To adapt to a rapidly changing business environment, introduction of new management techniques and innovative activities are crucial. In the case of small and medium companies, the compensation for scarce management resources and sustainable development can be obtained from advantage of management consulting. In this study, we propose the enterprise process evaluation model for small and medium business consulting, which can deploy the process improvement activities with considering the process maturity level within an organization. The process evaluation area of proposed Small and Medium Business, Staged Maturity Model (SMB-SMM) consists of four following parts: supply management, demand management, business management, and research and development (R&D) management. For each area, we set goals and also define the practices to achieve their goals respectively. By applying the SMB-SMM model to the small and medium sized companies, the process maturity level can be defined. And then to overcome the gap between the goals and evaluation results, the customized management consulting activities can be drawn from the predefined consulting approaches from the SMB-SMM.
To adapt to a rapidly changing business environment, introduction of new management techniques and innovative activities are crucial. In the case of small and medium companies, the compensation for scarce management resources and sustainable development can be obtained from advantage of management consulting.
In this study, we proposed the enterprise process evaluation model for small and medium business consulting, which can deploy the process improvement activities with considering the process maturity level within an organization. The process evaluation area of proposed Small and Medium Business, Staged Maturity Model (SMB-SMM) consists of four following parts: supply management, demand management, business management, and research and development(R&D) management. For each area, we set goals and also defined the practices to achieve their goals respectively. By applying the SMB-SMM model to the small and medium sized companies, the process maturity level can be defined. And then to overcome the gap between the goals and evaluation results the customized management consulting activities can be drawn from the predefined consulting approaches from the SMB-SMM.