After analyzing of heating value of four kinds of RDF, the RDF-D has the highest heating value, was chosen to be mixed with carbonized sludge by different ratio. The 85%:15% ratio, which has the highest efficiency, was analyzed with thermogravimetric and pyrolysis kinetics. Applying of Kissinger method, activation energy was obtained from slope which is calculated from relation of ln(β/T2 m) and 1/Tm. The kinetic parameters obtained from Kissinger method were 46.06 kJ/mol of RDF, 55.99 kJ/mol of carbonized sludge and 40.68 kJ/mol of mixture of RDF and carbonized sludge. The mixture of RDF and carbonized sludge has the lowest activation energy and frequency factor, during thermal decomposition reaction it has the slowest reaction rate and needs the lowest energy. Although activation energy with pyrolysis of RDF was irregularly scattered, it showed that activation energy was stabilized by co-pyrolysis of RDF and additives(Carbonized Sludge).
In this study, activation energy of lignite, RPF and a sample mixed both of them was obtained through kinetics characteristics analysis in pyrolysis in order to identify the applicability of RPF as an assistant fuel. TGA (Thermogravimetric analysis) was conducted with follow experimental conditions; in a nitrogen atmosphere, gas flow rate of 20 ml/min, heating rate of 5 ~ 50oC/min, and maximum hottest temperature of 800oC. As a result of TGA, it showed that pyrolysis of samples mixed with 20% and 10% of RPF were more stable than other mixed ratio, and 20% of RPF was the most similar with lignite in activation energy.
This study investigated the environmental awareness synthetically with the drawing activity for making up for the weak points in the writing test that cannot measure emotional aspects. This study found that students have negative viewpoints on reasonable judgement for the present and future environment of the earth, while they show hope to live in better environment in their mind. Furthermore, it found that the drawing activity can be adopted as a complement for the traditional measuring method of the environmental awareness, through which this middle school students' sensibility to the environment can be shown. It also inferred that the drawing activity can be used as a way of education during school classes for environment and it can increase the sensibility to the environment in mind.