
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a pa rt 0 1' the effort to develop a suitable scaffold for tissue-engineered bone regene ration, we modified calcium metaphosphate(CMP) ce ramic with 5 mol% Na20 or K20 to improve t he biodegradability and evaluated their effi ciency as a biodegr adable scaffold for ti ssue-engineered bone regeneration. The macroporous αiIP ceramic blocks incor porated with 5 mol% Na20 or K20 were prepa recl to have average pore size of 250 um in an inte rconnectecl framework structure The influ e nce of inco r pora tecl 5 mol% Na20 or K20 on cytotoxicity‘ cellular attachmont and t heir clifferentiation was evaluated by in vit ro analyzing sys tern. res pectively. The bioclegradability, histocompatibility, and osteogenic effect by cell-scaffolcl co nstruc ts were evalua ted by im plantation of them into subcutaneous pouches of SD-rats 0 1' SCID ITllce The incorporation of 5 mol% Na20 or K20 causecl clecrease of compressive strength without improving of biodegr adabili ty . The moclifi ed scaffolcls revea led no cy totoxic and excell ent biocompatability but osteogneic effect was recluced compa red to pure CMP ce ramic porous blocks . These res ul Ls s ugge::;t tha t the incorporation of 5 mol% Na20 0 1' K20 into pure CMP is not effective for improv ing effï ciency 0 1' scaffolcls fo1' tissue-engineered bone regeneration in terms of bioclegradabi li ty‘ physical s trength . a ncl osteogenic rege ne ra tive effect