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        검색결과 7

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of social responsibility activities on consumer attitudes, product evaluation, corporate support, and corporate trust through structural equations and path analysis. Corporate social responsibility activities were divided into five areas: consumer and environmental protection, social contribution, cultural business, and economic responsibility, and the relative impact on consumer attitudes was considered. The results and strategic implications of this study are as follows. The same results as in previous studies confirmed that the performance of corporate social responsibility activities induces positive attitudes and behaviors of consumers. It proved that the performance of corporate social responsibility activities leads consumers to form a positive attitude, which can eventually be transferred to products and corporate images by a halo effect, leading to product evaluation, corporate support and trust. In addition, the composition dimension and measurement items of corporate social responsibility activities were re-verified, and from a consumer point of view, it was confirmed that social responsibility activities include not only economic activities, but also activities that contribute positively, such as social contribution, support for local and cultural projects, and actions that do not harm society as a whole, such as protecting consumer rights and protecting the environment.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to enhance competitiveness in the industry, financial companies are building a high level of customer satisfaction and repurchase intention by further strengthening not only the technical quality of the platform business but also the customer-oriented service quality. Theoretically, it is time for a theoretical review of whether the expansion of service quality using platform business in the financial industry is directly linked to the performance of financial companies, such as satisfaction and repurchase intention of existing customers. Based on the rapid growth of mobile and the main activities of financial platform companies above, This study attempted to test a significant impact on customer satisfaction and reuse intention on information services and system services, which are service quality of mobile financial platforms. Even if a number of financial companies compete with each other, they could survive by dividing the market, In the digital environment, customers have free access, so the winner can monopolize the market. It is an environment in which customers can move to platform companies that provide better services. The contents presented through the results in this study will be able to be used strategically in terms of the implementation and operation of the financial platform. In addition, it served as an opportunity to find independent variables that affect customer satisfaction and reuse intention, which are financial platform service quality, and suggested the possibility of continuous development of the platform in the future. In summary, the service quality of financial platforms can further expand users by emphasizing user visibility in terms of information services and utilizing user-centered financial platforms that increase customer satisfaction and reliability by strengthening the responsiveness and ease of system services. This study is of important value and is believed to have laid an important foundation for future research.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The development of ICT technology has created new channels for product sales and promotion, which not only make information accessible to customers as easy as possible, but also provide consumers with much more absolute and comparative information. Modern consumers are exposed so many shopping channels currently, especially mobile-based channels have grown significantly and have become the center of the market. It is true that mobile shopping has led the growth of overall online shopping with the recent development of mobile devices such as smartphones and related software. The importance of strengthening corporate competitiveness and mobile-based management strategies through on line channels continues to increase. At this point, this study attempted to investigate the influencing factors by focusing on the entire distribution channel and mobile shopping channels. As most of previous studies were focused on Internet shopping malls or specific channels, So the research on mobile channels can be judged to be timely and appropriate. Furthermore, it can be said that mobile shopping channels are now presenting empirical implications. In conclusion, it provides practical implications to examine the management strategy of mobile shopping channels from the perspective of consumer value.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The pharmaceutical industry is an industry that provides medicines related to the health and life of the people. The pharmaceutical industry is a traditional regulation industry with the characteristics of R&D(Research and Development), purchasing, manufacturing, distribution and consumption under strict government management. Until now, pharmaceutical companies have continued to make efforts to maintain competitiveness through patent management, new product development, and marketing. However, industries are rapidly changing, including rising costs for developing new products and expanding generic markets. As these changes and uncertainties in the management environment increase, efforts are required to improve the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry from a new perspective. In this study, we intend to examine the impact of SCM(Supply Chain Management) dynamic capability of pharmaceutical companies on corporate performance through partnerships to respond to market changes and uncertainties. It was determined that the agility, visibility and flexibility that constitutes the SCM dynamic capabilities would affect the performance of pharmaceutical companies. In this study, the importance of SCM dynamic capabilities and cooperative relationships was identified through surveys by SCM managers of pharmaceutical companies. Consequently, in the pharmaceutical industry, which is a regulatory industry, we have identified that SCM dynamic capabilities and cooperative relationships with partner companies have a significant impact on corporate performance.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we analyzed the factors affecting the introduction of Smart Factory by domestic SMEs through AHP analysis and tried to provide implications for the introduction of Smart Factory. It was confirmed that the manufacturing and introduction group, the non-manufacturing introduction group, and the already introduced group had the highest weight in the cost reduction in the first hierarchy standard. At this time, it can be seen that the weight for cost reduction is relatively high in the manufacturing introduction group and the introduction group, and the weight for the productivity improvement is relatively high in the non-manufacturing introduction group. It can also be seen that the portion of marketing enhancement does not have a significant impact on smart factory choices. It was confirmed that image enhancement is the highest in the manufacturing introduction group and the non-manufacturing introduction group in the first hierarchy standard, and the marketing has the highest weight in the introduction group. In the two - tiered standard, customer - friendly and proper inventory maintenance weights were relatively high in all the introduced groups, except for the high rankings.
        2015.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Photovoltaic (PV) modules are environmentally energy conversion devices to generate electricity via photovoltaic effect of semiconductor from solar energy. One of key elements in PV modules is “backsheet,” a multilayered barrier film. A desirable backsheet should exhibit barrier properties. A representative backsheet materials is composed of polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET). In this study, we utilize PET films with high crystallinity, instead of PVF. Since it is well known that PET is suffering from hydrolysis, it is needed to understand PET decomposition behavior. To evaluate their hydrolysis behavior, accelerated PET decomposition test protocols are used. Electro chemical PV module performances are investigated to prove the efficacy of hydrolyticall durable PET films selected via the screening process.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 뛰어난 전도도와 물리적 강도를 가지는 그라핀의 고른 분산성을 얻기 위하여 두 가지 다른 방법으로 그라핀을 개질시켰다. 그리고 SPAES/그라핀 복합막은 각기 다른 함량을 첨가하여 제조되었으며 그라핀의 제조방법과 첨가된 그라핀의 함량에 따른 성능을 비교하였다. 복합막의 모폴로지는 SEM을 이용하여 관찰하였으며 개질된 그라핀의 화학적 구조는 FT-IR과 TGA를 사용하여 분석되었다. 그라핀의 함량변화가 0.5~3.0 wt% 일 때 복합막의 이온전도도와 메탄올 투과도를 측정하였으며 80℃, 100% 가습상태에서 SPAES/그라핀 복합막의 이온전도도(0.216 S/cm)는 순수한 SPAES 전해질 막보다 높은 이온전도도(0.098 S/cm)를 나타내었으며 그라핀의 함량이 1.5 wt%까지 증가될 때 메탄올 투과도는 감소되었다.