As part of the KOPIA Paraguay Center rice pilot villages project, conducted from July 1, 2021, to the end of June 2024, this study examined the average yield and value of paddy rice harvested between January and April 2023 in five local rice pilot villages in Paraguay: Santa Rosa, Eusebio Ayala, Coronel Bogado, Santa Maria, and Yaguaron. The CEA-5K-PUNTA variety was planted in late August 2022 and subsequently harvested from January to April 2023. The farmers in the pilot villages received information on common pests, diseases, and weeds, including instructions on timing and the number of applications required for their control. They also received technical guidance on water management and weeding methods. The study found that the average yield per hectare in the pilot villages for the CEA-5K PUNTA variety in the 2022/2023 growing season was 794.50 kg/10a, compared to 477.17 kg/10a for the conventional variety IRGA 424 in the 2019/2020 season, which preceded the project. This indicates a 66.5% increase in yield per hectare for the pilot village farmers compared to the pre-project period (2020/2021). The analysis of paddy rice production value in the pilot villages, using the Difference in Differences method, revealed a 65.1% increase. Moreover, a financial analysis was conducted based on the addition of agricultural inputs to the paddy fields during the period from the end of August 2022 to January-April 2023. The analysis showed that the total cost was US$597.25 per hectare, while the gross income was US$1,685.3 per hectare. As a result, the net profit per hectare amounted to US$1,088.05.
최근 제주도 용연계곡 일대에서 새로운 알락하늘소속 외래해충 (가칭)노랑알락하늘소가 발견되었다. 2023 년 7월부터 제주 용연계곡 일대 팽나무에서 우화한 성충이 대량 발생하고 있으며, 제주 전역과 육지로 확산할 가능성이 있어 시급한 모니터링과 박멸이 필요한 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 노랑알락하늘소의 국내 기후적합성 분석을 통해 잠재적으로 정착이 가능한 지역을 사전에 탐지하는 것을 목표로 하였다. GBIF에 보고된 전 세계 분포자료와 WorldClim의 생물기후변수를 이용하여 앙상블 모델을 만들고 노랑알락하늘소의 정착 확률 지도를 제작하였다. 또한 제작된 정착 확률 지도를 바탕으로 향후 주변 지역으로 확산 패턴을 시뮬레이션하였다. 기후적 합성 분석 결과 노랑알락하늘소는 원산지인 중국 남부, 대만 등 아열대 지역을 포함하여 일본과 국내에서도 정착 이 가능할 것으로 추정되었다. 국내로 한정하였을 때는 이미 정착이 확인된 제주 지역 전체와 부산, 여수 등 국내 남부지방 해안가에서 기후적합성이 매우 높을 것으로 예상되었다. 확산 패턴 시뮬레이션 결과 노랑알락하늘소 는 예찰 및 박멸이 이루어지지 않을 경우 빠르게 제주 전역으로 확산될 수 있을 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 노랑알 락하늘소에 대한 생활사 연구와 함께 현재 확산 범위에 대한 시급한 모니터링과 박멸 프로그램이 필요하다는 것을 암시한다.
기후변화가 국내 주요 외래 산림해충 발생에 미치는 영향을 리뷰하였다. 국내 주요 외래 산림해충으로 소나무 재선충병, 주홍날개꽃매미, 미국선녀벌레, 갈색날개매미충, 소나무허리노린재 등이 보고되어 있다. 외래 산림 해충에 대한 기후변화 영향 평가는 종 분포 모델에 기반을 둔 발생위험도 평가를 통해 분석되고 있었다. 여러 국내 연구 사례들은 기후변화가 진행됨에 따라 소나무재선충병의 발생위험도가 증가함을 보여주었다. 일본 등 국외 연구 사례에서도 기후변화에 의해 온대지역 소나무림의 소나무재선충병 발생위험이 증가할 것으로 예측되었다. 주홍날개꽃매미도 기후변화가 진행함에 따라 발생위험도가 증가하였다. 그러나 벼룩좀벌류 등의 천적이 주홍날개꽃매미 밀도를 감소시키므로 현실적인 기후변화 영향평가를 위해서는 천적류에 대한 기후변 화 영향 평가가 필요할 것으로 판단되었다. 산림 분야 기후변화 대응을 위해서는 산림해충 및 천적류에 기후변화 영향평가를 기반으로 한 적응 대책의 필요성이 확인되었다.
A large amount of small and medium-sized metal waste is generated during the decommissioning of nuclear power plants (NPPs). Metal waste is mostly contaminated with low-level radioactive, so it needs decontamination for self-disposal and recycling. A large amount of Organic Decontamination Liquid Waste during decontamination will be generated. The generated organic liquid waste is low in concentration, so the decomposition efficiency is low in the decomposition process. A conditioning process is necessary to concentrate at a high concentration. For effective treatment for Organic Decontamination Liquid Waste, the composition of organic liquid waste and conditioning process were analyzed. Organic acids, metal ions, radioactive nuclides, surfactants, etc. are present in the Organic Decontamination Liquid Waste, and suspended solids are sometimes generated by various reactions. According to previous studies, the concentration of organic acids including surfactants obtained results from several tens of ppm to a maximum of 1,000 ppm, so the maximum value of 1,000 ppm was assumed. For the composition and total amount of metal ions, the average value (52.7wt% Fe, 16.3wt% Ni, 15.1wt% Cr, 15.9wt% Mn) of the distribution of metal species removed by the actual decontamination process is applied, and the total amount is 1,000 ppm was assumed. As for the radionuclides, only 60Co and 137Cs, which are expected to be mainly present, were considered, and 60Co was assumed to be 2,000 Bq/g and 137Cs to be 360 Bq/g by referring to the literature. The amounts of suspended solids were assumed to be 500 ppm by referring to the characteristics of the liquid waste generated in the decontamination process of the NPPs. Based on the estimated value, a reaction formula was established and a simulated Organic Decontamination Liquid Waste was prepared. As a result of measurement using an analysis device, the composition of the estimated and simulated Organic Decontamination Liquid Waste had similar values. The conditioning and treatment process largely consists of pretreatment, conditioning, decomposition processes. Organic Decontamination Liquid Waste goes through a pretreatment process to remove impurities with large particles. In the conditioning process, treated water that has passed through the UF/RO membrane system is discharged into the environment. At this time, Concentrated water goes through a decomposition process for processing the Organic Decontamination Liquid Waste, and is discharged to the environment through a secondary RO membrane system. The conditioning process is the low-concentration Organic Decontamination Liquid Waste in the UF membrane system is forming a micelles in an RO membrane system, concentrating it to a high concentration and then go through a recirculation process in the UF membrane system. An experiment was conducted to confirm whether the concentration of surfactants occurred during the conditioning process. As a result of the experiment confirmed that the highly concentrated surfactant formed micelles and was filtered out in the UF membrane system.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of isolated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on the quality of high moisture rye silage. Rye forage (Secale cereale L.) was harvested at the heading stage (27.3% of dry matter (DM)) and cut into approximately 3-5 cm lengths. Then, the forage divided into 4 treatments with different inoculants: 1) No additives (CON); 2) Lactobacillus brevis strain 100D8 at a 1.2 x 105 colony-forming unit (cfu)/g of fresh forage (LBR); 3) Leuconostoc holzapfelii strain 5H4 at a 1.0 x 105 cfu/g of fresh forage (LHO); and 4) Mixture of LBR and LHO (1:1 ratio) applied at a 1.0 x 105 cfu/g of fresh forage (MIX). About 3 kg of forage from each treatment was ensiled into a 20 L mini-bucket silo in quadruplicate for 100 days. After silo opening, silage was collected for analyses of chemical compositions, in vitro nutrient digestibilities, fermentation characteristics, and microbial enumerations. The CON silage had the highest concentrations of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber (p = 0.006; p = 0.008) and a lowest in vitro DM digestibility (p < 0.001). The pH was highest in CON silage, while lowest in LBR and MIX silages (p < 0.001). The concentrations of ammonia-N, lactate, and acetate were highest in LBR silage (p = 0.008; p < 0.001; p < 0.001). Propionate and butyrate concentrations were highest in CON silage (p = 0.004; p < 0.001). The LAB and yeast counts were higher in CON and LHO silages compare to LBR and MIX silages (p < 0.001). However, the mold did not detect in all treatments. Therefore, this study could conclude that L. brevis 100D8 and Leu. holzapfelii strain 5H4 can improve the digestibility and anti-fungal activity of high moisture rye silage.