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        검색결과 4

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the era of the 4th industrial revolution driven by the convergence of ICT(information and communication technology) and manufacturing, research on smart factories is being actively conducted. In particular, the manufacturing industry prefers smart factories that autonomously connect and analyze data. For the efficient implementation of smart factories, it is essential to have an integrated production system that vertically integrates separately operated production equipment and heterogeneous S/W systems such as ERP, MES. In addition, it is necessary to double-verify production data by using automatic data collection technology so that the production process can be traced transparently. In this study, we want to show a case of data-centered integration of a large aircraft parts processing factory that requires high precision, takes a long time, and has the characteristics of processing large raw materials. For this, the components of the data-oriented integrated production system were identified and the connection structure between them was explained. And we would like to share the experience gained through the design and implementation case. The integrated production system proposed in this study integrates internal components based on data, which is expected to serve as a basis for SMEs to develop into an advanced stage, and traces materials with RFID technology.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Innovation activities represented by Six Sigma (6σ) led to improvements not only in manufacturing industries but also in various business fields. In the aviation industry, Six Sigma has been used as a tool of innovation since the beginning of 2000, and it has developed into a comprehensive form of innovation activity that includes various improvement tools. In this study, the innovation activities in K company that is a representative company of aviation industry are summarized in the last 10 years, and the effectiveness of the innovation tools and the performance of the tasks are also analyzed. The results of 2,091 projects over the past decade have been analyzed from various perspectives. First, we found out the tools that were used frequently at each DMAIC step, showed their frequency, and analyzed the evaluation results for the project. The project was evaluated from grade 1 (highest level) to grade 7 (lowest level) with an average grade of 4.1 for the overall project. The evaluation grades of the projects were compared and analyzed in terms of the qualifications of the leader, the roadmap for the implementation of the project, the financial effect, the size of the financial effect, the business classification, and the project execution period. These results may suggest new perspectives for companies considering or adopting innovation programs.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Inventory inspection is an important task to eliminate the inconsistency between real assets and inventory management systems, and it is performed periodically at the site. In the case of a large-sized property, it is mainly managed in an outdoor workshop or a warehouse. However, due to the large area of the outdoor area, it is relatively difficult to identify the quantity and location of the property and is also vulnerable to theft. To solve this problem, we proposed a method and system for performing a warehouse inventory inspection using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons. The proposed method has the following advantages. First of all, if we carry out inventory inspection by utilizing UAV, we can minimize user’s effort compared to existing methods. The method of recognizing the asset by attaching the BLE beacon is more costly than using the existing RFID technology, but it is advantageous because the recognition distance is increased and the battery life of the tag is drastically increased. We also designed a BLE beacon reader for the system and implemented a prototype to show the feasibility of the proposed system. The prototype is based on Genuino 101, which is a kind of arduino, and adds HM-10 and Neo-6m modules to provide Bluetooth and GPS functions. The BLE beacon reader was tested in outdoor, and attached in drone. We also developed an inventory checking system based on the web to display results of inventory checking. The proposed approach enables the users to automate the operation of inventory checking on an outdoor warehouse.