
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, the e-commerce live streaming industry has emerged, and Chinese consumers‘ requirements for product quality, shopping experience and after-sales service have been constantly increasing. Therefore, for e-commerce enterprises, grasping consumers’ satisfaction with live streaming with goods is extremely important. In March 2024, this study conducted in-depth interviews with 20 interviewees in Wuxi City, constructed the main categories and contents of the live streaming with goods satisfaction scale assessment, designed the questionnaire based on this, and collected and retained 325 valid questionnaires through the Questionnaire Star platform from March 23 to 31 of the same year. Later, through empirical analysis, a satisfaction scale system for Chinese consumers‘ e-commerce live streaming covering 3 first-level indicators of anchor characteristics, live streaming interaction and live streaming environment, 5 second-level indicators and 29 items was constructed, filling the gap in related research. It provides a comprehensive evaluation tool for e-commerce enterprises to optimize products and services, formulate marketing strategies, improve the live streaming environment, and enhance the interactive experience, which is of great guiding significance. At the same time, it also provides useful guidance for Korean e-commerce enterprises to understand the needs of Chinese consumers, optimize live streaming content and interactive experience, and improve user retention and loyalty.