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        검색결과 6

        2024.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Among the products of the electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2RR), CO is currently the most valuable product for industrial applications. However, poor stability is a significant obstacle to CO2RR. Therefore, we synthesized a series of bimetallic organic framework materials containing different ratios of tungsten to copper using a hydrothermal method and used them as precursors. The precursors were then subjected to pyrolysis at 800 °C under argon gas, and the M-N bimetallic sites were formed after 2 h. Loose porous structures favorable for electrocatalytic reactions were finally obtained. The material could operate at lower reduction potentials than existing catalysts and obtained higher Faraday efficiencies than comparable catalysts. Of these, the current density of WCu-C/N (W:Cu = 3:1) could be stabilized at 7.9 mA ‧ cm-2 and the FE of CO reached 94 % at a hydrogen electrode potential of -0.6 V (V vs. RHE). The novel materials made with a two-step process helped to improve the stability and selectivity of the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO, which will help to promote the commercial application of this technology.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the rapid development of the global economy, transport safety and security have become the key issues in maritime transportation all over the world. In practical applications, the Automatic Identification System (AIS)-based measurement of similarities between different vessel trajectories plays an important role in improving maritime transportation, e.g., maritime navigation, maritime supervision and management. However, the received AIS datasets are usually composed of a large amount of redundant information which could significantly increase the computational complexity. To deal with this problem, a Douglas-Peucker (DP)-based calculation method is introduced in this paper to accurately compress the spatio-temporal AIS trajectories while preserving the main geometrical structures. Based on the compressed trajectories, it is able to accelerate the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm for the measurement of similarities between different vessel trajectories. In particular, the combination of DP and DTW has the capacity of significantly reducing the computational cost and guaranteeing the accuracy of similarity measures. The experimental results have demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed method in terms of computational cost and accuracy of similarity measures.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A new model and resultant equation for the coagulation of acrylonitrile monomers in precipitation polymerization are suggested in consideration of the surface tension (γ) and cohesive energy density (ECED). The equation was proven to be quite favorable by considering figure fittings from known surface tensions and cohesive energy densities of certain organic solvents. The relationship between scale value of surface tension (γ/M) and cohesive energy density of monomers can be obtained by changing the coagulation bath component for effective precipitation polymerization of acrylonitrile in wet spinning.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PAN precursor fibers were produced via wet-spinning process, and effects of polymerization and spinning processes, especially the stretching process, were investigated on mechanical properties and micro-morphologies of precursor fibers. An increase in molecular weight, dope solid and densification and a decrease in surface defects were possible by controlling polymerization temperature, the number of heating rollers for densification and the jet stretch ratio, which improved the mechanical properties of precursor fibers. The curves for strength, modulus, tensile power and diameter as a function of stretch ratio can be divided into three stages: steady change area, little change area and sudden change area. With the increase of stretch ratio, the fiber diameter became smaller, the degree of crystallization increased and the structure of precursor fibers became compact and homogeneous, which resulted in the increase of strength, modulus and tensile power of precursor fibers. Empirical relationship between fiber strength and stretch ratio was studied by using the sub-cluster statistical theory. It was successfully predicted when the strengths were 0.8 GPa and 1.0 GPa under a certain technical condition, the corresponding stretch ratio of the fiber were 11.16 and 12.83 respectively.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A total of 106 two month-old Nanjiang yellow goats (male were 32, female were 34 and castrated were 40) were divided into treatment group and control group to determine the growth performance. The treatment group was reared in grazing mode, experimental group was pastured with supplement feeding. The results showed that the body weight of male in experiment group was heavier by 9.82%(P<0.05), 11.87%(P<0.01), 16.91%(P<0.01) and 23.99%(P<0.05) than that in control group in 3,4,5 and 6 month-age. The body weight of female in experimental group was heavier by 11.54%(P<0.05), 13.79%(P<0.01), 17.47%(P<0.01) and 21.15%(P<0.01) than that in control group in 3,4,5 and 6 month-old. The body weight of castrator in experimental group was heavier by 1.58%, 1.99%, 13.08%(P<0.01) and 15.76%(P<0.01) than that in control group in 3,4,5 and 6 month-age. The daily increasing weight and body measurements of experimental group is improved more than control group, especially in 6 month-age.