A new single cross waxy corn (Zea mays L.) hybrid, “Miheugchal” with black kernel was developed by the Maize Experiment Station (MES), Gangwon-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services (GARES) in 2004. This hybrid, which has good eating quality and
Kim Dae-Ik. 1999. The Clause Structure in Old English on Ontological Minimalism. Studies in Modern Grammar 18, 1-20. I will argue that based on ontological minimalism the clause structure of OE is the same as that of modern English except the position of modal verbs and auxiliary verbs and show that the V2 constraint of OE is motivated by T feature of C suggested by Pesetsky & Torrengo (1999) and topicalization to CP Spec. In subordinate clause of OE there is no T-to-C by the presence of a lexical element in C. So it is argued that inflectional verbal morphology shows the combination of an either operation V-to-T or T-to-V in the subordinate clause of OE where the word order seems not to be definable by just observing the position of verbs.