쌀을 수분함량 24%로 10시간 동안 조질한 후 roll mill로 1회 분쇄한 후 pin mill로 1회 분쇄하였을 때 의 특성을 조사하였다. 소요전력은 다른 제분방법(TRMR, WDRMR, DPMR) 보다 가장 적었다. 쌀가루의 수분함량은 수침하여 제분한 쌀가루의 32.8%, 조질하여 제분한 쌀가루의 22.3%보다 훨씬 적은 17.2%였다. 쌀가루의 입도는 100 mesh 이상의 입자가 87.4%로 수침 roll mill 쌀가루 6.8%와 조
Power consumption, mesh size, moisture content, color difference, amylogram of rice flour milled with water soaked rice were compared with that of rice using dry pin mil process. Maximum water absorbance of rice was 35% for 2.5 hr. Power consumption to mill the soaked rice was less than of dry rice by 6.9kW/100Kg. Moisture content of rice flour from the water soaked rice was 2% higher than that of rice flour from dry rice. Population of flour particle was 52.9% of 60 mesh and 32.6% of 60∼80mesh. Gelatinization temperature of rice flour from the water soaked rice was 30C lower than that of rice flour from dry rice. Maximum and minimum viscosity of rice flour from the water soaked rice after boiling were 296 cps and 158 cps, independently. Brightness and whiteness of the rice flour from the water soaked rice were increased upto 10hr soaking and decreased after 17hr soaking. Brightness and whiteness of the rice flour were 96.17 and 96.02, independently.