As the desires of market get various, so its demand fluctuates frequently. The only companies that flexibly meets fluctuating demands can survive in the fierce market competition. In this study, we deal with the development of jig system for manual welding processes that can cause flexible actions and uniform quality in the manufacturing shock absorber base assembly of automobile. For this we review the processes of design and development through analysis of the technology and the customer that are patents analysis, customer desires analysis, functional analysis and so on. Moreover, we review the relevant indicators for improvement of productivity that are production capacity, cycle time and error rates etc. as the technology is developed.
In this study, we conducted to select the promising crops for both uses in the bioethanol and forage production in Korea. The result indicated t㏊t Natsukaje (guinea grass), Gwangpyeongok (corn), Jumbo (sorghum×sudangrass hybrid), SS405 (sorghum×sorghum hybrid), Millex32 (pearl millet), Jeju barnyard grass), Alamo (switch grass) and Selection75 (klein grass) showed the production of biomass from the highest to the lowest in order. However, the order of the production of quality forage was, from the highest to the lowest, Natsukaje (guinea grass), Jumbo (sorghum×sudangrass hybrid), SS405 (sorghum×sorghum hybrid), Gwangpyeongok (corn), Millex32 (pearl millet), Selection75 (klein grass), Jeju (barnyard grass), and Alamo (switch grass). We concluded the Natsukaje (guinea grass) was the best bioethanol crop, and also the Natsukaje (guinea grass) was the best for forage production.
본 시험은 우리나라에서 발생하는 푸른곰팡이병균의 종의 빈도와 발병환경 및 방제법을 구명코져 실시하였다. 시험결과 Trichoderma koningi, T. lignorum, T. glaucum과 미동정의 1종등 4종의 병원균이 분리되었고 이들의 빈도는 각각 와 이었다. 푸른곰팡이병균은 감자배양액, 왁스만배양액과 리차드배양액에서 생육이 잘 되었으며 중성-염기성배지에서는 생육이 불량한 반면 산성에서 생육이 왕성하였으며 최적산도는 pH4였다. 양송이 수확기간 중 재배사내의 온도는 내외 일 때 본명의 발생이 적었고 수량이 많으며 이상에서는 본병의 발생이 격심하였다. 푸른곰팡이병균은 복토흙 소독시 에서 60분, 혹은 에서 30분간 열처리하므로서 완전히 사멸하였고 퇴비 후발효 과정에서도 사멸되었다.
Italian Ryegrass is a high productivity and feed value, and an upright grass that behaves like a biennial or short-lived perennial. It grows vigorously in winter and early spring. Italian ryegrass and a related species, perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne, are the two common weedy ryegrassses. Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass can hybridize, resulting in offspring that are difficult to identify as either species. Ryegrasses are cultivated for turf and forage. Sometimes Italian ryegrass is grown as cover crop. It has the potential to produce high yields and, with proper management, can be high quality with good animal performance. To develop of a high quality, productivity and early variety, 20 varieties examined growth and yield characteristics. The heading date of Green farm with high cold tolerance was on 28 April. Most of Introduced varieties except Grazer have mid and late heading date.
“Onnuri” is a new orchardgrass(Dactylis glomerata L.) variety developed by the National Institue of Animal Science (NIAS) in 2011. To develope the new variety of orchardgrass, 5 superior clones were selected and polycrossed for seed production. Agronomic growth characteristics and forage production of “Onnuri” were examined at Cheonan from 2009 to 2011, and regional trials were conducted in Cheonan, Pyungchang Jinzu and Jeju from 2009 to 2011, respectively.
“Onnuri” showed medium type growth habit in fall and spring and medium in length of flag leaf and long upper internode. Plant height of “Onnuri” was more than 10cm that of standard variety, “Amba” and heading date was 5 days earlyer than 16th May compared to Amba. Characteristics such as waterlogging, disease resistance of “Onnuri” were stronger or better than those of Amba, specially “Onnuri” showed 18% higher dry matter yield (14,775kg/ha) compared to Amaba(12,523kg/ha). Nutritive value was appeared to be similar in both varieties.
광나무(L. lucidum)는 ursolic acid와 oleanolic acid를 다량 포함하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 광나무 열매, 줄기, 잎 세 부위 추출물의 항주름 효능을 평가하였다. 광나무 추출물은 human skin fibroblasts에서 독성이 없을 뿐만 아니라 MMP-1과 MMP-2의 발현을 감소시키고 COL1A1의 발현을 증가시켰다. 이들 추출물은 모두 농도 의존적으로 COL1A1의 발현을 증가시켰으며 MMP-1과 MMP-2의 발현을 감소시켰다. 광나무 세 부위 추출물 가운데, 열매 부위에 가장 많은 양의 ursolic acid 와 oleanolic acid가 함유되어 있었으며 가장 강한 COL1A1 upregulating 효과와 MMP-1과 MMP-2 downregulating 효과를 나타냈다. 이처럼 항주름 효능을 보이는 광나무 열매 추출물은 기능성 화장품 소재로 개발될 수 있는 가능성이 있다.
Italian Ryegrass, also called annual ryegrass, is a high productivity and feed value, and an upright grass that behaves like a biennial or short-lived perennial. It grows vigorously in winter and early spring. Italian ryegrass and a related species, perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne, are the two common weedy ryegrassses. Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass can hybridize, resulting in offspring that are difficult to identify as either species. Ryegrasses are cultivated for turf and forage. Sometimes Italian ryegrass is grown as cover crop. It has the potential to produce high yields and, with proper management, can be high quality with good animal performance. To develop of a high quality, productivity and early variety, 11 varieties were in the seven different irradiation conditions (0Gy, 100Gy, 200Gy, 300Gy, 400Gy, 500Gy, 1,000Gy) and examined growth and germination characters of each plant as like plant height, number of tillers. As a increase of irradiation, germination rate of 11 Italian ryegrass varieties are somewhat reduced.