We reported a P/M soft magnetic material with core loss value of , which is lower than that of 0.35mm-thick laminated material, by using high purity gas-atomized iron powder. Lack of mechanical strength and high cost of powder production are significant issues for industrial use. In order to achieve both low core loss and high strength by using inexpencive powder, the improvement of powder shape and surface morphology and binder strength was conducted. As the result, the material based on water-atomized powder with 80 MPa of TRS and 108 W/kg of core loss (W10/1k) was achieved.
Recently, there has been a growing demand for soft magnetic materials with high conversion characteristics, due to the trend of electric devices to higher-frequency range. For ruduceing core loss in the high-frequency range, using finely grained and high-resistivity Fe-based alloy powder is most efficient methods. But, conventionally, there's been a compressibility problem for such powder. In this work, Fe-based alloy powder that offers both high resistivity and high compressibility was developed by studyuing composition of the powder, and reduction of core loss of P/M soft magnetic materials in the high frequency range was achieved.