
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to conduct a comparative study between Korea and the United States to examine anglers’ motivations, consumptive orientation, and the relationship between these two concepts. The following two research questions were explored: (1) whether there are significant differences in anglers’ motivations and consumptive orientation between Korea and the United States; and (2) what differences exist in the effects of anglers’ motivations on consumptive orientation between these two countries. The main research results are as follows. First, Korean anglers showed a higher level of consumptive orientation than American anglers. Second, a positive relationship between activity-general motivation and consumptive orientation was reported for Korean anglers while the relationship was opposite for American anglers. Study results imply that national angler surveys as well as public education and outreach programs are necessary to help anglers engage in sustainable fishing behaviors for effective fishery resources management.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recreation specialization and consumptive orientation are two important constructs to understand anglers’ attitudes and behaviors. Although theoretical explanations and previous studies in different countries addressed the relationships between the two constructs, limited support has been provided in a context of anglers in Korea. This study developed a conceptual model explaining the causal relationships between recreation specialization, anglers’ preferences (activity-specific and activity-general) and consumptive orientation. An on-site survey was conducted to anglers in the city of Busan and Gyeongnam province in 2018. A total of 614 data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling The study results showed that recreation specialization positively and indirectly influenced consumptive orientation via anglers’ activity-specific and activity-general preferences. Theoretical and practical implications are further discussed.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        기생벌은 전세계적으로 10만종이상 존재하며 중요한 천적자원으로 간주된다. 진딧물과 기생벌의 상호관계를이해하기 위하여 유전자 분석을 통한 종 동정 및 유연관계를 비교했다. 학교에 서식하는 음나무 및 참쑥에서 진딧물및 머미를 채집했다. 머미는 플라스틱 상자에 넣은 뒤에 우화하는 기생벌을 확보했다. 현미경으로 세부형태를관찰했다. 또한, DNA를 추출하여 PCR법으로서 cytochrome oxidase subunit I의 염기서열을 결정하였다. 음나무에서채집한 것은 목화진딧물(Aphis gossypii)이었고 기생벌은 Lysiphlebia japonica와 97% 유사했다. 참쑥에서 채집한 것은쑥꼬마수염진딧물(Macrosiphoniella yomogifoliae)이었고 기생벌은 Alloxysta sp.와 96% 유사했다. 기생벌 두 종이 모두3-4% 염기서열 차이를 나타내어서 정확한 종동정을 위하여 형태진단이 필요하다. 또한, Alloxysta 속의 기생벌은중기생(hyperparasitoid) 특징이 있어서 복잡한 상호관계를 이룬다고 판단된다.