Insects are among the most important abiotic and biotic constraints to rice production. National rice research programs are in various stages in the development and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) stratagies for rice insect control. Among the various control tactics, insect resistant cultivars are sought as the major tactic in rice IPM. Through the activities of interdisciplinary teams of scientists significant progress has been made in the development and release of insect resistant cultivars to farmers. Because of its compatibility with other control tactics insect resistance has proven to fit well into the IPM approach to rice insect control agents and minimize the need for insecticide applications. The development of biotypes which overcome the resistance in rice plants has been a significant constraint in the breeding of rice for resistance to insects. Most notable examples in Asia are the green leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens, brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lygens and the Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae. The current breeding stratege is to develop rice cultivars with durable resistance on which virulent biotypes cannot adapt. In spite of the significant progress made in the breeding of insect resistant cultivars there are still numerous important rice insect species for which host plant resistance as a control tactic has not been fully utilized. Advances in biotechnology provide promise of solving some of the problems that have limited the use of host plant resistance as a major tactic in the integrated management of rice insect pests.
필리핀에 있는 국제미작연구소(國際米作硏究所) 논 포장(圃場)에서 이앙(移秧)후 일(日) 된 묘(苗)에서 Scirpophaga incertulas의 난(卵)을 1984년(年) 7월 부터 10월 까지 채집(採集)하여 난기생봉(卵寄生蜂)의 기생율(寄生率) 및 생태(生態)를 조사한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. ScirpoPhaga incertulas 의 난(卵)에서 나온 벌목 천적(天敵)으로 Tetrasticus schoenobii, Telenomus rowani, Trichogramma japonicum 3종(三種)이 발견(發見)되었고 기생봉(寄生蜂)의 생물적(生物的)인 습성(習性)에 기초(基礎)를 둔 기생율(寄生率) 계산(計算)방법을 소개하였다. 난기생봉(卵寄生蜂) 3종(三種)의 공기생(共寄生) 조합(組合)은 T. rowani+T. japonicum 조합(組合)이 가장 많았고 T. rowani 는 단기생성(單寄生性) 천적(天敵)으로 우화성충(羽化成蟲) 수(數)가 가장 많았지만 3종(三種)의 기생봉중(寄生蜂中) T. schoenobii 는 유충기간(幼蟲期間) 중 Scirpophaga incertulas 의 난(卵)을 개(個) 소모(消耗)시키므로 가장 유용(有用)한 천적(天敵)이었으며 이 천적(天敵)의 1세대기간(世代期間)은 일(日) 이었다.