본 논문은 준등방성 적층 섬유배열된 FRP보강재로 보강된 철근콘크리트보의 휨 보강 설계에 대하여 소개하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 첫 번째로 FRP보강재의 적층설계와 그 적층부재의 물성값 해석이 수행되었다. 마지막으로 여러 개의 준등방성 적층구조로 보강된 철근콘크리트보에 대한 휨 해석이 수행되었다. 그 결과값은 직교차 적층 구조를 갖는 RC보와 비교되었다. 따라서 본 연구가 준등방성 적층구조의 FRP보강재로 보강된 노후 RC보의 휨 설계의 지침서가 될 수 있을 것이다.
본 논문은 FRP보강시스템에 의한 철근콘크리트보의 보강설계에 대하여 소개하고 있고 ISIS CANADA-Design Manual No. 4(2001) 및 KCI-2012의 설계 코드를 고려하여 연구가 수행되었다. FRP보강시스템에 의한 철근콘크리트보의 보강 설계순서 도가 제시되었으며, 보강설계해석프로그램을 소개하였다. 연구의 검증은 참고문헌과의 비교를 통해서 이루어졌다. 또한, 복철근 직사각형 보와 T형보의 정밀 분석을 통하여 보강 설계 순서도를 수정, 보완하는 경우를 제시하였다. 구조설계자는 본 프로그램 을 이용하여 FRP보강시스템에 의한 노후 철근콘크리트보의 보강설계를 쉽게 수행할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구가 FRP보강시스템 의 최적화된 설계 및 제작 등에 실질적인 지침서가 될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
This study investigates the trend on application technologies of advanced composite materials and outlook on research development to the challenges associated with innovative applications of advanced composite materials in construction: 1) initiation of new construction materials; 2) development of rehabilitation techniques for aging infrastructural systems; 3) implementation of greener construction approaches; and 4) introduction of multifunctional advanced composite materials. This fundamental investigation will assure wide field implementation of advanced composite materials in construction.
FRP composites bridge deck has advantages of structural characteristics and rapid construction in the replacements of the deteriorated bridge deck. Although FRP composites have many advantages, the application in the bridge design has been retarded so far due to the lack of design guidelines. In this paper, the design example for the FRP decked concrete composite girder bridges is presented to verify the proposed design method. The design of connection in the design example is the flexible hybrid shear connection included steel reinforcements and FRP tubes. Finally, this paper may be design guideline for FRP decked concrete composite girder bridges required the composite action.
Recently, the fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) materials have been recognized as advanced materials for bridge construction. The FRP bridge deck system has advantages to construct rapidly, its durability. The FRP bridge decks have accepted as a method of deteriorated reinforced concrete bridge deck replacement. For application, design method details and connections for FRP bridge decks will be provided. In this paper, the design method, deck design and connections details on FRP decked precast, prestressed concrete girder bridges is presented. In this study, the design method of efficient connection between FRP deck and concrete girder is proposed with composite action. The schematic of proposed modular FRP panel deck-to-concrete girder connection is also presented, which is the flexible hybrid shear connection included steel reinforcements and FRP tubes. The FRP deck-to-concrete girder hybrid connection system should be improved with further refinement and experimental program. Finally, it is hoped that this paper will be guideline for research and development on this subject field for researchers and engineers
As a preparation of a design standard regarding road facilities, such as cantilever columns for traffic lights, street lights on highways is proposed. Currently these minor structures are designed based on guidelines which are mixed with multiple old foreign specifications without any criteria in terms of safety and economy, which could lead irregular safeties and the loss of national properties. In the considered two cases for effective projected area, it is found that following efficient way of design without critical analyses could make significant errors and miscalculations. Therefore, a fundamental research on the minor structures is urgently needed.
This paper presents on the structural behavior of the the methyl methacrylate monomer (MMA) double wide flanged the glass fiber-reinforced polymer(GFRP) pipe composite structures for the manhole raise. The evaluation of structural performance on this composite structure was conducted by the axial load, fatigue load, and ultimate load test. The assessment indicates that the MMA double wide flanged GFRP pipe composite structures was confirmed safety, durability and reliability in result as expected. It was found that this composite structure was able to short working times to around 30-50% and construction costs to around 10-23% with compare other construction methods. Also, environmental pollution and civil complaints will be prevented because there will be no longer any noises, vibrations, dust, or construction wastes.
The repair of manhole raise has been caused much construction times and disruption of traffic flow, serious environmental pollution from crushed construction wastes, and budget waste due to the repeated repair construction works. In order to overcome such problems, we have developed the new manhole repairing composite structures by using a glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) pipe, which can raise manhole to the regular height of the overlayed road pavement with rapid construction and minimum traffic jams. This environmental-friendly technology is method completed by the methyl methacrylate monomer (MMA) double wide flanged GFRP pipe composite structures in order to raise manhole to the regular height. In this paper, two kinds of the compressive strength tests of MMA mortar composites were conducted and evaluated by a general compressive strength test, and compressive strength test after freezing-thawing resistance test. It was found that this MMA mortar composites will be used for the application of the double wide flanged GFRP pipe composite structures.
The domestic and foreign specifications presented the effective width based on flange length to width ratio only. The existing paper on the effective width grasped of the effect of span, load type and cross-section properties, but localized steel bridges. Recently, The studies are going on in progress for the application of fiber reinforced composite material in construction field. Therefore, it is required to optimum design that have a good grasp the deformation characteristic of the displacements and stresses distribution and predict variation of the effective width for serviceability loading. This research addresses the effective width of all composite material box girder bridges using the finite element method. The characteristics of the effective width of composite structures may vary according to several causes, e.g., change of fibers, aspect, etc. Parametric studies were conducted to determine the effective width on the stress elastic analysis of all composite materials box bridges, with interesting observations. The various results through numerical analysis will present an important document for construct all composite material bridges.