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        검색결과 881

        2007.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        벤토나이트의 분산/응집 거동은 시추이수의 성능에 큰 영향을 줌으로 주요 관심의 대상이 된다. 본 연구에서는 상업적으로 활용되고 있는 3종의 벤토나이트[2종의 CMC (carboxy-methyl cellulose)처리 벤토나이트와 1종의 무처리 벤토나이트]에 대하여 pH와 염분농도가 다른 용액에서의 분산/응집 특성을 분석하였다. 또한, 벤토나이트 현탁액의 점성 변화를 시추용 이수의 유동학적 측면에서 검토하였다. 벤토나이트의 분산/응집 거동은 비색분석법과 광분산법의 두 방법으로 측정되었으며, 광분산법으로 침전된 입자의 직경과 침전속도도 검토하였다. 벤토나이트의 종류와 수질에 따라 분산/응집 거동은 다양하게 나타났다. 초기 10분 동안에 모든 종류의 벤토나이트는 좋은 분산 특징을 보여주나, 이후에 CMC를 함유한 벤토나이트들은 다소 응집되는 특성을 보여주었다. 염수에서는 모든 시료들이 응집되는 특성을 보이여 응집속도는 염의 농도와 폴리머의 농도에 따라 변화하였다. 침전된 응집물의 부피는 염의 농도가 증가됨에 따라 감소하였다. 용액의 pH는 시료의 분산/응집 거동에 주요한 영향을 미치며, 응집 속도와 응집입자의 직경은 용액의 pH가 감소함에 따라 증가하였다. 반면에, 침전된 응집물의 부피는 pH가 증가됨에 따라 증가하였다. 응집 속도가 빠른 벤토나이트 분산용액은 점성이 낮았다. 다양한 환경에서 벤토나이트를 시추이수용으로 적용하고자 할 경우, 본 연구의 결과들은 유용한 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        When GA4 was applied to heading stage, it was examined to understand the change of plant hormones and starch during grain filling and ripening. Exogenous gibberellin caused a dramatic decrease in endogenous ABA content. Endogenous GA4 content in both superior and inferior part was more promoted in GA4-treated rice grain than in the control. GA1 content of an inferior part was not detected in the control and GA4-treated rice otherwise GA4 was detected in all grain parts. Ripened grain rate in GA4-treated rice grain was lower than that of the control plant. Amylopectin from GA4-treated grain contained more very short chains with degree of polymerization (DP) between 4 and 8 than amylopectin from the control plant. It suggests strongly that fine structure of rice endosperm may be changed by exogenously applied GA4 in rice plants.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper is a study of the relationships between trade and transshipment in Korea. Through the analysis of the data collected, a comprehensive model has been developed to analyze and predict relationships between trade and transshipment. By using analyses of port and trade evolution in Asia, the model identifies some important results. An application of the model to forecast developments in selected regions in China is also included in this paper. The paper provides a basis for shipping companies to decide on appropriate transshipment port strategies, and provides important theoretical references for Korean ports' development Supported by Shanghai leading Academic Discipline Project, project Number: T0602.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted in 2002 and 2003 to investigate variation on rice quality associated with cooking, and eating qualities under the three different fertilizer levels, none fertilizer level(N-P2O5-K2O=0-0-0kg/ha ), ordinary fertilizer level(N-P2O5-K2O=1l0-45-57kg/ha ), and heavy fertilizer level(N-P2O5-K2O=180-90-110kg/ha ). The eight resistant near-isogenic lines(NILs) for bacterial blight in rice were examined for grain appearances, several physicochemical properties, and palatability value measured by Toyo taste meter. Significant variations in NILs(V), Years(Y), and VxY interaction were recognized in grain length and palatability value under the none fertilizer cultivation, in grain width under the heavy fertilizer cultivation, and in white belly ratio under the three different fertilizer cultivations, respectively. According to increase the fertilizer application rate, variation in grain length and grain width were not significant, but grain thickness was thinner under the ordinary and heavy fertilizer cultivations than under the none fertilizer cultivation. On the other hand, white belly ratio, protein content and Mg/K ratio increased, while amylose content and palatability value lowered. Alkali spreading value lowed under the heavy fertilizer cultivation than under the none and ordinary fertilizer cultivations. Palatability value was significantly low in the line carrying XalJ than in the other lines under the ordinary fertilizer cultivations.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effect of biofertilizer (compound of microbial inoculants or groups of micro-organisms) on growth and yield of rice was investigated. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications and 7 treatments namely: RF=N-P2O5-K2O (11-5.5-4.8 kg 10a-1 ); half of the recommended fertilizer rate, HRF=N-P2O5-K2O (5.5-2.75-2.4 kg 10a-1 ); HRF+Bio 250=HRF combined with 250 kg biofertilizer 10a-1 ; HRF+Bio 500=HRF combined with 500 kg biofertilizer 10a-1 ; Bio 250=250 kg biofertilizer 10a-1 ; Bio 500=500 kg biofertilizer 10a-1 ; and NF = No Fertilizer. Results showed that the recorded values of plant height, tiller number and chlorophyll content at 40 to 60 days after transplanting (DAT) in HRF+Bio 500 were significantly higher than those recorded in the RF treatment. Similar observations between these two treatments were only recorded from 60 DAT onwards. Yield components were also superior in HRF+Bio 500 treatment and comparable to that of RF. The highest grain yield obtained in HRF+Bio 500 treatment (785.8 kg 10a-1 ) was statistically similar to that of RF (739.8 kg 10a-1 ) but significantly higher than that of NF (506.7 kg 10a-1 ). Finally, head grain recovery (90.9) was low while chalkiness (0.03) was high at HRF+Bio 500 treatment as compared with RF, which were (96.1) and (0.3), respectively. Results showed that combined treatment of HRF and 500 kg biofertilizer 10a-1 has similar effects on the growth and yield of rice with that of RF.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With 3 diferent recurrent parents (RPs) (‘Suwon 345’, ‘Iri 390’ and ‘Milyang 95’) and 3 diferent donor parents (‘Dae-cheongbyeo’, ‘RantaiEmas’ and ‘Chugoku 69’ for Xa1, Xa2 and Xa3, respectively), 9 near isogenic lines (NILs) were developedand subjected t
        2006.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Traditionally fatty acid composition used to be analysed by a GC and the sample preparation process includes lipid extraction from sample and subsequent methyl esters preparation, which are time-consuming and cumbersome. As an alternative, simultaneous extraction/methylation methods are being developed for rapid and simplified sample preparation. To optimize one-step extraction/methylation method for analysis of fatty acid composition in brown rice, various reaction factors such as sample to reaction solution ratio, reaction time and temperature, shaking intensity were changed and resultant fatty acid composition data were evaluated in comparison with previous reports. The ratio of sample weight to reaction solution volume was the most critical factor in that higher sample to reaction solution ratio caused overestimation of palmitic acid and linoleic acid composition, resulting in underestimation of oleic acid. Lower reaction temperature also induced overestimation of linoleic acid and underestimation of oleic acid. Reaction duration and the intensity of shaking prior to and during the reaction, however, caused no significant changes in analysis results. In conclusion, the optimum condition was mixing 5 grains (about 0.2 g) of brown rice with 680~muL of extraction/methylation mixture and 400~muL of heptane, followed by reaction at 80~circC for 2 hours.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To obtain some information on the change of antioxidant components of seeds during grain filling stage as affected by the sowing dates, lignan compounds were investigated according to days of flowering under different sowing dates. Sesamin and sesamolin contents showed significantly different by days of flowering and varieties. Both of sesamin and sesamolin content increased after flowering and reached highest at 40 days of flowering, but they started to decrease thereafter, Sesamin and sesamolin contents of sesame seeds changed with sowing dates. Generally, late sowing date of May 30 showed relatively higher accumulation rate of sesamin and sesamolin contents rather than other sowing dates, but overall patterns were a little different by varieties and lignan compounds. In Yangbaekkae, sesamin and sesamolin contents showed relatively higher at sowing date of May 30, but Yanghuckkae showed higher sesamin and sesamolin contents till 20 days of flowering when sowing date of May 30, but it showed to change that both lignan contents were relatively higher under sowing date of May 10.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Pod dehiscence (PD), defined as the opening of pods along both the dorsal and ventral sutures, causes the seed to shatter in the field before harvesting and results in loss of seed yields. However, breeding for resistance to PD is difficult due to the complicated genetic behavior and environmental interaction. The objective of the present research was to analyze the genetic behavior of PD for improving the breeding efficiency of resistance to PD in soybean. PD after oven-drying the sampled pod at 40~circC for 24 hours was the most reliable to predict the degree of PD tested in the field. Keunolkong, a dehiscent parent, was crossed with non-dehiscent parents, Sinpaldalkong and Iksan 10. Using their F1~;and~;F2 seeds, PD was measured after oven drying the pod at 40~circC for 24 hours. The gene conferring PD behaved in different manners depending on the genetic populations. In the Keunolkong~times Sinpaldalkong population, PD seemed to be governed by single major recessive gene and minor genes, while several genes were probably involved in the resistance to pod dehiscence in the Keunolkong~times Iksan 10 population. Heritability for PD estimated in F2 population showed over 90~% in the two populations. High heritability of PD indicated that selection for resistance to PD should be effective in a breeding program. In addition, genetic mapping of quantitative locus (QTL) for PD in both populations may reveal that genes conferring PD are population-specific
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ice yield and plant growth response to nitrogen (N) fertilizer may vary within a field, probably due to spatially variable soil conditions. An experiment designed for studying the response of rice yield to different rates of N in combination with variable soil conditions was carried out at a field where spatial variation in soil properties, plant growth, and yield across the field was documented from our previous studies for two years. The field with area of 6,600 m2 was divided into six strips running east-west so that variable soil conditions could be included in each strip. Each strip was subjected to different N application level (six levels from 0 to 165kg/ha), and schematically divided into 12 grids (10m ~times10m~;for~;each~;grid) for sampling and measurement of plant growth and rice grain yield. Most of plant growth parameters and rice yield showed high variations even at the same N fertilizer level due to the spatially variable soil condition. However, the maximum plant growth and yield response to N fertilizer rate that was analyzed using boundary line analysis followed the Mitcherlich equation (negative exponential function), approaching a maximum value with increasing N fertilizer rate. Assuming the obtainable maximum rice yield is constrained by a limiting soil property, the following model to predict rice grain yield was obtained: Y=107651-0.4704*EXP(-0.0117*FN)*MIN(I-clay,~;Iom,~;Icec,~;ITN,~; ISi) where FN is N fertilizer rate (kg/ha), I is index for subscripted soil properties, and MIN is an operator for selecting the minimum value. The observed and predicted yield was well fitted to 1:1 line (Y=X) with determination coefficient of 0.564. As this result was obtained in a very limited condition and did not explain the yield variability so high, this result may not be applied to practical N management. However, this approach has potential for quantifying the grain yield response to N fertilizer rate under variable soil conditions and formulating the site-specific N prescription for the management of spatial yield variability in a field if sufficient data set is acquired for boundary line analysis.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rice yield and protein content have been shown to be highly variable across paddy fields. In order to characterize this spatial variability of rice within a field, two-year experiments were conducted in 2002 and 2003 in a large-scale rice field of 6,600m2 In year 2004, an experiment was conducted to know if variable rate treatment (VRT) of N fertilizer, that was prescribed for site-specific management at panicle initiation stage, could reduce spatial variation in yield and protein content of rice while increasing yield compared to conventional uniform N topdressing (UN, 33kg N/ha at PIS) method. VRT nitrogen prescription for each grid was calculated based on the nitrogen (N) uptake (from panicle initiation to harvest) required for target rice protein content of 6.8~% , natural soil N supply, and recovery of top-dressed N fertilizer. The required N uptake for target rice protein content was calculated from the equations to predict rice yield and protein content from plant growth parameters at panicle initiation stage (PIS) and N uptake from PIS to harvest. This model· equations were developed from the data obtained from the previous two-year experiments. The plant growth parameters for the calculation of the required N were predicted non-destructively by canopy reflectance measurement. Soil N supply for each grid was obtained from the experiment of year 2003, and N recovery was assumed to be 60~% according to the previous reports. The prescribed VRT N ranged from 0 to 110kg N/ha with an average of 57kg/ha that was higher than 33 kg/ha of UN. The results showed that VRT application successfully worked not only to reduce spatial variability of rice yield and protein content but also to increase rough rice yield by 960kg/ha. The coefficient of variation (CV) for rice yield and protein content was reduced significantly to 8.1~% and 7.1~% in VRT from 14.6~% and 13.0~% in UN, respectively. And also the average protein content of milled rice in VRT showed very similar value of target protein content of 6.8~% . In conclusion the procedure used in this paper was believed to be reliable and promising method for reducing within-field spatial variability of rice yield and protein content. However, inexpensive, reliable, and fast estimation methods of natural N supply and plant growth and nutrition status should be prepared before this method could be practically used for site-specific crop management in large-scale rice field.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For developing the site-specific fertilizer management strategies of crop, it is essential to know the spatial variability of soil factors and to assess their influence on the variability of crop growth and yield. In 2002 and 2003 cropping seasons within-field spatial variability of rice growth and yield was examined in relation to spatial variation of soil properties in the· two paddy fields having each area of ca. 6,600m2 in Suwon, Korea. The fields were managed without fertilizer or with uniform application of N, P, and K fertilizer under direct-seeded and transplanted rice. Stable soil properties such as content of clay (Clay), total nitrogen (TN), organic mater (OM), silica (Si), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and rice growth and yield were measured in each grid of 10~times10m . The two fields showed quite similar spatial variation in soil properties, showing the smallest coefficient of variation (CV) in Clay (7.6~%) and the largest in Si (21.4~%) . The CV of plant growth parameters measured at panicle initiation (PIS) and heading stage (HD) ranged from 6 to 38~% , and that of rice yield ranged from 11 to 21~% . CEC, OM, TN, and available Si showed significant correlations with rice growth and yield. Multiple linear regression model with stepwise procedure selected independent variables of N fertilizer level, climate condition and soil properties, explaining as much as 76~% of yield variability, of which 21.6~% is ascribed to soil properties. Among the soil properties, the most important soil factors causing yield spatial variability was OM, followed by Si, TN, and CEC. Boundary line response of rice yield to soil properties was represented well by Mitcherich equation (negative exponential equation) that was used to quantify the influence of soil properties on rice yield, and then the Law of the Minimum was used to identify the soil limiting factor for each grid. This boundary line approach using five stable soil properties as limiting factor explained an average of about 50~% of the spatial yield variability. Although the determination coefficient was not very high, an advantage of the method was that it identified clearly which soil parameter was yield limiting factor and where it was distributed in the field.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ent-Kaurane- and ent-pimarane-type diterpenoids were isolated from the methanol extract of Siegesbeckia pubescens by column chromatography. Their structures were elucidated as ent-16α H,17-hydroxy-kau­ran-19-oic acid (1), ent-4,17-dihydroxy-16α -methyl-kau­ran-19-oic acid (2), ent-16β ,17-dihydroxy-kauran-19-oic acid (3), kirenol (4) and ent-16β ,17,18-trihydroxy-kauran­19-oic acid (5) by spectral analysis. The cytotoxicity of these compounds in Caki cells was assayed by a cell counting kit. Only one group treated with kirenol (4), an entpimarane-type diterpenoid, showed the inhibition of the cell growth in Caki cells.