
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2019.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recycling of drained nutrient solution in hydroponic cultivation of horticultural crops is important in the conservation of the water resources, reduction of production costs and prevention of environmental contamination. Objective of this research was to obtain the fundamental data for the development of a recirculation system of hydroponic solution in semi-forcing cultivation of ‘Bonus’ tomato. To achieve the objective, tomato plants were cultivated for 110 days and the contents of inorganic elements in plant, supplied and drained nutrient solution were analyzed when crop growth were in the flowering stage of 2nd to 8th fruiting nodes. The T-N content of the plants based on above-ground tissue were 4.1% at the flowering stage of 2nd fruiting nodes (just after transplanting), and gradually get lowered to 3.9% at the flowering stage of 8th fruiting nodes. The tissue P contents were also high in very early stage of growth and development and were maintained to similar contents in the flowering stage of 3rd to 7th fruiting nodes, but were lowed in 8th node stages. The tissue Ca, Mg and Na contents in early growth stages were lower than late growth stages and the contents showed tendencies to rise as plants grew. The concentration differences of supplied nutrient solution and drained solution in NO3-N, P, K, Ca, and Mg were not significant until 5 weeks after transplanting, but the concentration of those elements in drained solution rose gradually and maintained higher than those in supplied solution. The concentrations of B, Fe, and Na in drained solution were slightly higher in the early stages of growth and development and were significantly higher in the mid to late stages of growth than those in supplied solution. The above results would be used as a fundamental data for the correction in the inorganic element concentrations of drained solution for semi-forcing hydroponic cultivation of tomato.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        충남농업기술원 예산국화시험장에서 생장이 균일하고 조기개화성인 스프레이국화 신품종을 육성하기 위하여 모본으로 백/자주색 홑꽃의 ‘Handsome’을 부본으로 백/자주색 홑꽃의 ‘Yes Morning’을 인공 교배하여 실생종자를 채종하였다. 2005년 실생집단으로부터 개화가 균일하고 볼륨감이 우수한 개체를 선발하여 ‘SP05-014-08’로 계통명을 부여하였고, 2006년부터 2008년까지 3년간에 걸쳐 주년 생산성 검정을 통해 ‘Yes Now’을 육성하였다.‘Yes Now’의 자연개화기는 10월 하순경으로 촉성 및 억제재배가 가능하다. ‘Yes Now’는 홑꽃이고 꽃잎은 복색계통인 백/자주색(Red-Purple 59A)이며 화심의 색은 녹황색(Yellow Green 144C)이다. 꽃의 직경은 5.2cm이고 착화수는 본당 13.2개이며 절화수명은 18.8일로 긴 편이다.개화반응주수는 7.0주로 빠른편이고, 줄기가 굵고 볼륨이우수하여 절화 생산량이 많은 편이다. 재배상 유의점은고온기에 화색이 변색되므로 서늘하게 관리하여야 한다.