos of digital influencers to get spiritual comfort, and they will think that digital influencers are like friends who are connected with their own lives. However, most of the previous studies focused on the influence of digital influencers on followers’ behavioral intentions (e.g. loyalty, and purchase intention). They rarely discussed the online social well-being obtained by followers after watching digital influencers' posts. Therefore, this study integrates the attributes of followers (loneliness, low self-esteem, empathy) and the characteristics of digital influencers (social attractiveness, expertise, homophily) to explore the influence of the parasocial interaction established between digital influencers and followers on followers’ online social well-being. This study uses the Internet to collect questionnaires and takes users who have watched digital influencers' posts on social media as the research object. A total of 597 valid questionnaires are collected. The research results show that: the characteristics of digital influencers (social attractiveness, expertise, and homophily), and followers' attributes (low self-esteem and empathy) have positively affected parasocial interaction. It is noteworthy that loneliness has no significant effect on parasocial interaction.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sustainability rears its head in the current online marketing and virtual store -research. Sustainability considerations involve pro-environmental-, social- and economic values as well as future generations and continuous innovation (Hanss and Böhm, 2012). Central in the sustainability research is sustainable consumer behavior, which has been found to be subject of intensions varying across different types of consumers, issues, and product categories (O’Rourke and Ringer, 2016). Determining consumers’ general egoistic, altruistic and biospheric values (e.g., De Groot and Steg 2008; Steg et al., 2014) have resulted quite complex and not always so generalizable structural models for sustainable behavior. While value -research has been dominant in determining the sustainability intensions and eventual behavior, there are relatively little solid theories and understating about different psychological processes behind sustainable behavior. Furthermore, the consideration of multiple sustainable consumer behavior outcomes seems to be limited, which can also hamper the development of models and theories (see e.g., Hulland and Houston 2021).
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As Hollywood relies heavily on global markets, it is particularly important for studios to understand how their decisions, including on casts, may affect their movies’ box-office in foreign markets. Anecdotal evidence shows that casting actors with similar facial features may be problematic in foreign markets, often disorienting international audiences.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Negative brand events can significantly harm the brand, affecting consumer cognitions, emotions, and behavior, leading to negative brand evaluations, negative emotions, brand avoidance, and retaliation. Thus, it is critical for brands to design and implement strategies that promote consumer forgiveness to mitigate those negative consumer responses. Despite the growing literature on the determinant factors of consumer behavior in a brand failure context, there is still scarce evidence regarding the impact of brand type on consumer responses, including consumer forgiveness, following a negative brand event. Considering that consumers tend to react differently to a brand perceived as arrogant (making them feel inferior), as opposed to a brand they strongly identify with, this paper focuses on failures of equal vs. higher status brands and investigates their impact on consumer forgiveness. Following the above, we expect that differences in brand status can shape consumer behavior following a failure or transgression.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A bibliometric analysis, spanning five decades of knowledge is employed with the aim of: (i) assessing core intellectual knowledge of international services research; (ii) examining the contribution of international services marketing to broader research disciplines; and, (iii) estimating forecasting trends for the most promising international services research directions.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study compared the effectiveness of virtual influencers (VIs) to human influencers through the theoretical lens of the uncanny valley and parasocial relationship using an online experiment. Specifically, we posited that highly humanlike VIs may evoke the feeling of the uncanny valley, as compared to human influencers or cartoonlike influencers, which, in turn, would act as a psychological barrier to building a parasocial relationship with the specific type of virtual influencer and decrease advertising attitude. The results indicated that people do feel the uncanniness from both highly humanlike and cartoonish influencers as compared to human influencers. This particular psychological experience negatively influenced the parasocial relationship, which, in turn, negatively affected the attitude toward a social media advertisement featuring the VIs. However, importantly, this effect was moderated by individual differences in anthropomorphism. This is one of the first studies that directly compared the effectiveness of different types of social media influencers in a rigorously designed experimental setting and expands the previous research on Vis, uncanny valley, and parasocial relationship. Both theoretical and managerial contributions of the study were discussed.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this research, we investigate how sponsored listings on an online search engine influence the consumer’s final decision choices. In an era of digital transformation where companies very often opt for sponsored advertisements, we explore how an anchoring effect (exacerbated by other factors) impacts the evaluation process and final outcome. More specifically, using a mix of secondary data from a large hotel aggregator and experiments, this work empirically validates that sponsored results (i.e., the first paid result) on a search engine results page indeed acts as an anchor. In addition, we find evidence the anchoring effect increases as a) the results are more versus less homogeneous, and b) the screen size of the search device is larger. What’s more, the anchoring effect is largely stable and does not fluctuate based on the category or decision importance. The effect also remains intact whether or not search engine results are randomized through the history of the browser. We also find the anchor influences subsequent evaluations, and options similar to the anchor are more likely to be chosen irrespective of the anchor’s attractiveness despite industry convention that consumers ignore sponsored results (see Henderson 2019) and research indicating consumers routinely select organic over sponsored search results.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An increasing number of companies are using service robots, such as physical robots and virtual chatbots, to interact with their customers. Service robots are autonomous agents with the purpose of providing services to customers by performing a variety of physical and nonphysical tasks (Joerling et al., 2019). Conceptual work has suggested that social robots will increasingly be used in the front line of service encounters (Gonzalez-Jimenez, 2018; Van Doorn et al., 2017). Real examples of the inclusion of these robots in retail settings already exist. For instance, some retailers use Softbank´s robot Pepper to greet and inform customers. Social robots such as Pepper can use their sensors and cameras to interpret customer reactions and adapt accordingly. Moreover, the robot can even make product recommendations based on the assessed customer´s mood, age, gender and, if available, purchase history (McKenna, 2018). Not surprisingly, there is a vast market potential associated with these robots, which is expected to grow to 87 billion by 2025 (BCG, 2017).
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) exploded onto the global digital landscape in 2020, spurred by pandemic-related lockdowns and government stimulus (Ossinger, 2021). An NFT is a unit of data stored on a blockchain that represents or authenticates digital or physical items (Nadini, 2021). Since it resides on a blockchain, NFTs carry the benefits of decentralization, anti-tampering, and traceability (Joy et al., 2022). Fashion brands quickly capitalized on these features, launching fashion NFT collections and garnering significant profits from the sale of fashion NFTs in 2021 (Zhao, 2021). For example, Nike’s December 2021 acquisition of RTFKT (pronounced “artifact”) resulted in USD 185 million in sales less than a year after their acquisition (Marr, 2022).
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the development of information technology, online food delivery services have significantly changed people’s food consumption patterns. The outbreak of COVID-19 has further facilitated the development due to restaurant restrictions and social distancing measures. Due to the emergence of online food delivery services, scholars have paid increasing attention to this popular topic, and a large number of studies have examined which factors are related to consumers’ intention to use online food delivery services. However, previous studies showed inconsistent findings, and relationships between variables lack a comprehensive understanding. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a research model and examine the factors influencing consumers’ intention to use online food delivery services. By reviewing and analyzing 52 studies with 53 independent samples (N = 22,937), the meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach was carried out to assess the research model. The findings indicate that two attributes of online food delivery services (i.e., convenience and price-saving orientation) play different roles in the research model. Specifically, convenience significantly impacted perceived ease of use but had no direct impact on perceived usefulness. Price-saving orientation significantly influenced both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Moreover, relationships between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived trust were significant, and these factors ultimately significantly led to the intention to use food delivery services. The findings contribute to theoretical advancement in the extant literature on food delivery services and help firms develop to provide better food delivery services for consumers’ continuous usage.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Brand resonance plays a crucial role in customer relationship management and the development of brand equity between customers and the brand. Therefore, effective methods for promoting customers’ brand resonance are critical in the hospitality industry for gaining competitive advantages and establishing sustainable management strategies. The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationships among brand coolness, customer inspiration, and brand resonance in the hospitality industry, as well as the mediating influence of customer inspiration. A total of 451 customers from 25 well-known brand restaurants in Taiwan returned questionnaires. These restaurants are recommended by TripAdvisor and had elements of coolness indicated in the customer reviews. Among the 451 participants, 260 (57.6%) were female and 191 (42.4%) were male; 344 (76.3%) were unmarried; 279 (61.9%) had received a college-degree certificate or above; and most were 21 to 30 years old (36.6%). The results revealed that brand coolness positively affected customer inspiration and brand resonance and that customer inspiration positively affected brand resonance. Furthermore, customer inspiration mediated the relationship between brand coolness and brand resonance. The study contributes to the hospitality literature of brand resonance. These findings can apply for the practice of brand management and customer relationship management in the hospitality industry.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Drawing from the uses and gratification theory (UGT), the study intends to investigate audiences’ motivation to watch Livestream and its influence on subscription and donation. The roles of viewers’ parasocial relationships and identification with live streamers were also examined. The results also indicate the presence of a mediation effect.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research addresses financial market communication of marketing information (i.e., information related to firms’ organic growth opportunities) through depth interviews (Study 1) and quantitative data on conference calls and stock market reactions (Study 2). The investigation (1) reveals that marketing, despite high potential relevance for financial markets, often plays only a marginal role in firms’ financial market communication and (2) develops a framework for effectively communicating marketing to financial markets.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Considering the popularity of virtual influencer (VI) marketing while its effectiveness remains fully unexplored, there is a need of academic attention testing consumer responses to VIs in comparison with human influencer marketing. Hence, this study aims to fill this gap by comparing consumers’ perceptions of a human versus virtual influencer’s endorsement. Specifically, based on the construal level theory and psychological reactance, this study investigates how consumers differently evaluate human and virtual influencers’ endorsement motives, which may further influence their attitudes toward a brand, advertising (i.e., endorsement), and an influencer and purchase intentions. Additionally, the moderating role of the number of endorsements (single vs. multiple) and perceived innovativeness are examined.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this research is to analyze the importance of Virtual Reality (VR) in digitally promoting perceived online trust toward green brands. We propose a conceptual framework based on Stimulus-Organism-Response to understand whether VR can increase cognitive and affective experiential state and customers' perceived trust toward green brands.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Online communities are identified as people gathering online and communicating through the internet to share ideas, objectives, goals, without any geographical boundary. The growth of user-generated content created in online communities has transformed the way consumers search for and share information, particularly in the hospitality industry. Particularly, in the restaurant and food sectors due to the intangible nature of hospitality services, online reviews play an important role on consumer decisions. Furthermore, online reviews on restaurants are not only informational but also, they impact consumers’ choices regarding restaurants. Consequently, the nature of such user-generated content that is produced at a high speed and is diverse and rich should be treated and understood. This study proposes the first tailored BERTopic model together with sentiment analysis based on pre-trained BERT model that takes advantage of its novel sentence embedding for creating interpretable topics into the analysis of restaurant online reviews to determine how the customers elaborate their criteria in the context of certain experiences. An exploratory analysis is presented involving a large-scale review data set of 261,531 restaurant online reviews from 4 different countries retrieved from the eWOM community thefork.com. A broad list of the topics discussed by customers post-dining in restaurants is built. Insights into the behavior, experience, and satisfaction of the customers across the different restaurants are discovered. This approach and findings are encouraging hospitality managers in understanding customers’ perception, through which applicable marketing can be developed to attract and retain potential customers.