
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3,559

        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rare earth magnets with excellent magnetic properties are indispensable in the electric device, wind turbine, and e-mobility industries. The demand for the development of eco-friendly recycling techniques has increased to realize sustainable green technology, and the supply of rare earth resources, which are critical for the production of permanent magnets, are limited. Liquid metal extraction (LME), which is a type of pyrometallurgical recycling, is known to selectively extract the metal forms of rare earth elements. Although several studies have been carried out on the formation of intermetallic compounds and oxides, the effect of oxide formation on the extraction efficiency in the LME process remains unknown. In this study, microstructural and phase analyses are conducted to confirm the oxidation behavior of magnets pulverized by a jaw crusher. The LME process is performed with pulverized scrap, and extraction percentages are calculated to confirm the effect of the oxide phases on the extraction of Dy during the reaction. During the LME p rocess, Nd i s completely e xtracted a fter 6 h, w hile D y remains as D y2Fe17 and Dy-oxide. Because the decomposition rate of Dy2Fe17 is faster than the reduction rate of Dy-oxide, the importance of controlling Dy-oxide on Dy extraction is confirmed.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate 20 post-coronal mass ejection (CME) blobs formed in the post-CME current sheet (CS) that were observed by K-Cor on 2017 September 10. By visual inspection of the trajectories and projected speed variations of each blob, we nd that all blobs except one show irregular \zigzag" trajectories resembling transverse oscillatory motions along the CS, and have at least one oscillatory pattern in their instantaneous radial speeds. Their oscillation periods are ranging from 30 to 91 s and their speed amplitudes from 128 to 902 kms􀀀1. Among 19 blobs, 10 blobs have experienced at least two cycles of radial speed oscillations with di erent speed amplitudes and periods, while 9 blobs undergo one oscillation cycle. To examine whether or not the apparent speed oscillations can be explained by vortex shedding, we estimate the quantitative parameter of vortex shedding, the Strouhal number, by using the observed lateral widths, linear speeds, and oscillation periods of the blobs. We then compare our estimates with theoretical and experimental results from MHD simulations and uid dynamic experiments. We nd that the observed Strouhal numbers range from 0.2 to 2.1, consistent with those (0.15{3.0) from uid dynamic experiments of blu spheres, while they are higher than those (0.15{0.25) from MHD simulations of cylindrical shapes. We thus nd that blobs formed in a post-CME CS undergo kinematic oscillations caused by uid dynamic vortex shedding. The vortex shedding is driven by the interaction of the outward-moving blob having a blu spherical shape with the background plasma in the post-CME CS.