Daegu City has the most number of heat waves every year in the last 10 years among 7 metropolitan cities in Korea. As the slang, such as ‘Daefrica(Daegu + Africa)’ shown, Daegu City is recognized as a high temperature region in the summer. The purpose of this study is to understand the perception of urban green space as a mediator for heat wave mitigation for Daegu citizens. First, about 93.3% of the respondents perceived what the heat was. The most frequent cause of the increase in the number of heat waves was the increase in energy use (34.9%), ‘indiscriminate development’ (24.9%), ‘automobile and traffic increase’ (17.9%), ‘greenery reduction’ (12.6% ) were the most common cause. Second, 87.1% of respondents had positive perception about the mitigation effect on the effect of urban green space as a medium to mitigate the heat. In addition, 26.7% of respondents answered that they are very effective in mitigating the effect of the heat of urban greenery, and 95.1% of them responded more than ‘normal’. Third, as a result of examining the priorities of short and long-term heat-related policies, the short term was the highest (37.5%) in responding to ‘electricity tariff realization’ because of the high dependence on air conditioners. In contrast to the short-term perspective, the long-term policy for mitigating the heat wave was overwhelmingly supported by ‘expansion of urban green areas’ (50.7%). This is a result of confirming Daegu citizens’ consciousness which is highly evaluating the effect of urban green space as a medium for mitigating the heat. Fourth, the importance and performance of ‘urban green space type’ for mitigation of the heat wave were examined. The type of urban green space belonging to the phenomena maintenance area (quadrant Ⅰ), which both had high importance and performance, was classified as ‘neighborhood park’. In addition, it was surveyed as ‘Ssamji(mini) Park’ as the type of urban greenery in the concentrated improvement area (quadrant Ⅱ) where the importance is high but the performance is low. We believe that the value of urban green areas for mitigating the heat waves has been fully recognized through the recognition of Daegu citizens. We hope that the results of this study will be used as basic data for future Daegu city heat and urban greening policy.
Despite the importance of city parks and the changes in perception and involvement of users, park management budgets are constantly being contracted. Accordingly, the problems on maintenance control of neighborhood parks are now being realized, and studies on management improvement are required. This study is focused on the operation conditions and user satisfaction of the neighborhood parks in Daegu. Based on the analysis, efficient park management measures are suggested and baseline data are provided for subsequent studies. Targeting the neighborhood parks that the primary local government of Daegu is directly managing, the maintenance management costs were compared for a period of five years, and the average budget per unit area was calculated based on the completed neighborhood parks. Eight neighborhood parks were selected, including Dalseo-gu, whose average budget per unit area is the highest, and Buk-gu, where it is the lowest. Further, field and user attitude surveys were carried out. From the results of the field survey, the administrative status on neighborhood parks of Dalseo-gu and Buk-gu showed a satisfactory level, beyond the average one. The management score on neighborhood parks of Dalseo-gu appeared higher than that in Buk-gu. According to the results of the attitude survey, which targeted the users of these parks, the main users utilizing the neighborhood parks were nearby residents, and their share of responses indicating that they go to the park on foot was the highest, 74.6%. Regarding the importance and satisfaction on the elements that compose the parks, classified in 7 point-scaled criteria, the favorable answers were those over 5 points. According to the levels of user satisfaction calculated based on this method, Buk-gu ranked higher than Dalseo-gu. Based on the expected level of service and the evaluation of how they are perceived, through an IPA analysis, the park facilities were divided into to four areas. As a result, it emerged that continuous interest and intensive management of the properties would be required.
When the Japanese Empire demolished the fortress of Daegu Eupseong, the rivers that flowed into Daegu City were covered over. At present, most of the rivers in the urban area, such as Dalseo-cheon, Beomeo-cheon, Daemyung-cheon, Daegu-cheon, and Icheon-cheon, are concealed under concrete. These submerged rivers are old waterways with historical features, and there is a need to track and restore these waterways to improve the environment and landscape, and restore the ecology of the city. This study constitutes basic research on restoring the old waterway of Dalseo-cheon (which formerly comprised part of the moat of Daegu Castle) by creating an artificial stream in the area. The purpose of the study is to investigate citizens’ opinions on the introduction of such a stream, as well as on recreational and functional spaces that could be created alongside it. As a result of the study, we found that awareness of the covered waterways in Daegu City was low, but citizens generally considered it necessary to recover the old waterways, improve the residential environment, mitigate the urban heat island, strengthen the sense of place, build a water-circulation system, and improve the aesthetics of the landscape. In addition, the respondents stated that they would prefer a natural-type stream in front of a park, and would like various facilities that could improve the water-landscape function, as well as the stream’s ecological and water-friendly functions. The introduction of new waterways in the city center of Daegu will help to create a riverside and historical park, while maintaining a balance in regard to the conservation and development of historical and traditional cities, thereby transforming the city into a differentiated city.
본 연구는 캠퍼스 내 대학생들의 건강증진 가능성을 알아보기 위해 대학생의 건강상태, 신체활동 수준, 그리고 워커빌 리티에 영향을 주는 캠퍼스 공간에 대한 만족도를 확인해보고자 하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학생들의 건강상태 요인으로서 건강관련 삶의 질 측정결과 5개 영역 모두 건강한 상태였으나, 불안/우울 영역 에서 상대적으로 낮은 수준이었다. 또한, 조사대상자의 과반수가 저체중 또는 과체중・비만으로 건강증진의 필요성이 있음을 보여주었다. 둘째, 학생들은 신체활동 중 걷기/산책을 가장 선호한다고 응답하여 캠퍼스 워커빌리티 향상의 필요성을 제시하는 결과라 볼 수 있지만, 대학생들의 실제 캠퍼스 내 걷기수준은 단지 33.6% 만이 규칙적인 운동을 하고 있으며 대부분의 학생들은 앞으로 규칙적인 신체활동을 할 의사가 있다고 응답하였다. 특히 여학생의 경우 단지 18%(남학생, 48.4%)만이 규칙적으로 운동을 실천하므로 앞으로 여학생의 신체활동을 증가시키기 위한 환경을 조성할 필요성이 있겠다. 이와 더불어 신체활동의 건강증진 효과를 기대하기 위해서는 신체활동 시간도 중요하기 때문에 체육시설뿐만 아니라 캠퍼스의 보도, 산책로 등의 환경개선을 통해 1시간 이상 걷는 학생들의 비율을 증대할 필요성이 있다고 사료된다. 마지막으로, 계명대학교 학생들의 캠퍼스 공간에 대한 만족도를 조사한 결과 100점 만점으로 환산했을 때 54.8점에서 68.0점 수준으로 조사되었다. 걷기와 관련한 심리적 측면과 산책로에 대해서는 만족하고 있었으나, 걷기와 관련한 심미적 측면과 교통사고 안전 및 범죄 안전성 그리고 여성 혼자 걷기나 야간에 걷기의 안정성에 대해서는 다소 만족하지 않는 것을 알 수 있었다. 캠퍼스의 골격을 이루는 차량중심의 도로체계는 보행성을 저해하는 가장 큰 요소라 판단되며, 장기적 관점에서 보행자가 우선이 되는 캠퍼스 환경 개선이 요구된다 하겠다.