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        검색결과 5

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper analyzes more than 150 buzzwords from 2010 to 2020. The examples of Chinese catchphrases involved in this study are derived from Chewing Words. These buzzwords and examples are mainly selected from People’s Daily and China Daily. Based on the conceptual metaphor theory and the conceptual hybrid theory, this paper attempts to conduct cognitive research on Chinese metaphorical buzzwords, including their classification, cognitive semantics and functions. On the research method, this paper adopts the combination of diachronic and synchronous research, description and interpretation, and qualitative research. This paper discusses and analyzes the cognitive mechanism, the reason of popularity and the function of metaphorical buzzwords in the process of metaphorical meaning construction. On the one hand, the analysis of these buzzwords provides realistic material for the study of metaphorical buzzwords, and also provides a new perspective for further research. On the other hand, it is expected to enhance people's understanding of some social phenomena and problems behind metaphorical buzzwords, and help to play its active role in spreading light. In the long run, the study of metaphorical catchphrases provides a useful reference for the historical evolution and future development of Chinese catchphrases.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article studies the process of imitation and the characteristics of successful imitation from the perspective of memetics. Firstly, imitation is a linguistic phenomenon that imitates and modifies existing language forms based on the speaker's purpose to generate novel expressions. Dawkins and Blackmore define memetics as evolutionary replicons, which replicate information from one person to another through imitation. Imitation is a linguistic phenomenon that arises and spreads through imitation; At the same time, it satisfies three necessary conditions for becoming a replicon: mutation, selection, and inheritance. Therefore, imitation can be seen as a meme, establishing an interactive relationship between two concepts, paving the way for further research. Secondly, based on Heylighen's meme lifecycle, we believe that under the influence of language memes, the generation process of network language imitation has gone through four stages: assimilation of imitation sources, preservation of imitation sources, expression and production of imitation. Transfer imitation to other hosts through the internet. In the expression stage of imitation, information intention and communicative intention are the motivations for imitation expression; The similarity between imitation and source is the mechanism of imitation expression. Then the author analyzed some characteristics of successful imitation based on meme selection criteria, namely novelty, coherence, practicality, and humor. Due to these characteristics, imitation is widely spread online. This paper provides a new perspective for imitation research; This helps to better understand and appreciate imitation in online language, and also contributes to further research on imitation and online language.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on corpus linguistics, synchronic and diachronic linguistics, lexicology, pragmatics, sociolinguistics and other theoretical knowledge, this paper makes a dynamic and in-depth study of the “Gou” popular neologisms. Under the guidance of corpus linguistics, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the word family of “Gou”, summarizes the growth of the number of members of the word group, the high frequency use of the word family, the syllable structure of the members of the word family, etc., and shows the changing characteristics of the word group in various aspects. Using the methods of etymology investigation and dynamic tracking, this paper analyzes that the word family of “dog” is a process in which many new words of “xxgou” type are derived from the original use of “single dog”, and gradually expand to 128 members. Under the guidance of lexicology theory, by means of semantic analysis, this paper sums up four referential meanings of "Gou" from the referential meaning of [+ animal] to [+ human], and then, through generalization, it derives four referential meanings of [+ identity], [+ profession / profession / field], [+ state], [+ stress / tension], [+ preference], [+ behavior / thing], [+ aversion], [+ behavior / thing]. Under the guidance of pragmatics theory, this paper explores the word family of “Gou” and summarizes the characteristics of the morpheme “Gou” of the family of words with the characteristics of quasi affixation, trisyllabic structure of words and single part of speech of members of the word group.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The combining 'adverb+noun' in Chinese sentence has been regarded as a special case which break a regular grammar rule. Regardless its conception, the combination is used frequently, and further it make a new grammar rule for itself. Based on this context, various scholars have been arguing its suitability about whether accepting new grammar rule in Chinese or not. The present study aimed two things: first, as historical approach, 'adverb+noun' was analyzed based on its birth, usual usage patterns, and types of adverb+noun used for the combination. Second, as grammar perspectives, syntax and pragmatics of the combination were articulated. As conclusion, this study discussed the direction and tips for teaching this sentence structure for accomplishing efficient pedagogical purposes.
        2000.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to elucidate the effects of Epimedii Herba on the antibody responses in mice immunized by Ovalbumin (OVA). Antibodies in serum were detected in male ICR mice treated with the aqueous extract of Epimedii Herba at a dosage of 40, 120, and 360 mg/kg orally for 2 weeks. Effects of AEEH on antibody forming responses were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of immunoglobulin (Ig) levels in serum collected 7 days after priming with OVA in complete Freund,s adjuvant (CFA). The results were as follows; 1. Epimedii Herba slightly decreased body weight gain. 2. Epimedii Herba significantly increased the relative spleen weight. 3. Epimedii Herba significantly increased total serum IgG levels. 4. Epimedii Herba significantly enhanced total serum IgG1 levels. 5. Epimedii Herba significantly increased total serum IgG2a levels. 6. Epimedii Herba markedly increased total serum IgM levels. These findings demonstrate that Epimedii Herba significantly enhances serum antibody production after priming with OVA in CFA, and suggest that Epimedii Herba may prevent the host from microbial infections.