
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We evaluated the influence of internal macro- porous structure on tissue-engineered bone regeneration by cOll1paring the effi cien cy of scaffold-cell construct forll1ation and its bone induction activity. T매o types of macro-porous CMP cera rnic blocks having 400 um average pore s ize in an interconnected trabecular framework and interconnected globular structu1'e with small fenestrations were prepa1'ed, adopting sponge method and foaming method. respectively. They ware evaluated by cytotoxicity. cell ular attachment. and t heir differenti ation in vitro and the histocompatibility, osteoconductivity, and ectopic osteoinductive potenetial in vivo, respecti vely. Both scaffolds having either interconnected trabecu lar pOI‘es formed by sponge ll1ethod 0 1' fully interconnected globu lar pores formed by foam-based technology were no cyt otoxic and induced neither an immune nor an infl ammatory response regardless 0 1' geometry and manufacturing methods. The fu lly interconnected globul 81 porous scaffold showed more favora ble compression strength compared to the interconnected trabecualr porous scaffold (8.7 :tO. 5 MPa va 5. 5:t0. 5 MPa) . The increased surface in fully interconnected globular po1'ous scaffold facilitated osteogenic repall‘ by favored cellular attachment and osteogenic differentiation with good osteoconductivity. These results suggest that the fully interconnected globular porous structure be more sui table for both bone s ubstit ute and scaffold for t issue-engineered bone regeneration‘