Dry active wastes (DAWs) are combustible waste generated during the operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and are known to be generated in the amount of approximately 10,000 to 40,000 drums (based on 200 L) per unit. It consists of various types of protective clothing, paper, and plastic bags, and is stored in radioactive waste storage facilities. Therefore, reducing the volume of DAWs is an important issue in order to reduce storage costs and utilize the limited space of waste storage facilities. Heat treatment such as incineration can dramatically reduce the volume of waste, but as the waste is thermally decomposed, CO2, a global warming gas, is generated and there is a risk of emissions of harmful gases including radionuclides. Therefore, a heat treatment process that minimizes the generation of CO2 and harmful gases is necessary. One of the alternatives to incineration is to carbonize DAWs, dispose of carbonized materials below the release standard as non-radioactive waste, and selectively separate and stabilize inorganic components, including radionuclides, from carbonized DAWs. In this study, 13 types of DAWs generated from nuclear power plants were selected and their thermal decomposition characteristics were investigated to design a heat treatment process that replaces incineration. As a result of TGA analysis, the temperature at which thermal decomposition of each waste begins is 260-300°C for cotton, 320-330°C for paper, 315-420°C for synthetic fiber, 350°C for latex gloves. The mass of most samples decreased to less than 1 % of the initial weight after heat treatment, and dust suit and latex gloves had residues of 13.83% and 13.71% of the initial mass, respectively. The metal components of the residue produced after heat treatment of the sample were analyzed by EDS. According to the EDS results, cotton contains Ca and Al, paper contains Ca, Al and Si, synthetic fiber contains Ca, Cu and Ti, latex gloves contain Ca and Mg. Additionally, ICP analysis was performed to quantify the inorganic components. These results are expected to be applicable to the processing of DAW generated at nuclear facilities in the future.
In this research, the dose rate was measured using a backpack-type scan survey device at 4 sites in sites around Nuclear Power Plants (Kori, Wolsong, Hanbit, Hanul), and the radioactivity ratio for each nuclide was evaluated using an high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector. Kori, Wolsong and Hanul power plants were measured within 2 km of the power plant, and Hanbit power plants were measured about 6.7 km from the power plant. As a result of measuring the dose rate with a backpacktype scan survey device, the average dose rate was the lowest in the measurement site 1 at 0.090 μSv/h, and the highest in the measurement site 4 at 0.145 μSv/h. All measurement points showed the domestic environmental dose rate level. The data obtained by the scan survey was visualized using the classed post and gridding functions of the surfer program. As a result of measurement with the HPGe detector, 137Cs was not detected, and only natural nuclides were detected. Among the detected natural nuclides, the radioactivity ratio was the highest for 40K with an average of 94.56%, and the lowest for 214Pb with an average of 0.26%. The results of this research can be used as basic data for radiation environment surveys around nuclear power plants. Further studies are needed to evaluate the radiation impacts by region and environment through periodic measurements.
Thermal treatment, such as combustion, is the most effective way to solve the spatial problem of radioactive waste disposal. Existing incineration technology has the problem of discharging harmful pollutants (CO2 and dioxin, etc.) into the environment. Therefore, it was evaluate the validity of the thermal treatment process that can reduce the volume of dry active waste (DAW) in an eco-friendly. In addition, the stability of the alternative incineration process under development was evaluated by evaluating the emission of harmful pollutants to the environment during the thermal treatment process. We selected 14 samples identical to those discarded by each nuclear power plant (Kori, Saeul, Wolsong, Hanbit, Hanul). And EA (Elemental Analysis) analysis was performed on each sample. As a result, excluded samples containing wastes containing POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) such as PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls), which could generate harmful pollutants during thermal treatment, and halogenated organic wastes such as PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride). In addition, the thermal treatment conditions for the four DAWs were derived by Thermogravimetric Analysis/Differential Thermal Analysis (TG/DTA) analysis. At this time, Py-GC/MS analysis was performed at the temperature at which each waste causes thermal decomposition (cotton is 437°C, paper is 562°C, latex glove is 430°C, plastic bag is 485°C). As a result of analyzing the exhaust gas produced during thermal decomposition, about 77.0% of the cotton was Benzoic acid series, the paper was 41.1% Glucopyranose series, and 15.8% hydroxy acetaldehyde. Latex glove was identified to be 45.9% and 19.2% for Limonene and 2-methyl-1, 3-Butadiene, and for plastic bags, Octacosanol and 2-octyl-1-Dodecanol were 38.8% and 15.2%. In addition, it was confirmed that dioxin and harmful heavy metals, which are discussed as environmental risks, were not detected in all samples.
n this research, the dose rate was measured using backpack-type scan survey device at 4 sites on Jeju Island, and the radioactivity ratio for each nuclide was evaluated using an high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector. As a result of measuring the dose rate with a backpack-type scan survey device, the average dose rate was the lowest in the measurement site 3 at 0.049 Sv/h, and the highest in the measurement site 1 at 0.066 Sv/h. The average dose rate of the 4 sites on Jeju Island was 0.056 Sv/h, and the dose rate on Jeju Island was lower than that of other regions. The data acquired by scan survey were interpreted using classed post and gridding function of surfer program. The radioactivity ratio of each nuclide in the gamma spectrum measured by the HPGe detector was the highest for K-40 with an average of 87.62%, and the lowest for Pb-214 with an average of 0.63%. In the case of the Jeju Island site, Cs-137 was detected, and the average radioactivity ratio of Cs-137 was 3.27%, which was the background level. The results of this research can be used as basic data on the radioactivity ratio for each nuclide and dose rate at the Jeju Island site. Further studies on the assessment of dose rates and radioactivity ratios in other regions are needed.
Due to the Fukushima nuclear accident, a large amount of radioactive material was released into the atmosphere, and consequently, it spread over a wide area and was deposited into the soil. As a result of this, a wide area of radioactive contamination site was created. Due to the contaminated site, the need for research on various exploration platforms for efficient situation management and field response is being emphasized. Backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment is useful for creating a contamination maps containing information such as Dose Rate, Radionuclide, Activity Concentration accompanied by spatial analysis when performing a Scan Survey that moves with a backpack on a wide area site. contamination maps are based on accurate radiological characteristic information. However, there is a problem in that the accuracy of the evaluation results is lowered due to changes in environment conditions or the variability of the dose rate and counting rate during scan survey. This problem should be solved by applying the influence of each variable to the underlying data. However, prior to this, it is most important to prepare the base underlying first. And this can be obtained through evaluation of detection performance through static survey. Therefore, in this study, the change in detection efficiency for the measurement height and radius of the backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment based on the 3"×3" NaI(Ti) detector was evaluated. First, the height of the source and Backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment was evaluated from 0 cm to 1 m, which is the height of the soil and detector when an adult male wears a backpack. The experiment was conducted using the 137Cs (383 kBq) point source, which is a nuclide mainly detected at the contaminated site. The measurement time was measured five times per one minute, considering that it was backpack-type equipment and a future scan survey. In addition, in order to evaluate the detection radius, the measurement was performed by changing the measurement distance up to 5 m at intervals of 50 cm. As a result of evaluating the detection performance of the backpack-type radiation surveys & monitoring equipment, it was confirmed that increasing the detection height and radius reduces the count rate in the form of an exponential function. In addition, it was confirmed that the detected radius varies depending on the height. Based on these results, we plan to conduct additional research to understand the scan survey and its sensitivity to various factors. Through this, the company plans to develop various models for exploring the site by improving the accuracy of backpack-type radiation surveys & monitoring equipment.
Attention has been paid to the source term released after Chernobyl and Three Mile Island (TMI), which were the representative accidents of nuclear power plants, and has been studied several times in order to predict and evaluate radiation source term, which can be released in the event of a virtual accident. In particular, the impact of the accident was assessed on the basis of Deterministic Safety Analysis (DSA) and after the WASH-1400, the technology of the Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) was introduced, supplementing safety by taking into account the existence of uncertainty. After the Fukushima accident, a SOARCA report was published to evaluate the specific classification of each type of accident, the realistic progress of the accident, and the leakage of radioactive materials. In this paper, the evaluation methodology and results of the source term of severe accident before and after the Fukushima accident were compared, and the evaluation methods applied to domestic nuclear power plants were compared. Prior to the Fukushima accident, the behavior of the accident and source term were evaluated for Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA), which led to design based accidents, Total Loss of Feed Water (TLOFW) followed by Station Blackout (SBO) the results were compared to Chernobyl and TMI based on the resulting data to evaluate safety and reliability. After the Fukushima accident, the Interfacing System Loss of Coolant Accident (ISLOCA) and the Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR), which is classified as containment’s bypass accident, were included for predictive assessment. This is due to the analysis that the risk of cancer and early mortality are affected. MACST facilities and strategies were added to domestic nuclear power plants, and accidents with a high core damage frequency were mainly interpreted. In addition, source term was evaluated with the addition of a Basement Melt-Through (BMT) accident that had not previously been considered as a focus. As a result of the comparison of source term evaluation, accidents can be caused by a number of unidentified problems, and Korea’s experience on Level 2 and 3 has not been accumulated, making it difficult to predict the results of source term evaluation or lack of reliability.