스크랜튼은 기숙제 학교인 이화 학당과 보구여관이라는 여성 전용 병원 그리고 공옥여학교를 비롯한 수많은 여자매일학교를 세우고 여성교회와 부인성경학교를 세워 여성을 교육하고 여성지도력을 개발했다. 이것은 여 성교육 활동이었을 뿐만 아니라 개화기의 한국 여성들에게 ‘여성의 공간’ 의 창출이었고, ‘여성 주의’ 의식의 개발이기도 했다. 특별히 그녀가 설립 한 이 나라 최초의 여성 교육 기관이었던 이화 학당은 스크랜튼이 뿌린 ‘여성주의’ 의식이 싹을 틔우고 태동하는 중요한 묘판이 되었다. 이화학당 이라는 기독교적 여성 고등 교육 시설 안에서 개화기 한국 여성들은 사물 을 규정하고 명명하며 자신과 세계를 표현할 수 있는 ‘여성주의 의식’에 각성하게 되었다. 그리고 이러한 새로운 자기의식을 현실화하여 당당한 사 회적 전문인으로서 혹은 민족 독립 운동가라는 정치적 주체로서 자립해 가 게 되었다. 이화라는 공간 안에서 여성들은 무지로부터 해방되었고 가정이 라는 공간에서 해방되었고, 아내, 딸, 어머니라는 전통적인 역할로부터 해 방되었으며, 무엇보다도 여성을 자신의 삶과 역사의 주체로 세우고 사회적 존재로 확장해 가는 의식해방을 이루었던 것이다. 개화기 이화학당에서 태동된 ‘여성주의’ 의식이 가부장제적 성적 위계질서를 완전히 청산하지 못 했다는 점에서 한계가 있으나, 개화기의 ‘여성주 의’ 의식은 자유주의적 ‘여성주의’ 의식이나 사회주의적 ‘여성주의’ 의식을 가능하게 하는 저변을 이룬 우리 나라 ‘초기 여성주의’로서의 의의가 크다. 그러한 의미에서 스크랜튼은 이 나라 여성 교육의 개척자임과 동시에 ‘여 성주의’ 의식의 개척자이자 여성 운동의 개척자라고 할 수 있을 것이다.
This thesis analyses the most popular Korean Protestant magazines “The Youth” and “The Christian News” during the colonial era, in order to examine the Korean Protestant understanding of war and peace of the time. This war, utilizing modern scientific knowledge for military weapons, was an unprecedented disaster that forced Korean Protestants to realize and acknowledge the importance of ‘war’. As Protestantism sought the cause of war in state-ism, scientism, and capitalistic competition, it started to critically view the limitations, contradictions, and necessity for reformation of modern Western civilization, which used to be a role-model. On the other hand, there was critical revision towards historical practices of Christianity, and also search for the ideal Christian response towards war. In general, the human crisis-war-and Christianity was understood as conflicting concepts and Christianity needed to maintain a non-belligerent stance.
The philosophies of Tolstoy and Ghandi’s non-violent social disobedience were also introduced. It is debatable how much their philosophies were understood, but it holds true that there was an introduction to the Korean Protestantism at the time of the philosophical thought that rejected the capitalistic liberalism ideals, that sought the future ideal society in villagecommunities represented by small farmers, and that practiced this through non-violence social disobedience.
But such philosophical thought and search towards peace decreases with the Manchurian Incident in 1931. Eras of Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific war was dominated by arguments of Holy Wars based on definitions of self as absolute right and the enemies as absolute evil.
Such Holy War theories become vastly spread throughout Korean Protestantism during the Korean War and the Vietnam War, generalized as the Korean Protestant response towards war. Today, the Korean peninsula where North and South Korea are hostile towards each other, is a power cake of the world and the possibility of war increases with North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons. In order to realize the Christian ideals of ‘respect towards life’ and ‘realization of peace’ under such circumstances, there must be critical analysis about the peaceful traditions of colonial times and also the arguments of ‘righteous war’ in order to define what allows wars to be righteous. For Christianity to mediate conflicts of interest and politics, there needs to be much more meditation on what Christianity can do to actively build peace. Moreover, there is a critical need to continuously find and review peaceful movements within church history, such as the ‘The World Day of Prayer for Women Incident’ conducted by women of a nameless church during the Pacific wars, at a time in which the Holy War theory was dominant.
Horace N. Allen, a missionary, established the first Western hospital in Korea, Je Jung Won, when he arrived at Jo Sun in September 1884. He also opened the first medical school to teach Western medicine. The hospital and medical education was developed rapidly by Oliver R. Avison. In the history of Severance Medical Center, Avison’s greatness can be found in three aspects. Firstly, he served the Korean people by his medical work throughout his life. Secondly, he developed an autonomous system for handing down Western medicine to Korean people, ensuring the continuation of his medical work to Korean people. Thirdly, he prepared and educated the Korean people in Western medicine without any pause or reservation for himself. Of these three, the third is the most distinctive achievement of Avison. He regarded the Koreans as the initiater of the medicine in Korea, not as child-like objects for education as other missionaries generally viewed them. It was because he was free from the confining racial prejudice of considering the Korean people as the inferiors to be pitied. Then what was the power in Avison’s faith that distinguished him from others? It was his understanding that the essence of faith was the power of the Christian passion that deeply sympathizes with the sick, the weak, and the alienated, as their own suffering, and lovingly serving neighbors to improve their lives as humans. He also had the political and religious convictions of democracy, that everyone was equal as the children of God. Cultivating the Severance Medical Center into a large tree was not the blind desire of efficacy and profit, which is the general perception. Paradoxically, it has grown through the power of non-profitable, loving commitment and serving. This is the very reason to pursue the spirit of the Severance Medical Center and to faithfully adhere to its historical tradition. Even today, Jesus Christ is calling us to the Word of the truth that human beings can not live by bread alone.