현재 제주도 서귀포시 제주감귤연구소에서 개발중인 내풍형 2중 아치 비닐하우스에 풍하중을 재하하여 탄성수치해석을 시도한 결과, 풍동실험에 의하면 파풍망의 효과는 풍속이 5∼25m/s 일 때 파풍망을 통과한 유출속도가 86∼98%까지 감소하여 매우 효과적임을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구에서는 일반적으로 사용하고 있는 파이프를 지반에 고정시키는 경계조건을 주지 않고 설치한 피라미드형 콘크리트 지지대의 사하중을 지점에 재하하여 경계조건을 준 결과, 하우스가 풍하중의 양력에 의하여 위로 들리는 거동을 나타내고 있었다. 이러한 거동은 현장에서 목격되는 파괴형상이 기초 전체가 인발되고 파이프가 콘크리트 기초로부터 인발됨으로써 야기되는 파괴요인이 된다. 본 연구에서 재하한 45m/s의 풍하중은 재현기간이 100년에 대한 값으로 반영구적인 구조물에 기준으로 비닐하우스의 내구수명이 상대적으로 짧으므로 이 풍하중을 감소시켜서 설계할 수 있었다. 또한 본 연구에서는 지붕아치가 연결되는 Y-형 접속장치를 내부힌지로 모델링한 것을 제외하고는 모든 연결을 고정연결로 보아 해석하였다.
In many combustion systems, swirling combustion air is extensively applied as an aid for stabilization of high intensity combustion pocesses. Swirl, generally, causes significant effects on the flow field which, in turn, determines the size, shape, and stability of flames, and combustion intensity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of swirls on flames produced from a model combustor designed in this paper. In order to impart swirls to the combustion air, a movable block swirl generator was used. Temperature distribution and radiative heat flux along the centerline of the swirling flame were measured. Data obtained from these swirl flows can be used as design data for high intensity or high efficiency combustion systems. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Flame temperature profiles were measured at various swirl number. 2. The axial distance for maximum temperature from the centerline of burner increased as the swirl number increased. 3. Radiative heat flux increased as the swirl number and axial distance from burner increased.
Ifis recommended that the injection rate should be accurate and reliable in the input data of the performance simulation in diesel engine. Matsuoka Sin improved W. Bosch's injection ratio measurement system. Matsuoka Sin reduced length of the test pipe and set the orifice. However, it was not measured accurately to measure the injection ratio due to reflection wave. In the present thesis, the improved measurement system with combination of the conventional W. Bosch type injection ratio measurement system and Matsuoka Sin type corrected W. Bosch type was practically made. The location of orifice and throttle valve was modified and set one more back pressure valve in order to reduce the effect of reflection wave. The results according to injection condition of multi-hole nozzle are following: 1. Measurement error of injection ratio measurement system in this thesis was ± 1 %, therefore, its reliability was good. 2. The form of injetion ratio is changed from trapezoidal shape to triangle shape with increase of revolution per minute when injection amount is constant. 3. In the case of constant rpm, the initial injection ratio is almost constant regardless of the amount, meanwhile the injection period becomes longer with increase of the amount. 4. The injection pressure of nozzle isn't largely influenced with injection ratio in the case of constant injection amount and rpm, otherwise the initial injection amount is increased by 3-4% when the injection pressure is low. 5. The injection ratio isn't nearly influenced with back pressure.