Orthokeratienized odontogenic cyst (OOC) is a comparatively unusual developmental odontogenic cyst arising from odontogenic epithelium. Recurrence has rarely been noted, and has been reported in less than 2% of cases. Epidermoid cyst (EDC) is a benign cystic lesion, which is lined by stratified squamous epithelium and includes keratin debris. They can present anywhere in the body but are rare in the head and neck areas. In this report, we present an uncommon case of simultaneous occurrence of OOC in mandible and EDC around the areas of both ears in a patient who has no history of genetic syndrome.
Dentigerous cyst is considered one of the representative cystic lesions, which accounts for approximately 15%-30% of the odontogenic cysts. Although its recurrence rate is low, a small proportion of dentigerous cysts converted into ameloblastomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and mucoepidermoid carcinomas. Here we present an uncommon case characterized by histopathological transformation from a dentigerous cyst to an ameloblastoma, and further investigate the factors contributing to its conversion.
Through the analysis of load behavior for two load cases, the fixing equipment developed shows higher limit load than maximum load data sensed in site experiments, which proves that the suggested fixing equipment have higher safety.
Through the analysis of load behavior for two fixing equipments, the suggested fixing equipment shows higher limit load than an existing fixing equipment, which proves that the suggested fixing equipment have higher safety.
It has becoming issue of damage in finishing materials of the exterior and interior when have to the transportation and lifting. So the purpose of this study is analyze for correlation of load on connecting part of unit modular when transporting unit modular by vehicle
Based on the study of development of motor-driven electric tool, it was found that the use of the mechanism developed was effective to bolt unit modules. On the other hand, an additional study is required such as torque of the tool.
본 연구는 충남 도서지역의 민속식물을 파악하기 위하여 2011년 3월부터 10월까지 수행되었다. 4개 시 군 지역에 속하는 17개 도서지역에서 주민 50여명을 대상으로 작성된 조사야장 905매의 설문조사를 분석한 결과, 충남 도서지역에서 파악되고 수집된 민속식물은 84과 219속 246종 3아종 22변종 3품종의 총 274분류군이었다. 조사야장에 따른 274분류군에 대한 용도별 이용현황은 식용 169분류군, 약용 134분류군, 관상용 67분류군, 향신료 17분류군, 향료 7분류군, 연료 7분류군, 유지 6분류군, 염료 5분류군, 밀원 4분류군, 섬유 3분류군, 수지 1분류군, 기타 26분류군으로, 식용으로의 이용 빈도가 가장 높았다. 연령별 표준식물명과 지방명의 일치도는 50대가 가장 높았으며, 60대가 가장 낮았다.