The quality of silages, made from whole crop barley, rye, spring oat, Italian ryeglass, orchardgrass, alfalfa and grass-legume pasture mixtures, were evaluated under two different conservation techniques in baled silage making (BS) and conventional silage
본 연구는 1991년부터 1993년까지 사료작물과 목초류 7종(호맥, 대맥, 연맥, Italian ryegrass, alfalfa, orchardgrass 및 혼과목초)을 공시재료로 하여 곤포사일리지(BS=baled silage making)조제이용을 위한 수확시기와 이때의 BS 생산성 및 품질을 평가하였다. 시험방법에 있어서 작물재배는 농촌진흥청의 사료작물 및 목초 표준경종방법에 준하여 실시하였다. 사일리지 조제작업중 BS는 자체적으로 제작한 각형 베
The yield performance and nutrient quality of barley for pellets making from whole crop material were discussed during 1993-1994. Barley (cv. Olbori) was grown on paddy land after rice cutivation and was harvested at early stage of physiological maturity.
A simple conservation technique baled silage making of selected froage materials was discussed in Suwon and in Muan county during 1991 - 1992. Eleven species of forage crops and pasture grasses(maize. sorghum, pearl millet, barnyardgrass, rye, barley, spr