만석골저수지 수계의 수서곤충의 군집과 그에 따른 수질을 알아보기 위하여 2017년 9월 9일~9월 17일 까지채집을 하였다. 채집은 그물망을 이용하였고 총 6개의 지점을 선정하였으며 각 지점에서 채집된 곤충은 총 7목18과 30종이었다. 노린재목이 31.8%, 잠자리목이 21.9%였다. 그 뒤로 날도래목 18.7%, 딱정벌레목 11.3%, 뱀잠자리목5.7%, 강도래목과 파리목은 5.3%였다. 우점도지수로 살펴본 결과 전체에서는 장구애비가 최고우점종이었고 물자라가2차 우점종이었으며 우점도지수는 7.4%였다. 조사지점별로는 조사지점 1~4까지의 최고우점종은 날도래류였으며그뒤는 강도래류, 뱀잠자리류, 잠자리류 등 다양했다. 5~6지점은 물자라, 줄동애등에가 각각 최고 우점종이었다.1~4까지의 지점의 최고우점종을 봤을때는 수질이 청정함을 알 수 있었고 5~6의 수질도 2~3급수 정도이나 줄동애등에의개채수로 봤을 때는 수질에 의심이 가나 수질조사와 충분한 개채수가 확보될 떄 판단이 가능하다.
Crimes with explosives is one of the mass-destructive crimes that involves the most victims. It is heavily punished under the Korean laws. Mid-eastern area is one of the leading places that are home to improvised explosive device attacks, in the form of religious or political terrorism because of its convenience of use, production and disguise. Improvised bombs are permeating into domestic crimes in Korea as their tools. Use of explosive substances are strictly restricted in this country, but it is not impossible to find its information online and to create private explosives with a bit of interest. And they are being traded in the grey market. For this reason, this thesis offers the method of an efficient safety control of explosive substances, which can be used as raw materials for improvised explosive devices, in order to protect citizens’lives and properties and to promote national security down the road.
This study is about determination of fire origin by using analysis of shadow that was recorded CCTV data at the fire scene. This analysis is based on straight and radiate nature of light. At fire experiment with about 1m flame, we conformed that 2-dimensional extension line is focused at the bottom of the fire. If the fire is burning at the same level with shadow, it indicate the point of origin exactly. In 3-dimensional analysis that connect extensional line between distinctive points the shadow and the objet, the line focused in the Ø 50cm-circle. We estimate the reason of that is because of the character of combustion of gases. The line indicate not the point of origin but the flame that is over the point of origin. thus, you have to consider the line indicate the flame when you do 3-dimensional analysis.
It is not an exaggeration to say that modern chemicals take a leading place in our life, and people live with the chemicals, having a huge impact on their daily life. The chemical industry in South Korea, ranked seventh in the world, is one of the key industries that are forming greater part of Korean economy. The actual state of the chemical industries, however, is that over 14 tons of hazardous chemicals are being discharged annually and threaten people's lives with a lack of knowledge of its potential danger. In this way, not only beneficial to us, some of these substances, All chemicals, but also present a threat fundamentally our living environment to hazards to human health and the environment, accidents such chemicals, unlike accidents general understanding the scale of damage and propagation velocity has a complex very difficult risk profile, that can occur during deployment of an accident type is also very diverse. Is the actual situation of public concern against harmful chemicals management's is amplified by the chemical accident in the wake such accidents, government and corporate and reactive system and management system prior to the chemical accident the need for communication to exchange ideas with each other between residents, providing information is important. Therefore, the government departments and corporations, which manage variety of chemicals, ought to contribute toward a development of national security by rigid control over the Hazardous chemicals.