
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This was aim to study the changes of components by different parts and maturity of tomato. Tomato include the green pigment chlorophyll, the yellow pigment-carotene. the red pigment lycopene and the other component. These colors of tomatoes are reported to have important functional roles to promote health in human. The main objective of this study was to define changes in the content of the four tomato maturation that is ascorbic acid, chlorophyll, carotene, lycopene. A ascorbic acid contents of tomato fruits was the highest at 50th day. Chlorophyll contents of tomatoes fruits was the highest at 10th days after flowering. α-carotene contained low-quantity while all growth period. β-carotene contained the highest at 50th days after flowering, 1036.97μg. Lycopene contained the highest at 50th days after flowering, 5800μg.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This was aim to study the changes of components by different parts and maturity of tomato. We found that orally fed tomatine which induced a significant reduction in cholesterol in hamster in contrast to potato glycoalkaloids, the safety of tomatine was supported by our observation that pickled green tomatoes consumed widely in many countries has a high tomatine content. The tomatoes harvested during the first stage(10 days after flowering) contained tomatine 6333.49μg per 100g and dohydrotomatine and α-tomatine in a ratio of about 1:13.8. The tomatine content then decreased by about 85% during stage 2(20 days after flowering) an dehydrotomatine contene dropped to a value near zero during stage 3, 4 It on the tomatine content dropped to a value near zero during the final stage(50 days after flowering). With respect to health benefits at all stages of maturity, unripe tomato contain chlorophyll and α-tomatine should consumed.