The purpose of this study was to examine the appearance of norovirus in the water for food in food service institutions and the influence of physicochemical and microbial factors of norovirus in order to work out basic data to predict the detection of norovirus. Among 82 samples of water for food in food service institutions, norovirus appeared in 7 samples and the rate of appearance was 8.5%. As for the type of norovirus, one samples contained GI type (genotype GI-6) and six samples contained GII type (genotype GII-2, GII-4, GII-12). In the regression model of prediction of norovirus, the rate of appearance was correlated with NH₃-N, total solids and the consumption of KMnO₄, out of such variables as NH₃-N, total solids, the consumption of KMnO4, depth, chloride and total colony counts, and its contribution rate for effectiveness was 78.60%. In order to examine the influential factor of environment upon the detection of norovirus, Pearson's correlation analysis was carried out. The predictable regression formula for appearance rate of norovirus was expressed as -1.818 + 42.677 [NH₃-N] + 0.023 [total solids] + 0.762[consumption of KMnO₄] -0.009 [depth] -0.146 [chloride] + 0.007 [total colony counts] (R = 0.904, R² = 0.818,adjusted R² = 0.786, p < 0.05). The most influential factors upon the detection of norovirus were NH₃-N, total solids and the consumption of KMnO₄. In other words, when the measured values of NH₃-N, total solids and the consumption of KMnO₄ were higher, the possibility of appearance of norovirus increased.
녹차카테킨은 다양한 생리활성을 지닌 것으로 알려지고 있다. 본 실험에서는 사염화탄소와 갈락토사민으로 유발된 간독성에 대한 녹차카테킨의 간기능보호효과가 연구되었다. 녹차카테킨(50 mg/kg와 100 mg/kg)은 사염화탄소(0.5 ml/kg)와 갈락토사민(400 mg/kg)이 투여되기 전 그리고 투여 후 3일동안 흰쥐에 경구투여되었고, 간기능지표로 AST와 ALT를 측정하였다. 녹차카테킨(50 mg/kg)은 사염화탄소 처리된 랫드에서 상승된 혈중 AST와 ALT활성을 전투여군(262±11, 80±19 에서 153±33, 55±25로)과 후투여군(156±40, 105±3에서 106±22, 55±9로)모두 감소시켰다. 또한 갈락토사민으로 유도한 경우에도 AST와 ALT 수치는 전투석군(576±24, 276±68에서 236±13. 115±13로) 후 투여군(233±54, 137±11에서 119±23, 44±17로)에서 모두 유의성있게 감소된 결과를 나타내었다 또한 간 조직학적 검사에서도 사염화탄소와 갈락토사민으로 유도된 간경변을 유의성있게 억제하였다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 녹차카테킨은 간독성에 의한 병변을 예방 및 치료할 수 있는 신약후보물질로서의 가능성을 시사한다.