종래의 지구과학 교과서에서는 대중 과학잡지를 비롯한 각종 언론 매체에서 자주 다루는 최신 천문 현상들에 대한 내용이 매우 부실하였다. 2009 개정 과학과 교육과정에서는 이러한 내용들을 적극 수용하자는 것이 주요 개정 방향 중 하나이다. 추가로, 천문학과 물리학의 깊은 연관성에도 불구하고 그동안 지구과학 교과에서는 현대 물리학의 개념, 물리 교과에서는 천문학과의 연관성에 대한 내용이 많이 다루어지지 않았다. 따라서 2009 개정 과학과 교육과정에서는 과학의 융합 개념을 강조하고 있다. 위의 두 가지를 모두 포함하는 분야들 중 하나로서 고에너지 천체의 격변광 현상을 들 수 있다. 본 연구는 e-Science를 이용한 천체 관측의 실시간 자료 전송 및 영상화를 소개하였다. 그 첫 단계의 실험으로서 우리는 국가 연구 교육 시험망의 하나인 KOREN을 이용한 국내 최초의 한 일간 천문 관측 자료의 대용량 자료 전송 실험을 실시하였다. 또한 천문학 및 천체물리학 관측 분야에서 활발하게 진행되는 세계 각국의 e-Science 분야들을 소개하고, 과학탐구활동 및 과학 대중화 활동과 어떻게 연결되어 진행되는지 소개하였다. 아직 걸음마 단계인 국내 천문 분야의 e-Science에 있어서 우리의 실험이 가지는 과학적 및 교육적 의미를 짚어보고, 머지않아 상용화될 Gbps급 인터넷 환경에 있어서 이와 같은 실험의 과학탐구활동 및 과학 대중화 활동에 있어서의 활용을 전망해 보았다.
열적으로 불안정한 강착원반의 비선형 유체역학적 모형에 기초하여 블랙홀 마이크로케이사의 광폭발 한계 순환주기에 대한 원반 질량의 시간적 진화 모형을 계산하였다. 블랙홀의 질량, 원반 크기 및 질량 유입률과 같은 물리적인 매개변수들은 블랙홀 X선 신성의 원형인 A0620-00에서 관측된 역사적인 1975 광폭발을 재현하도록 선택되었다. 중심부에서 원반으로 쪼여지는 조사(照射)의 시간에 따른 효과는 직접 조사와 원반위의 뜨거운 강착 흐름으로부터 굴절되어 원반에 쪼여지는 간접조사의 두 가지 방법이 고려되었다. 우리의 강착원반 열적 불안정성 모형은 광폭발의 순환과정 전반에 걸쳐 X-선 변광체들에서 관측된 광도의 전형적인 복사 광도를 설명할 수 있다. 강착원반의 최대질량 ∼4.03×1024g은 광폭발의 점화 때에 얻어지며, 최소질량 ∼8.54×1023g은 차가운 쇠퇴기와 정지기(靜止期) 때에 이루어진다. 원반의 질량은 광폭발 한계 순환주기에 걸쳐 약 5배 정도 변한다.
In this paper, we analyze the scientific inquiries type on Almanac and Historical Astronomy asked through the Q&A service in Korea Astronomy and Science Institute(KASI) webpage with the aid of scientific inquiries analysis methods. We also study the contents of the questions. Specifically, we have created statistics of questions and inquiries, and have developed categories to analyze the characteristics of questions with regard to their cognitive aspects. Each question is categorized as either of the two elements based on their recognitive aspect: science knowledge or science study. Each element also has sub-categories that help the reader understand the characteristics of the questions. For the analysis, we used the sample consisting of questions collected from April, 2005 to June, 2007. Through this study, we achieved a better understanding of the questions in the area of Almanac and Historical Astronomy asked in the Q&A service. Throughout this study, we find that the need of questions in the area of Almanac and Historical Astronomy are increasing with time, and the overall quality of the questions is getting improved. As we expect that the number of people using our Q&A service will increase and that the questions will get more difficult to answer, development of improved contents is required.
The Korean Astronomical Data Center(KADC) in Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute(KASI) has developed a database of astronomical journals published by the Korean Astronomical Society and the Korean Space Science Society. It consists of all bibliographic records of the Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society(JKAS), Publication of the Korean Astronomical Society(PKAS), and Journal of Astronomy & Space Sciences(JASS). The KADC provides useful search functions in the search page such as search criterion of bibcode, publication date, author names, title words, or abstract words. The journal name is one of the search criterion in which more than one journal can be designated at the same time. The criterion of author name is provided bilingually: English or Korean. The abstract and full text can be downloaded as PDF files. It is also possible to search papers related to a specific research topic published in Korean astronomical journals, provided by the KADC, which often cannot be found the worldwide, Astrophysics Data System(ADS) services. The KADC will become basic infrastructure for the systematic construction of bibliographic records, and hence, make the society of Korean astronomers more interactive and collaborative.
An archiving system designed to enable documenting database of astronomical images, with functions of search and download, is being developed by Korean Astronomical Data Center(KADC) of Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute(KASI). The system consists of three PCs for web server, database server, and system management server. The search program for the web environment is operated in the web server. In the management server, several utility program we developed are installed: input program for the database, program for transfer from fits to jpg files, program for data recovery and management, and programs for statistics and connect management. The collected data would be sorted out by the system manager to input into the database. The online input is possible in an observatory where the data is produced. We applied the content management system(CMS) module for the database management. On the basic of CMS module, we set up a management system for the whole life cycle of metadata from creation and collection to storage and deletion of the data. For the search function, we employed a technique to extract indices from the metadata. In addition, MySQL is adopted for DBMS. We currently display about 2,700 and 25,000 photographs for astronomical phenomena and astronomical objects on the data, respectively.
The aim of this work was to establish an optimal condition for determination of apparent density and flow rate for warm compacting powder. For this purpose it was evaluated uncertainty on them according to ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement. This evaluation example would be useful even in powder fluidity measurement at room temperature.
통상적인 금속분말의 성형은 분말야금 공정으로 이루어지기 때문에 복잡한 형상의 부품을 구현하는 데는 제약이 있다. 하지만, 1970년대 후반 이래 새로운 금속분말의 성형기술로 크게 각광을 받으며 연구되고 있는 금속분말사출성형(Metal Powder Injection Molding, MIM) 기술을 이용하면 다양한 형태의 부품을 성형할 수 있다 최근에는 이러한 MIM 기술을 이용하여 다양한 산업분야에 응용될 수 있는 마이크로 부품을 제조하고자 하는 연구개발
The high temperature deformation behavior of the activated sintered W powder compacts was investigated. The W compact showed the relative density of 94% with the average W grain size of by activated sintering at for 1 hour. Compression tests were carried out in the temperature range of at the strain rate range of /sec - /sec. True stress-strain curve and microstructure exhibited the grain boundary brittleness which was dependent on the compression test temperature. The activated sintered W compact showed that the maximum stress as well as the strain at the maximum stress was abruptly decreased as the test temperature increase from to 1000 and regardless of the strain rate. The discrepancy of the microstructure in the specimen center was obviously observed with the increase of the test temperature. After compression test at the W grain was severely deformed normally against the compression axis. However, after compression test at and the W grain was not deformed, but the microcrack was formed in the W grain boundary. The Ni-rich second phase segregated along the W grain boundary could be partly unstable over and affect the poor mechanical property of the activated sintered W compact.
The production of micro components is one of the leading technologies in the fields of information and communiation, medical and biotechnology, and micro sensor and micro actuator system. Microfabrication (micromachining) techniques such as X-ray lithography, electroforming, micromolding and excimer laser ablation are used for the production of micro components out of silicon, polymer and a limited number of pure metals or binary alloys. However, since the first development of microfabrication technologies there have been demands for the cost-effective replication in large scale series as well as the extended range of available material. One such promising process is micro powder injection molding (PIM), which inherits the advantages of the conventional PIM technology, such as low production cost, shape complexity, applicability to many materials, applicability to many materials, and good tolerance. This paper reports on a fundamental investigation of the application of W-Cu powder to micro metal injection molding (MIM), especially in view of achieving a good filling and a safe removal of a micro mold conducted in the experiment. It is absolutely legitimate and meaningful, at the present state of the technique, to continue developing the micro MIM towards production processes for micro components.
Recent remarkable progress in the semiconductor industry has promoted smaller size of semiconductor chips and increased amounts of heat generation. So, the demand for a substrate material to meet both the characteristics of thermal expansion coefficient and heat radiation has been on the increase. Under such conditions, tungsten(W)-copper(Cu) has been proposed as materials to meet both of the above characteristics. In the present study, the W-10wt.%Cu powders were synthesised by the mixing and hydrogen reduction of the starting mixture materials such as W-Cu, and in order to obtain the full densification. The W-10wt.%Cu produced by hydrogen reduction showed the higher interparticle friction than the simple mixed W-10wt%Cu because of the W agglomerates. In the dilatometric analysis the W-10wt.%Cu prepared from the was largely shrank by heating up at the constant heating rate of /min. The possibility of application of metal injection molding (MIM) was also investigated for mass production of the complex shaped W-Cu parts in semiconductor devices. The relationship between the temperature of molding die and the pressure of injection molding was analyzed and the heating up stage of 120- in the debinding process was controlled for the most suitable MIM condition.
An investigation was carried out on the possibility whether the ball-milling process of low energy could successfully improve the packing density and flowability for MIM application in W-20wt%Cu system. In this study, W-20wt%Cu powder mixture was prepared by ball-milling. W powder was not fractured by low mechanical impact energy used in the present work during the critical ball-milling time, but the ductile Cu powder was easily deformed to the 3 dimensional equiaxed shape, having the particle size similar to that of W powder. The ball-milled mixture of W-20wt%Cu powder had the more homogeneous distribution of each component and the higher amount of powder loading for molding than the simple mixture of W-Cu powder with an irregular shape and a different size. Accordingly, the MIM W(1.75)-20wt%Cu powder compacts were able to be sintered to the relative density of 99% by sintering at for one hour.