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试探现代汉语“副词+名词”现象 KCI 등재

A study on the phenomenon of adverbs modifying nouns in Modern Chinese

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/320794
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,600원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

The combining 'adverb+noun' in Chinese sentence has been regarded as a special case which break a regular grammar rule. Regardless its conception, the combination is used frequently, and further it make a new grammar rule for itself. Based on this context, various scholars have been arguing its suitability about whether accepting new grammar rule in Chinese or not. The present study aimed two things: first, as historical approach, 'adverb+noun' was analyzed based on its birth, usual usage patterns, and types of adverb+noun used for the combination. Second, as grammar perspectives, syntax and pragmatics of the combination were articulated. As conclusion, this study discussed the direction and tips for teaching this sentence structure for accomplishing efficient pedagogical purposes.

一直以来“副词+名词”结构被语法学者们视为特殊现象。但是随着这种特殊结构的使用越来 越频繁,是否把它认定为语法现象,成为了讨论的重点。众多学者们为找到比较统一的观点,不断 进行分析和研究。目前对这种结构的研究还没有确切的结果,因此对于现有的研究,不能完全否定 或赞同。本文对“副词+名词”结构的产生原因及构成这种结构的副词和名词的类型进行了分析, 研究了这种句子结构的句法及语用特征。最后从汉语教师的视角考察这种句子结构的有效教学方 式。

1. 序言
 5. 结论
  • 金正勳(北京師範大學 文學院 中文系 博士研究生) | 김정훈
  • 金炫兌(釜慶大學 國際地域學部 副教授) | 김현태
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