This study was performed to determine the optimal month of harvest between May and July for wild peach (Prunus davidiana) by comparison of functional materials. The general composition, amino acid and vitamin (A, C, and E) content, and antioxidant activity were determined. With respect to the general composition of wild peach according to the month of harvest, wild peach harvested in May (HMP) and July (HJP) contained mostly carbohydrate, the contents of which amounted to 77.37 g/100 g and 77.92 g/100 g, respectively. The total amino acid content of HMP and HJP were 675.29 mg% and 573.25 mg%, respectively. Regarding the vitamin contents, vitamin A (retinol), E (α-tocopherol) and C in HMP were higher than those in HJP. The total polyphenol content of HMP (218.37 mg TAE/g) was higher than that of HJP (71.45 mg TAE/g). The total flavonoid content of HMP (64.95 mg RE/g) was also higher than that of HJP (32.67 mg RE/g). Moreover, the DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities (IC50) were higher in HMP (137.18 μg/mL and 157.15 μg/mL) than those in HJP (160.10 μg/mL and 186.01 μg/mL), meaning that the former produces better antioxidant effects. It can be concluded that wild peach harvested in May contained higher functional materials such as vitamins and amino acids and had a higher antioxidant effect, than wild peach harvested in july.
This study was performed to investigate the physiological functionality of jerusalem artichokes and to define its antioxidant potential. The study also evaluated mook prepared with jerusalem artichokes powder as a new functional food for ameliorating Diabetes Mellitus. Regarding the chromaticity of mook prepared with jerusalem artichoke, lightness decreased as the amount of jerusalem artichoke increased (p<0.05), while the redness and yellowness values increased significantly (p<0.05). Regarding the mechanical properties, hardness, springiness, chewiness, gumminess, and cohesiveness decreased significantly as the amount of jerusalem artichoke increased (p<0.05). The total polyphenol and flavonoid contents of JA30 were 7.36 mg TAE/g and 2.15 mg RE/g, respectively, which were higher than those of the control group(3.50 mg TAE/g and 0.76 mg RE/g, respectively). The DPPH and ABTS scavenging abilities (IC50) for JA30 were 4.40 and 5.70 mg/mL, respectively, indicating a higher radical scavenging ability than the control group (7.59 and 7.24 mg/mL, respectively). The α-glucosidase inhibitory effect (IC50) of JA30 and the control group was 18.91 and 24.01 mg/mL, respectively. Based on the above-described results, mook containing jerusalem artichoke powder is expected to ameliorate diabetes with antioxidant activity, α-glucosidase inhibitory effect, and sensory factor. Also, it is believed that this functional material has the potential to improve health
본 연구에서는 폴리아마이드 역삼투 복합막 표면에 중성 친수성 고분자인 poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA)를 코팅한 후 모델 오염물질인 bovine serum albumin (BSA), humic acid (HA), sodium alginate (SA)에 대하여 파울링 개선 효과가 있는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 고분자의 파울링 유도를 위해 모델 오염물질인 BSA, HA, SA 등이 100 ppm으로 용해된 공급원액을 2, 4, 8 atm 조건에서 PVA 코팅된 막과 코팅되지 않은 막에 대하여 파울링 실험을 수행한 결과. 압력이 증가함에 모든 오염물질에 대해서 파울링은 심화되었다. 파울링 심화 현상은 BSA > HA > SA의 순으로 일어났으며, PVA가 코팅된 막에 대해 파울링 개선효과는 HA > BSA > SA의 순으로 나타났다. 전자현미경 사진 결과에서도 같은 경향을 보여주고 있다. 결국, PVA가 코팅된 역삼투막은 어느 경우에서나 파울링 개선효과는 뚜렷하게 있었으며 HA의 경우에서 가장 두드러졌다.