The purpose of this study was to examine the appearance of norovirus in the water for food in food service institutions and the influence of physicochemical and microbial factors of norovirus in order to work out basic data to predict the detection of norovirus. Among 82 samples of water for food in food service institutions, norovirus appeared in 7 samples and the rate of appearance was 8.5%. As for the type of norovirus, one samples contained GI type (genotype GI-6) and six samples contained GII type (genotype GII-2, GII-4, GII-12). In the regression model of prediction of norovirus, the rate of appearance was correlated with NH₃-N, total solids and the consumption of KMnO₄, out of such variables as NH₃-N, total solids, the consumption of KMnO4, depth, chloride and total colony counts, and its contribution rate for effectiveness was 78.60%. In order to examine the influential factor of environment upon the detection of norovirus, Pearson's correlation analysis was carried out. The predictable regression formula for appearance rate of norovirus was expressed as -1.818 + 42.677 [NH₃-N] + 0.023 [total solids] + 0.762[consumption of KMnO₄] -0.009 [depth] -0.146 [chloride] + 0.007 [total colony counts] (R = 0.904, R² = 0.818,adjusted R² = 0.786, p < 0.05). The most influential factors upon the detection of norovirus were NH₃-N, total solids and the consumption of KMnO₄. In other words, when the measured values of NH₃-N, total solids and the consumption of KMnO₄ were higher, the possibility of appearance of norovirus increased.
국내 화장품 업계에서 실제 사용되고 있는 합성타르색소인 적색204호, 적색215호, 등색203호의 3가지 색소에 대하여 유전독성시험을 행하였다. Chinese hamster lung(CHL) 세포에서의 염 색체이상시험과 ddY마우스를 이용한 소핵시험 및 초파리 날개를 이용한 체세포돌연변이 재조합 시험을 실시하였다. 그 결과 염색체이상시험과 소핵시험에서는 적색204호, 적색215호, 등색203호에서는 유전독성을 나타내는 변이원으로서는 작용하지 않는 것으로 나타났고 초파리날개를 이용한 체세포돌연변이시험에서는 각각 100 ㎎/㎖에서 single small spot의 출현빈도가 p<0.05의 유의수준에서 대조군에 비해 증가양상을 보였고, twin spot의 빈도 수는 적색204호의 경우는 50 ㎎/㎖ 농도에서, 적색215호의 경우는 100 ㎎/㎖ 농도에서 p<0.05의 유의수준에서 증가양상을 보여 약한 돌연변이원성을 나타내었다.