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        검색결과 1,895

        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When treating the 3rd instar larvae of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, with sublethal doses (LC10) of chlorantraniliprole, indoxacarb and spinosad via leaf dipping, their tolerance to insecticides was significantly enhanced. By analyzing the differentially expressed genes (DEGs), we found a number of genes that respond commonly or specifically to the test insecticides. With the criteria of p value < 0.05 and Log2FC > 1/ < -1, a total of 476, 367 and 410 genes were determined to respond specifically to chlorantraniliprole, indoxacarb and spinosad, respectively. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis revealed that the cuticle reorganization is commonly associated in all treatments and the oxidative stress-related process is also shown in all insecticides except spinosad. Finally, the DEGs seemingly related with enhanced tolerance were chosen for further characterization, and reliability of the transcriptome data were confirmed by quantitative PCR. The functional categories of these DEGs included mostly detoxification related genes, cuticle proteins, energy metabolism and transcriptional regulation. While the commonly responding DEGs suggest that they are likely involved in defense against common intoxication process, the DEGs specifically responded to each insecticide suggests the presence of unique tolerance mechanisms to each insecticide depending on their different structure and mode of action. Their possible roles in the tolerance/resistance development were discussed.
        2019.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The era of globalization has created a proverbial ‘rush’ to utilize trade and investment in developing nations. Growing fear over the abuse of developed nations’ bargaining power in these areas led the WTO to adopt remedial measures ensuring the protection of developing nations during disputes. The WTO’s dispute settlement system is unequivocally the most comprehensive form of the resolution of disputes among its Member States. Despite the numerous privileges and safeguards offered to developing Members States, reluctance and a lack of understanding in using the WTO dispute resolution process remain within these nations. This paper explains the options available to these nations, in an attempt to attract to use the dispute resolution process, and offers key insight on future amendments that can facilitate developing Member’s participation in the future. It will further articulate the statutory safeguards and favors provided to developing countries in DSS.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        By analyzing the status of Korean tire labeling regulation and comparing the performance indicators of tire labeling in different countries, this paper expounds the serious impact of tire noise on traffic noise pollution, and puts forward that in order to improve the comfort of car ride, control traffic noise pollution and build a green tire industry, the tire labeling system should be improved, and the corresponding requirements for tire rolling noise should be put forward according to the road conditions in Korea.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study on the tire noise due to the On-Board Sound Intensity test method. The object of this project is to prepare the countermeasure of the noise reduction according to collect tire/road noise data under various influencing factors by using On-Board Sound Intensity test method. To accomplish the object ; A automotive is used as a test platform to test tire/road noise by changing different types of tires and using On-Board Sound Intensity test system. The influence of inflation pressure, road, load, speed and pattern type on tire/road noise is compared and analyzed. At the same time, the mechanism of tire/road noise is analyzed, which provides a experimental basis for tire noise reduction.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies (IMSNG) is a high cadence observation program monitoring nearby galaxies with high probabilities of hosting supernovae (SNe). IMSNG aims to constrain the SN explosion mechanism by inferring sizes of SN progenitor systems through the detection of the shock-heated emission that lasts less than a few days after the SN explosion. To catch the signal, IMSNG utilizes a network of 0.5-m to 1-m class telescopes around the world and monitors the images of 60 nearby galaxies at distances D < 50 Mpc to a cadence as short as a few hours. The target galaxies are bright in near-ultraviolet (NUV) with MNUV < - 18.4 AB mag and have high probabilities of hosting SNe (0.06 SN yr-1 per galaxy). With this strategy, we expect to detect the early light curves of 3.4 SNe per year to a depth of R  19:5 mag, enabling us to detect the shock-heated emission from a progenitor star with a radius as small as 0.1 R . The accumulated data will be also useful for studying faint features around the target galaxies and other science projects. So far, 18 SNe have occurred in our target fi elds (16 in IMSNG galaxies) over 5 years, confi rming our SN rate estimate of 0.06 SN yr-1 per galaxy.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present the analysis of KMT-2016-BLG-0212, a low flux-variation (Iflux−var ∼ 20 mag) microlensing event, which is in a high-cadence (Γ = 4hr −1) field of the three-telescope Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) survey. The event shows a short anomaly that is incompletely covered due to the brief visibility intervals that characterize the early microlensing season when the anomaly occurred. We show that the data are consistent with two classes of solutions, characterized respectively by low-mass brown-dwarf (q = 0.037) and sub-Neptune (q < 10−4) companions. Future high-resolution imaging should easily distinguish between these solutions.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In late 1950’s, the beginning of container revolution has started a new paradigm shift in maritime industry worldwide. This new paradigm has become a major reason for seaport systems to prepare their physical capacity, space availability, multi-modalism, transport connectivity via regionalisation. However, in early 2010’s the introduction of industrial revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) which starts the era of immersive digitalization proved that seaport systems need to be prepared to face pattern of unstable magnitudes in dynamic maritime trade. Therefore, this paper analyses key components required for Malaysian seaport system to be aligned with the key requirements in IR4.0. By employing document analysis, this research analyses the challenges faced by Malaysian seaport system as well as suggests strategies to muddle through the key requirements of IR4.0. The findings from this research indicate that Malaysian seaport system need to be improved by enforcing skill-based education system, flexibility in labour structure, development in skill and competence level as well as improvement in infrastructure suitability. The findings from this research also reflect significant strategies to improve seaport system in the era of IR4.0 including enhancing requirements for intermodal terminals, improving preparation for seaport alliances, developing mechanism for interoperability, improving utilisation of intra and interregional economic development as well as scrutinising safety and security.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To preserve the superior genetic resources and restore the endangered species, Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been used widely. In Korea, the research of dog cloning has made outstanding achievements including the production of the world`s first cloned dog. Sapsaree (Sapsalgae), the representative dog of Gyeongsan-si was designated as a Korea natural monument (No. 368). This male dog used in this study has azoospermia due to unknown cause. In this study, the aim was to confirm the cause of infertility in the cell donor dog and to evaluate the reproduction potential of dog cloning using infertile male dog by SCNT. First, to confirm the infertility of the cell donor dog, the reproductive history and the testis were evaluated. The breeding histology was not recorded in individual document. In histopathology, the Sertoli cell tumor was confirmed in biopsy of the cell donor dog after death. But, these tumors are predominantly in older dogs. Second, we produced the cloned dogs with the somatic cells of the infertile dog and the appearance was similar with the cell donor dog. Also, microsatellite analysis confirmed the genetic relationship between the cell donor and clone dogs. Third, the potential breeding capacity of the cloned dog was confirmed. In T4 assay, the normal dog (same age with cloned dogs), cell donor dog, and cloned dogs was investigated. The cell donor dog with azoospermia had very low T4 level, and cloned dogs showed higher level of T4 than normal dogs. In CASA, There was no significant difference in sperm motor ability between normal dogs and cloned dogs. As a result, cloned dogs produced by SCNT had no problem regarding the reproductive function of the testis. In AI experiment, the semen of clone dogs was used to fertilize a natural female bitch and was diagnosed pregnancy by ultrasonography. In total, 7 puppies were born by normal delivery (male: 3, female: 4). In conclusion, this study confirmed that the reproduction problem of non-genetic infertility can generate a normal descendant by SCNT. Also, the first successful research to restore infertile dogs was completed. Furthermore, SCNT would be useful for the restoration of endangered species and application of superior traits.