
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        제주도내 소 방목지와 말 방목지에서 소똥구리류의 분포를 조사하였다. 본 조사는 2018년 5월부터 9월까지 소 방목지와 인접한 말 방목지 각 3곳(조천읍, 제1 산록도로, 안덕면)을 대상으로 월 3회 실시하였으며, 각 지역마다 함정덫(Pit-fall Trap)을 5m 간격으로 5개씩 설치하여 닭내장으로 유인하였다. 조사결과 소 방목지는 뿔소똥구리(Copris ochus) 21개체, 멸종위기Ⅱ급 보호종인 애기뿔소똥구리(C. tripartitus) 64개체, 렌지소똥풍뎅이(Onthophagus lenzii) 778개체, 모가슴소똥풍뎅이(O. fodiens) 31개체, 창뿔소똥구리(Liatongus phanaeoides) 2개체로 총 5종 896개체가 조사되었고, 종풍부도(Richness Index, RI)에서 다수종(Abundant)은 렌지소똥풍뎅이 1종 이었고, 나머지 종은 희소종(Rare)으로 나타내었다. 종다양도(H’)는 조천읍(0.29), 제 1산록도로(1.06), 안덕면(0.72)로 나타났다. 말 방목지는 각 14개체, 42개체, 205개체, 51개체, 1개체로 총 5종 313개체가 조사되었고, 다수종은 렌지소똥풍뎅이 1종, 보통종(Common)은 애기뿔소똥구리, 모가슴소똥풍뎅이 2종이었고, 나머지 종은 희소종(Rare)으로 나타내었다. 종다양도(H’)는 조천읍(0.76), 제 1산록도로(1.22), 안덕면(1.03)로 나타났다. 본 조사결과 소똥구리류의 종다양도는 말 방목지가 높았지만 조사기간 동안 안덕면에서는 4개체가 잡히면서 종다양도가 높았고, 소 방목지는 렌지소똥풍뎅이의 개체수가 대부분을 차지하면서 종다양도는 낮았지만, 소똥구리류는 소 방목지에 주로 서식하는 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        두점박이사슴벌레(Prosopocoilus astacoides blanchardi)는 딱정벌레목(Coleoptera) 사슴벌레과(Lucanidae)에 속하는 종으로 국내에서는 제주도에만 분포하며, 2012년 5월 31일에 멸종위기 야생생물 Ⅱ급 보호종으로 지정되었다. 본 연구는 2014년 5월부터 2018년 8월까지 두점박이사슴벌레가 번식 및 개체군이 유지되는 기주목 12그루를 대상으로 번식지의 특성을 연구하였다. 기주목은 상수리나무(Quercus acutissima) 11그루, 떡갈나무(Q.dentata) 1그루로 분포 해발고도는 150m~355m이며, 기주목의 수고와 흉고는 각 4.5m~10m, 17cm~34cm였다. 특히, 기주목에는 두점박이사슴벌레가 은신할 수 있는 보리밥나무(Elaeagnus macrophylla), 송악(Hedera rhombea), 담쟁이덩굴(Parthenocissus tricuspidata), 마삭줄(Trachelospermum asiaticum), 청미래덩굴(Smilax china), 밀나물(S. riparia), 칡(Pueraria lobata), 으아리(Clematis mandshurica), 사위질빵(C. apiifolia), 며느리밑씻개(Polygonum senticosum), 줄사철나무(Euonymus fortunei), 남오미자(Kadsura japonica) 등의 덩굴성 식물이 기주목의 줄기를 잠식해 있었고, 잠식률은 5%~80%까지 다양했다. 하지만 덩굴성 식물의 줄기잠식률이 낮으면, 기주목에 갈라진 틈이 있거나 군락을 이루고 있어 은신처가 있었고, 단독으로 기주목이 있는 곳은 줄기잠식률이 40%~80% 매우 높았다. 본 연구를 통해 두점박이사슴벌레는 번식 및 개체군 유지를 위해 포식자를 피하고 먹이를 구하기 위해 덩굴성 식물이 줄기를 잠식하고 있는 참나무속(Quercus)의 기주목에 주로 서식하는 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The cultivation methods of Acanthopanax in Korea need to be optimized. Hence, this study investigated the effect of different fertilizer ratios and planting dates on the growth and acanthoside D content of two (2) Acanthopanax species. The current recommended fertilizer rate of 10.5-8.5-8.5 kg/ha- (N-P2O5-K2O, respectively) produced the best plant growth of Acanthopanax. For the first year, the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P (2x phosphate) rate was higher than that from the other fertilizer ratios, yet there were no significant differences resulting from the various treatments for either Acanthopanax divaricatus or Acanthopanax koreanum. Similarly, for the second year, there were no significant differences in the acanthoside D content resulting from the various fertilizer ratios, although for both species the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P rate was slightly higher than that from the other treatments. Therefore, the results indicated that doubling the amount of phosphate increased the acanthoside D content. Plus, the optimum planting date with respect to growth and productivity for Acanthopanax divaricatus was identified as April 15. The cultivation methods of Acanthopanax in Korea need to be optimized. Hence, this study investigated the effect of different fertilizer ratios and planting dates on the growth and acanthoside D content of two (2) Acanthopanax species. The current recommended fertilizer rate of 10.5-8.5-8.5 kg/ha- (N-P2O5-K2O, respectively) produced the best plant growth of Acanthopanax. For the first year, the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P (2x phosphate) rate was higher than that from the other fertilizer ratios, yet there were no significant differences resulting from the various treatments for either Acanthopanax divaricatus or Acanthopanax koreanum. Similarly, for the second year, there were no significant differences in the acanthoside D content resulting from the various fertilizer ratios, although for both species the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P rate was slightly higher than that from the other treatments. Therefore, the results indicated that doubling the amount of phosphate increased the acanthoside D content. Plus, the optimum planting date with respect to growth and productivity for Acanthopanax divaricatus was identified as April 15. The cultivation methods of Acanthopanax in Korea need to be optimized. Hence, this study investigated the effect of different fertilizer ratios and planting dates on the growth and acanthoside D content of two (2) Acanthopanax species. The current recommended fertilizer rate of 10.5-8.5-8.5 kg/ha- (N-P2O5-K2O, respectively) produced the best plant growth of Acanthopanax. For the first year, the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P (2x phosphate) rate was higher than that from the other fertilizer ratios, yet there were no significant differences resulting from the various treatments for either Acanthopanax divaricatus or Acanthopanax koreanum. Similarly, for the second year, there were no significant differences in the acanthoside D content resulting from the various fertilizer ratios, although for both species the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P rate was slightly higher than that from the other treatments. Therefore, the results indicated that doubling the amount of phosphate increased the acanthoside D content. Plus, the optimum planting date with respect to growth and productivity for Acanthopanax divaricatus was identified as April 15. The cultivation methods of Acanthopanax in Korea need to be optimized. Hence, this study investigated the effect of different fertilizer ratios and planting dates on the growth and acanthoside D content of two (2) Acanthopanax species. The current recommended fertilizer rate of 10.5-8.5-8.5 kg/ha- (N-P2O5-K2O, respectively) produced the best plant growth of Acanthopanax. For the first year, the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P (2x phosphate) rate was higher than that from the other fertilizer ratios, yet there were no significant differences resulting from the various treatments for either Acanthopanax divaricatus or Acanthopanax koreanum. Similarly, for the second year, there were no significant differences in the acanthoside D content resulting from the various fertilizer ratios, although for both species the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P rate was slightly higher than that from the other treatments. Therefore, the results indicated that doubling the amount of phosphate increased the acanthoside D content. Plus, the optimum planting date with respect to growth and productivity for Acanthopanax divaricatus was identified as April 15. The cultivation methods of Acanthopanax in Korea need to be optimized. Hence, this study investigated the effect of different fertilizer ratios and planting dates on the growth and acanthoside D content of two (2) Acanthopanax species. The current recommended fertilizer rate of 10.5-8.5-8.5 kg/ha- (N-P2O5-K2O, respectively) produced the best plant growth of Acanthopanax. For the first year, the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P (2x phosphate) rate was higher than that from the other fertilizer ratios, yet there were no significant differences resulting from the various treatments for either Acanthopanax divaricatus or Acanthopanax koreanum. Similarly, for the second year, there were no significant differences in the acanthoside D content resulting from the various fertilizer ratios, although for both species the acanthoside D content resulting from the 2P rate was slightly higher than that from the other treatments. Therefore, the results indicated that doubling the amount of phosphate increased the acanthoside D content. Plus, the optimum planting date with respect to growth and productivity for Acanthopanax divaricatus was identified as April 15.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We select infrared-luminous galaxies by cross-matching the SDSS spectroscopic sample of galaxies with the WISE all-sky survey catalog. Based on photometric data points covering from SDSS u-band to WISE 22 μm , their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) are separated into AGN, elliptical, spiral, and irregular galaxy components. The derived luminosities of spiral galaxy and AGN are well correlated with Hα and [OIII] line luminosities, respectively. Most galaxies are dominated by young stellar populations even for optical AGNs, but at least 10% of optical non-AGNs appear to harbor buried AGNs. The AGN contribution increases dramatically with the total luminosity. These results show that the SED decomposition is successful and is useful to understand the true nature of dusty galaxies.