
한국분말야금학회 학술대회논문집

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한국분말야금학회 2001년도 학술대회논문집 (2001년 6월) 71

2001.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The increasing interest in light weight materials coupled to the need for cost -effective processing have combined to create a significant opportunity for aluminum P/M. particularly in the automotive industry in order to reduce fuel emissions and improve fuel economy at affordable prices. Additional potential markets for Al PIM parts include hand tools. Where moving parts against gravity represents a challenge; and office machinery, where reciprocating forces are important. Aluminum PIM adds light weight, high compressibility. low sintering temperatures. easy machinability and good corrosion resistance to all advantages of conventional iron bm;ed P/rv1. Current commercial alloys are pre-mixed of either the AI-Si-Mg or AL-Cu-Mg-Si type and contain 1.5% ethylene bis-stearamide as an internal lubricant. The powder is compacted in closed dies at pressure of 200-500Mpa and sintered in nitrogen at temperatures between in continuous muffle furnace. For some applications no further processing is required. although most applications require one or more secondary operations such as sizing and finishing. These sccondary operations improve the dimension. properties or appearance of the finished part. Aluminum is often considered difficult to sinter because of the presence of a stable surface oxide film. Removal of the oxide in iron and copper based is usually achieved through the use of reducing atmospheres. such as hydrogen or dissociated ammonia. In aluminum. this occurs in the solid st,lte through the partial reduction of the aluminum by magncsium to form spinel. This exposcs the underlying metal and facilitates sintering. It has recently been shown that < 0.2% Mg is all that is required. It is noteworthy that most aluminum pre-mixes contain at least 0.5% Mg. The sintering of aluminum alloys can be further enhanced by selective microalloying. Just 100ppm pf tin chnnges the liquid phase sintering kinetics of the 2xxx alloys to produce a tensile strength of 375Mpa. an increilse of nearly 20% over the unmodified alloy. The ductility is unnffected. A similar but different effect occurs by the addition of 100 ppm of Pb to 7xxx alloys. The lend changes the wetting characteristics of the sintering liquid which serves to increase the tensile strength to 440 Mpa. a 40% increase over unmodified aIloys. Current research is predominantly aimed at the development of metal matrix composites. which have a high specific modulus. good wear resistance and a tailorable coefficient of thermal expnnsion. By controlling particle clustering and by engineering the ceramic/matrix interface in order to enhance sintering. very attractive properties can be achicved in the ns-sintered state. I\t an ils-sintered density ilpproaching 99%. these new experimental alloys hnve a modulus of 130 Gpa and an ultimate tensile strength of 212 Mpa in the T4 temper. In contest. unreinforcecl aluminum has a modulus of just 70 Gpa.
2001.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
용융공정 (123) 초전도체는 고자장 하에서도 통전특성이 우수하다 그러나 123 초전도체에는 미세균열이나 기공과 같이 초전도체의 통전특성에 유해 한 요인들도 다수 포함된다. 미세균열은 고온 정방정 상이 저온 사방정상으로 상변 태 시 발생하는 웅력에 의해 생성된다. 반면, 기공은 123 성형체를 녹이는 과정에서 123 상에 포함된 산소원자들이 격자로부터 이탈되고, 이 산소원자들이 모여 액상에서 기공을 형성한다. 제조공정에 따라 기공의 크기와 밀도가 다르지
2001.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
WC-Co 계의 입성장 억제는 현재 초경합금 분야에서 공학적으로 가장 중요한 이슈들 중의 하나이다 VC를 비롯한 입방정 탄화물이나 등의 여러 가지 탄화 물이 혼합되어 입성장 억제에 이용되는데 입성장 억제의 효과는 대략적으로 용해되는 탄화물의 양에 의존하고 있는 것으로 추정된다. 보다 효율적으로 입성장 억제를 실현하려면 입성장 기구를 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 최 등[1]은 VC가 WC 입자 표면 에서의 edge energy를 증가시켜서 2차원 핵생성의
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