A new in-service teaching certificate system, the TEE Certificate system, was launched for Korean teachers of English with the aim of encouraging them to use English in their daily teaching practice. This study attempts to investigate key issues regarding the current development of the TEE Certificate system and addresses the implications for a successful TEE policy in Korea. It employs document analysis produced by the Ministry of Education, Science and Teclmology and to key Regional Offices of Education and semi-structured interviews with 15 supervisors, 11 teachers and 2 TEE Certificate examiners. The research findings suggest that there is a gap regarding the aims of the TEE Certificate system among stakeholders, leading to the different attitudes toward it. Those who have positive perceptions of the system see it as a tool for encouraging Korean teachers of English to develop their English language teaching competence. On the other hand, those who have negative attitudes see the negative aspects such as another type of burden on teachers and even the possibility of a form of lay-off. The new strategies of how to use the system are required to make it play a proper role in terms of the provision of an English-fi'iendly learning environment and supporting teachers' professional development.
This study aims to examine how collaborative action research has contributed to a teacher’s professional development. It built a framework from the teacher identity perspective, aimed at deriving further insight into the effects of collaborative action research as a professional development program. It is a case study of a Korean primary school English teacher who conducted collaborative action research to improve the quality of teaching English writing. The qualitative data were collected from teaching logs, written accounts and semi-structured interviews, then analysed. The study found that the teacher experienced growth in teacher identity based on his capacity building through collaborative action research. The factors affecting the growth of teacher identity are positive attitudes to address vulnerability in teaching English, participation in the collaborative action research, continuous reflection and establishing ownership during the research. Theoretically, this study suggests the development of teacher identity perspective and its application to design, execute and evaluate teacher education programs for in-depth understanding. Practically, it provides implications for English teacher education.
To increase thennotolerance of forage crops, transgenic rice plants as a model for transformation of monocots were generated. A cDNA encoding the chloroplast-localized small heat shock protein (small HSP) of rice, Oshsp21, was introduced into rice plants
Orchardgrass의 종자배양에서 캘러스형성과 식물체 재분화에 적합한 조건을구명하기 위하여 품종간의 차이와 배지조성 및 생장조절물질의 조성 등에 대한 일련의 실험을 수행한 바, 공시품종중 "Amba"의 식물체 재분화율이 가장 높았고, $N_6$ 수식 이미지 배지가 MS, $B_5$ 수식 이미지 배지보다 종자에서 형성된 캘러스 생체중이 무거웠으며, 식물체 재분화율도 높게 나타났다. 또한 3 mg/L의 dicamba가 첨가된 배지에서 형성된 캘러스를 재분화배지에 이식하였을 때 식물체 재분화율이 30%로 가장 높게 나타났다.ㅍ
Plant senescence is a final process of growth and a survival strategy to use limited nutrients efficiently during development and adaptation. Tree, however, runs senescence annually for winter dormancy. Therefore understanding senescence procedure and mechanism is striking issue for tree breeding and wood productivity. In this study, we isolated a SENESCENCE 1 (PagSEN1) gene from Populus alba ⨯ P. glandulosa and determined its expressional characteristics under various conditions. The PagSEN1 encodes a putative 243 amino acid protein containing a rhodanese domain. Southern blot analysis suggested that two copies of the PagSEN1 gene are present in the poplar genome. The PagSEN1 is expressed most strongly in mature leaves but most weakly in roots. The gene is significantly up-regulated by treatment with mannitol, NaCl, ABA and JA, but not by cold, SA and GA3. These results indicate that the PagSEN1 is involved in senescence response induced by natural aging and environmental stresses. This research will provide valuable information for senescence study. To clarify SEN1 gene in poplar, we will make PagSEN1 over-expressed poplar to understand senescence procedure in detail.