
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recent remarkable progress in the semiconductor industry has promoted smaller size of semiconductor chips and increased amounts of heat generation. So, the demand for a substrate material to meet both the characteristics of thermal expansion coefficient and heat radiation has been on the increase. Under such conditions, tungsten(W)-copper(Cu) has been proposed as materials to meet both of the above characteristics. In the present study, the W-10wt.%Cu powders were synthesised by the mixing and hydrogen reduction of the starting mixture materials such as W-Cu, and in order to obtain the full densification. The W-10wt.%Cu produced by hydrogen reduction showed the higher interparticle friction than the simple mixed W-10wt%Cu because of the W agglomerates. In the dilatometric analysis the W-10wt.%Cu prepared from the was largely shrank by heating up at the constant heating rate of /min. The possibility of application of metal injection molding (MIM) was also investigated for mass production of the complex shaped W-Cu parts in semiconductor devices. The relationship between the temperature of molding die and the pressure of injection molding was analyzed and the heating up stage of 120- in the debinding process was controlled for the most suitable MIM condition.