
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Wide-area surface decontamination is essential during the sudden release of radioisotopes to the public, such as nuclear accidents or terrorist attacks. A spray coating composed of a reversible complex between poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and phenylboronic acid-grafted poly (methyl vinyl ether-alt-mono-sodium maleate) (PBA–g–PMVE–SM) was developed to remove radioactive cesium from surfaces. The simultaneous spay of PVA and PBA–g–PMVE–SM aqueous polymer solutions containing Cs adsorbent to contaminated surfaces resulted in the spontaneous formation of a PBA–diol ester bond-based gel-like coating. The Cs adsorbent suspended in the gel-like coating selectively removed Cs-137 from the Cs-contaminated surface. The used gel-like coating were removed from surfaces by simple water rinsing. This recovery way has advantages compared with costly incineration to remove the organic materials for final disposal/storage of the radioactive waste. Thus, our spray coating is suitable for practical wide-area surface decontamination. In radioactive tests, the hydrogel containing Cs-adsorbent showed substantial Cs-137 removal efficiencies of 96.996% for painted cement and 63.404% for cement, which are 2.33 times better than the values for the commercial surface decontamination coating agent DeconGel.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A Partially hydrolyzed poly (vinyl acetate) (PHPVA)-borax complex-based gel-like coating was successfully developed for the decontamination of Simulated nuclear fallout (SFO) from surfaces. The sprayable coating was self-generated on the surface by borate-diol ester bonds after simultaneously mixing two solutions of borax and PHPVA. The SFO particles, synthesized at 1,200°C for melting, were glassy while some crystalline phases (e.g., SiO2 and Fe2O3) existed together. The SFO particles were fixed onto the Stainless steel (SS) substrate by dropping and evaporating water. for examination of the dust-removal performance of PHPVA-borax based coating. The dusts on the SS surface was successfully removed by casting the PHPVA-borax based coating within 1 minute, demonstrating the excellent dust-removal property of the PHPVA-borax based coating. The used PAB complex in wet state was recovered by using vacuum suction machine in short time. The solid-state PHPVA-borax based film was self-delaminated from the SS substrate after fully drying the used PHPVA-borax coating but this requires long period of time.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We report Conilepia nigricosta (Leech, 1988) in Korea for the first time. The female of C. nigricosta is nearly identical to the female of Lithosia quadra, and it has caused confusion in the generic classification. Therefore, we reexamined their morphology and also performed to analyze DNA barcode region compared with species of other related genera. As the results, the significant diagnoses between the two species were reconfirmed and provided in the adult appearances, wing venations, and genital structures in both sexes. The DNA barcoding results also showed a large genetic distance ranging from 6.21% to 7.16% between the two species. In phylogenetic relationship for these two species as well as 28 related species of Lithosiina, C. nigricosta was clustered as a sister to L. quadra and they formed a strong monophyletic group. It supports a possibility that these two genera may be a single genus, but more detailed molecular analysis using additional genetic markers and samples is needed to resolve reliable phylogenetic relationships between the taxa examined in this study.