Sulfur is commonly used in Asia as a n herba l medicine to treat infl ammation and cancel‘. and potent chemopreventive effects have been demonstrated in various in vivo and in vitromodels for sulfur-containing compounds found in naturally occun‘ ing products. Here, we report the growth inhibitory and apoptosis-related effects of a newly developedhigh- purity eclible sulfur (ES) on immortali zecl human oral keratinocytes (IHOKs) and on oral cancer cells representing two stages of oral can cer (HN4‘ HN12) basecl on an 3-(4. 5-Dimethylt hiazol-2-yl)-2.5-cliphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) a ssay, Western blotting, cell cycle analysis, ancl nuclear staining. The puri ty of the ES used in th is s tucly was verified by high performance liquid chromat ography (HPLC) , amino acid analysis and energy di spersive spectroscopy (EDS). ES inhibitecl the proliferation of immor talized and malignant oral kerati nocytes in a dose- and time-dependent manner FITC-Annexin V staining. DNA fragmentation testing. and Hoechst 33258 staining revealed that ES inhibits cell growth via apoptosis . ES blocked cell-cycle progression at the sub- Gl phase, with decreased expression 0 1' cyclins Dl, D2, and E, and t heir activating partners cdk2, cdk4, and cdk6‘ and a concomitant induction of p53 and p21/WAF1. Furthermore, ES treatment increased the cytosolic level of cytochrome c a nd resulted in caspase-3 activation‘ and thi s effect was correlated wi th Bax up- regulation and Bcl-2 down- regulation Taken together, these clata suggest that ES is a potential chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agent for oral cancel
This study was performed to elucidate the effects of Epimedii Herba on the antibody responses in mice immunized by Ovalbumin (OVA). Antibodies in serum were detected in male ICR mice treated with the aqueous extract of Epimedii Herba at a dosage of 40, 120, and 360 mg/kg orally for 2 weeks. Effects of AEEH on antibody forming responses were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of immunoglobulin (Ig) levels in serum collected 7 days after priming with OVA in complete Freund,s adjuvant (CFA). The results were as follows; 1. Epimedii Herba slightly decreased body weight gain. 2. Epimedii Herba significantly increased the relative spleen weight. 3. Epimedii Herba significantly increased total serum IgG levels. 4. Epimedii Herba significantly enhanced total serum IgG1 levels. 5. Epimedii Herba significantly increased total serum IgG2a levels. 6. Epimedii Herba markedly increased total serum IgM levels. These findings demonstrate that Epimedii Herba significantly enhances serum antibody production after priming with OVA in CFA, and suggest that Epimedii Herba may prevent the host from microbial infections.