
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This article illustrates how children learn to understand written materials independently from a psychological point of view, without the aid of mouth, ears and eyes (reading pivot). Under the guidance of classification theory of teaching objective, what pupils should master in learning vernacular Chinese and classical Chinese reading skills is procedural knowledge, which is what macro teaching program (curriculum aim formation, textbook compilation) and micro teaching plan (class hour teaching plan, lesson preparation) highlight. It is necessary to limit the share of declarative knowledge in order to avoid squeezing the time for procedural knowledge learning. Pupils learn how to pause correctly, read fluently, recognize and write Chinese characters, which are all procedural knowledge. The low efficiency of Chinese teaching in primary school owes much to many unnecessary declarative knowledge added to procedural knowledge learning. Pupil’s writing ability should be trained according to the laws of motor skills.
        2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Neither Chinese character (Hanzi) learning nor classicalChinese literature instruction should be done in isolation. This paperexplores the way to integrate Hanzi learning, classical Chineseliterature and comprehensive reading in primary schools. It firstdiscusses the hypothetical mental process of children’s readingcompetence development. Guided by this hypothesis, children couldeasily learn Chinese characters in their reading practice, higher gradeprimary school students could learn to fluently read simple classicalChinese articles with proper pause, and they do not need to spend extratime on Chinese learning. In this paper, all of the practices are guidedby the principles of teaching target category in the curriculum designtheories accepted worldwide, such as how we teach students learn tocorrectly write the commonly used Hanzi required by course standards, howwe teach students to write Hanzi in a standard way so that theirhandwriting looks good, how we teach students to learn Pinyin, and howstudents could improve both reading and writing skills in comparativeclassical Chinese literature reading exercises, etc..