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        검색결과 345

        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        모던 예술가들은 메두사가 지닌 성적으로 매력적이면서도 죽음을 연상케 하는 기괴한 모습에 사랑에 빠졌다. 이 이중적인 이미지에서 심미적인 힘뿐만 아니라 우리의 관습을 타파시킬 수 있는 잠재력을 발견했기 때문이다. 본 논문은 예이츠의 미친 제인이 바로 이 메두사의 디앤에이를 계승하고 있다고 주장한다. 그녀는 메두사 처럼 성적인 면과 폭력적인 면을 섞어 혁명적인 변화의 상징 역할을 한다. 이런 미친 제인은 예이츠는 그가 반대하는 방향으로 나갔던 아일랜드의 정치적 종교적 기득권 세력에게 던지는 질문이다. 누가 진짜 미쳤는가?
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        probiotics strains promoting the health are a collection of microorganisms that improve or restore microbial populations in the intestines. In this study, Leuconostoc probiotics was isolated from fermented gimchi and identified. Angelica dahurica, containing abundantly antioxidant activity, imperator, is a wildly grown species of angelica native. Before fermentation, total phenolics compound were 48.83 ± 4.9 GAE mg /g in the Angelica dahurica extract. After fermentation total phenolic compounds were 97.7 ± 12.6 GAE mg/g. The total amount of phenol in the fermented product was 30.2% higher than that before fermentation. The total flavonoid content before fermentation was 9.86 ± 4.3 mg / g and the total flavonoid content was 37.17 ± 7.4 mg/g after fermentation, which was 82.3% higher than before fermentation. The DPPH radical scavenging activity, superoxide radical scavenging activity, hydroxy radical scavenging activity and Fe++ chelating antioxidative activity of the Angelica dahurica extract were 41.6 ± 7.1%, 65.7 ± 8.4%, 55.26 ± 9.4% and 17.5 ± 4.6%, respectively. After fermentation, they were 60.3 ± 12.6%, 78.8 ± 8.3%, 56.9 ± 4.9% and 36.6 ± 8.9%, respectively. Therefore, the present study suggests that the fermentation using the probiotics strain of the Angelica dahurica extract can be used as a functional health food and cosmetic material with increased antioxidant capacity.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hairy root culture of ginseng is industrially prospected because the cultivation period of ginseng is relatively long. In this study, the effect of medium concentration and sucrose concentration on hairy root culture of ginseng was evaluated. The optimization of ginseng hairy roots transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogene were performed liquid medium. The MS(Murashinge & Skoog basal medium) concentration was selected with 1/2 strength MS and the optimal sucrose concentration was determined at 2-3%(w/v). At the optimum culture condition, The yield (the ratio of weight of grown hairy root cultures to weight of fresh ginseng hairy roots) and production rate of ginseng root were 19.42 times and 5.73 g/l-day. The major ginsenosides were Rb group, Re and Rg1. The produced total ginsenoside content in the solid medium was 9.87 (mg/g) and increased 1.34 times in the liquid medium (13.23 mg/g). In solid culture, the contents of ginsenosides Rb, Re and Rg1 were 2.14, 3.65 and 1.87 mg/g, respectively. In liquid culture, the contents of ginsenosides Rb, Re and Rg1 were 3.54, 4.12 and 2.63 mg/g, respectively.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내에서 절화국화를 재배하고 있는 27개 농가를 선정하여 시설과 재배현황, 수확 후 관리 및 유통 실태를 조사하였다. 재배농가들의 60%는 PE필름 비닐하우스에서 토양 관비재배 방법으로 절화국화를 재배하고 있었으며, 전남과 부산은 스탠다드 국화를 주로 재배하고 있었다. 자가채취 또는 업체에서 구매한 삽수를 플러그 육묘하여 발근묘를 생산하고 있었으며, 전남지역에서는 주로 재배상에 직접 삽목하고 있었다. 절화국화를 수확한 후 전처리로 열탕처리 또는 수돗물로 물올림을 실시하는 농가가 66.6%로 나타났다. 예냉은 70.4% 농가에서 실시하지 않았으며, 예냉하는 농가들은 주로 2~4℃에서 실시하고 있었다. 절화국화를 수확한 후 유통 물량을 조절하기 위해 70.4%의 농가에서 저장을 하고 있었으며, 2~4℃에서 48시간 이상 저장하고 있었다. 절화국화를 출하 전에 주로 개인별로 선별하고 있었으며, 일부 수출 농가에서만 공동선별을 하고 있었다. 유통에 있어서 모든 농가들은 국내로 출하하고 있었으며, 이들 농가 중 44.4%는 수출을 겸하고 있었다. 국내 시장으로 출하하는 경우, 63.0%의 농가에서 화훼경매장을 이용하고 있었다.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Alcohol intake is known to affect various organs in the human body, causing reduction of salivation in the oral cavity. Hypo-salivation effect of alcohol is a common feature, but the mechanism in salivary glands is still poorly studied. Therefore, in this study, the changes in salivary secretion and water channel protein (aquaporin5, AQP5) in salivary glands of mice were investigated after ethanol administration. Animals were divided in to 4 groups with the control, 4 g/kg ethanol, 8 g/kg ethanol and 16 g/kg ethanol administration groups. One hour after ethanol administration, saliva was collected from the oral cavity, and the animals were killed and parotid and submandibular glands were extracted to analyze the histopathology, AQP5 immunihistochemistry and AQP5 protein level. According to the results, the salivation rate decreased irrespective of the ethanol dose in mice, and viscosities increased with increase in ethanol dose. However, there were no pathological changes in parotid and submandibular glands due to ethanol administration. Expression of AQP5 in parotid and submandibular glands decreased with increase ethanol administration These results indicate that the reduction of salivary secretion due to acute alcohol intake is closely related to decrease of the water channel protein such as AQP5 in parotid glands and submandibular glands, rather than the damage of salivary glands.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Purpose The Jeju black cattle are a type of traditional Korean native cattle with a characteristic black fur that covers the entire body. The Jeju black cattle are rare breed and designated as national natural monuments in 2013. It is necessary to improve reproductive techniques for the preservation and proliferation of Jeju black cattle. Methionine acts as a precursor amino acid for glutathione in protection of cells from oxidative damage, and plays a vital role in detoxification. Low sperm motility causes infertility because when sperm do not have progressive motility, it was unable to reach the ovum. The purpose on this study was to investigate whether intake of L-methionine improves sperm motility and fertility. Materials and Methods 6 Jeju black cattles over 10 years of age are raised in Subtropical Livestock Research Institute, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA. 6 Jeju black cattles was fed with L-methionine with 10g/day during 6 weeks. Semen of Jeju black cattle were collected by artificial vaginal technique. Collected sperm was diluted with AndroMed® extender and cryopreserved in 0.5 ml French straws. Fresh and freeze-thawed sperm viability and motility were evaluated by CASA. Results The viability and progressive motility of fresh spermatozoa(live spermatozoa means: from 74.41% to 80.22%, progressive motility means: from 80.60% to 95.40%) and freeze-thawed spermatozoa(live spermatozoa means: from 51.26% to 62.05%, progressive motility: from 29.68% to 45.44%) incresed after L-methionine ingestion. Conclusion The intake of L-methionine in genetically valuable cattle over 10 years of age seems to be useful for improving sperm function.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This summer, Korea had to deal with extreme heat wave. In this research, fruit flies (Drosophila) were used to analyze the behavior of insects at a high temperature. For the experiment, three male and female fruit flies were put in each of 4 media vials. One vial was incubated at 25°C, the average temperature in August. In three vials, fruit flies were incubated in each 28°C, 30°C, and 32°C for the experiment. The breeding coefficient and death rate were calculated by counting the number of imago fruit flies in each vial and how many of them died. Also, we observed various behavioral differences. The air speed velocity of fruit flies was measured to compare the difference in behavior of fruit flies. Finally, size of them were observed by dissecting microscope. From this research, we can realize the correlation between global warming and the ecosystem of insects.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of manual therapy on lower extremity alignment in pelvic malalignment. The subjects were 20 adults with pelvic malalignment. They were divided into two groups: manual therapy group (n=10) and stretching exercise group (n=10). Each group performed the intervention two times per week for 4 weeks. The lower extremity alignment was measured by pelvic deviation, functional leg length inequality, and plantar pressure distribution, which were measured between pre- and post-test. In the result of pelvic deviation, there was a significant difference between the pre- and post-test of the manual therapy group and stretching exercise group. In the result of the functional leg length inequality, there was a significant difference between the pre- and post- test of the manual therapy group. In the result of plantar pressure distribution, there was a significant difference between the pre- and post- test of the manual therapy group. These findings suggest manual therapy improves the pelvic deviation, functional leg length inequality, and plantar pressure distribution in the pelvic malalignment.