Cordyceps has been used in traditional Chinese medicine more than 2000 year ago. In this study, the new Cordyceps militaris was founded and isolated from O-dae mountain in Korea, and was identified its genetic characteristics. The newly isolation strain HB8 was most closet to Cordyceps militaris W141449 (99.82%), Cordyceps militaris JLCY-LI819 (99.82%) and Cordyceps militaris 4642 (99.81%), respectively. the genotypic result was show that train HB8 was belonging to the Cordyceps militaris genus, therefore, Cordycep militaris HB8 proposed with accession number MT835161. This study we find the optimal condition for production of cordycepin from Cordyceps militaris HB8 was 8 ㎎ /g (200 g of pupa, 1 g of KH2PO4, 0.5 g of K2HPO4, 20 g of glucose, 1 g of MgSO4, 0.05 g of vitamin B1, and 1 ㎎ of NAA per liter; light condition 300-700 Lux and day/night was 14 h/10 h) and the optimum condition for the production of adenosine was 2.6 ㎎/g (15 g of skim milk powder, 1 g of KH2PO4, 0.5 g of K2HPO4, 20 g of glucose, 1 g of MgSO4, 0.05 g of vitamin B1, and 1 ㎎ of NAA per liter; light condition 300-700 Lux and day/night was 14 h/10 h).
Background : Plants cultivation is hindered by root rot, a major disease caused by the soil-born fungi. The ginseng-cultivated soil is one of the nutritious habitats for soil-borne microorganisms. Bacteria from ginseng-cultivated soil can increase plant growth by supplying nutrients and hormones as well as protecting against pathogenic fungal infections and induced systematic resistance.
Methods and Results : The novel species DCY115T was isolated from ginseng-cultivated soil in Gochang province, Republic of Korea. The isolate was assigned to the genus Paraburkholderia due to its 16S rRNA gene sequence closely proximity to P. xenovorans LB400T (98.8%). Strain DCY115T is gram-negative, facultative aerobic, rod-shaped, non-flagellated, oxidase and catalase positive. The predominant isoprenoid quinone is ubiquinone Q-8. The genomic DNA G + C content is 61.3 mol%. Phenotypic tests and chemotaxonomic analysis place strain DCY115T in the genus Paraburkholderia. DNA-DNA hybridization values between strain DCY115T and closely related reference strains were lower than 51%. The DNA relatedness data in combination with phylogenetic and biochemical tests showed that strain DCY115T could not be assigned to any recognized species. Finally, strain DCY115T showed the plant growth promoting activities of siderophores production, phosphate solubilization, and antagonistic activity against root rot fungal pathogen Fusarium solani (KACC 44891T) and Cylindrocarpon destructans (KACC 44660T).
Conclusion : The results support the novel strain DCY115T as a potential biocontrol agent against root rot fungal pathogen within the genus Paraburkholderia for which the name Paraburkholderia panacihumi is proposed. The type strain is DCY115T (= KCTC52952T = JCM32099T).
Background : Panos extract is a mixture of four Panax plant extracts namely Dendropanax morbifera, Panax ginseng, Acanthopanax senticosus and Kalopanax septemlobus. We intended to use Panos extract for ZnO nanoparticles(NPs) synthesis and application for waste water treatment.
Methods and Results : In the present study, we have synthesized Panos ZnO nanoparticles via co precipitation method. Characterization of the NPs has been done using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV-Visible spectroscopy. An average of 75% efficacy in degrading the methylene blue dye has been observed. The nanoparticles showed antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus.
Conclusion : The results shows that Panos ZnO NPs can be a potential eco-friendly and economical tool for waste water management in the current scenario where there an intense urge to remediate the polluted environment through novel approaches such as Nanobiotechnology.
Background : Panax ginseng the king of Oriental medicines, has enormous potential against many of the disease symptoms and ailments. Panax quinquefolius is an another important member of Panax family which has similar benefits and medicinal properties. Both the species contains ginsenosides a pharmacologically active component abundant in their roots. In an effort to establish the new ginseng cultivars with improved agronomical characters such as root shape, stress tolerant and higher ginsenoside contents, the reciprocal interspecific hybrids were generated
Methods and Results : Four elite cultivars and two new lines of ginseng were chosen to produce interspecies reciprocal hybrids with P. quinquefolius, by pollen dusting on the emasculated flowers. Among the F1 populations, the reciprocal hybrids generated by using new line 0837 both as maternal and paternal parent showed better properties and hybrid vigor. They showed strong root phenotypes with many lateral and fine roots thus having 10% to 20% higher ginsenoside contents compared to the parental populations. Among the major ginsenosides, the pharmacologically active ginsenosides such as Re, Rb1, Rb2 and F1 were enriched and accounted for the 70% of the PPD ginsenosides in 0837/Pq and Pq/0837 crosses, displaying strong dominance.
Conclusion : Thus, based on our result we could conclude that P. ginseng line 0837 is the superior variety compared to the already existing lines for performing the interspecific hybrids with promising outcome in their root quality and ginsenoside content.
Background : Panax ginseng is an important crop based on its pharmaceutical efficacy in the Asian countries, it cultivated in Korea is usually harvested after 4 to 6 years of cultivation, whereas various abiotic stresses lead to a reduction of its quality. One of them is the Aluminum (Al) accumulation. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can play a role in plant health and growth and has been considered as a new trend for supporting the growth of many crops in heavy metal occupied areas. Accordingly, this study aimed to utilize PGPR to enhance the resistance of the ginseng plant against Al stress.
Methods and Results : The screening of several PGPR isolated from ginseng cultivate soil had been carried out by in vitro and in planta studies to confirm the plant growth promoting traits. Amongst, the strain Rhizobium panacihumi DCY116T was registered as one novel bacteria species and found to have IAA, siderophores production and phosphate solubilization traits, heavy metal resistance activity, and antifungal activity by in vitro test. Furthermore, in the perennial plant ginseng, fifteen minutes dipping of 108 CFU/㎖ DCY116T was enough to prime 1.5-years-old ginseng seedlings against given Al stress. Ginseng seedlings treated with DCY116T showed higher biomass, active compounds (like ginsenoside, proline, total phenolic, sugars) than non-bacterized Al-stressed seedlings. DCY116T treatment induced Al stress related genes, ROS scavenging genes, ABA biosynthesis genes and root hair formation genes which prevent the Al stress.
Conclusion : R. panacihumi DCY116T can be used to prime ginseng seedlings and induced its Al resistance. Also, it can promote the root hair formation. Based on these results, strain DCY116T can be as a potential plant growth promoting bacterium used in the future for the cultivation of ginseng or other kind of crop/ plant growth under Al stress.
Background : Bokbonja the Korean black raspberry (Rubus coreanus Miquel) fruit derived product, which is native to Korea. They contain potential anti-aging, anti-oxidants, depurative activities. Bokbonja refers to an immature berry of Rubus coreanus in the Korean pharmacopeia, Rubus chingii in Chinese pharmacopeia. Recently several Rubus species are available in the Korean drug markets which could easily find their way into drug prescriptions.
Methods and Results : Hence we tried to detect the presence of these contaminating species in bokbonja products using SNP marker assisted by multi-plex PCR. We found a SNP region in the 26S region of these species and evaluated their potential to discriminate Rubus species. We designed a set of primer pairs such as, BokR primer has distinguished R.coreanus by producing a band at 852 bp and the primer sanF has differentiated R. crataegifolius by amplifying a band at 129 bp, while chiF has produced a band at 83 bp to distinguish R.chingii. These primer pairs effectively distinguished the bokbonja samples collected from various local markets as well as form drug store in Korea as well. The results were shocking as the bokbonja (R.coreanus) has a limited usage in Korea and either R. crataegifolius or R.chingii has been found in these samples. Taken together the primer pairs bokR, sanF, chiF along with 26S universal primers could effectively distinguish Rubus species in a single multiplex PCR reaction.
Conclusion : Our results based on the 26S rDNA derived SNP region have shown that, the usage of R. coreanus is extremely limited and its often mistaken or adulterated with R. crataegifolius and R. chingii. It presses a panic situation in Korean peninsula to preserve bokbonja and the species R.coreanus which is endemic and superior in efficacy.
Background : Ginseng root rot is a devastating disease caused by the fungus, Ilyonectria mors-panacis that generally attacks younger roots (-2 years), leading to defects in root quality, ginsenoside accumulation and also life cycle of the plant. Hence, there is an indispensable need to develop strategies resulting in tolerance against ginseng root rot. The protective role of silicon during pathogen infestation is well documented in other plant systems and a previous study demonstrated that silica nanoparticles are absorbed and accumulated more than the bulk silica in maize. However, the role of silica in ginseng-root rot pathosystem is unknown.
Methods and Results : In the present study, we evaluated the effect of silica nanoparticles (N-SiO2) in Panax ginseng during I. mors-panacis infection. Long term analysis (30 dpi) revealed a striking 50% reduction in disease severity index upon 1 mM and 2 mM treatment of N-SiO2. However, N-SiO2 did not have any direct antifungal activity against I. mors-panacis. Candidate genes and metabolites based approach revealed jasmonic acid (JA) mediated sterol accumulation and incresed ginsenside biosyntesis as the key transcriptional reprogramming events orchestrated by N-SiO2 during the fungal infection.
Conclusion : In a nut shell, N-SiO2 administration induces transcriptional reprogramming in ginseng roots, leading to increased phytosterol and ginsenosides synthesis resulting in enhanced tolerance against I. mors-panacis.