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        검색결과 13

        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A substantial quantity of discarded tires has inflicted harm on the environment. Microwave pyrolysis of discarded tires emerges as an efficient and environmentally friendly method for their recycling. This research innovatively utilizes the characteristics of microwave rapid and selective heating to pyrolyze waste tires into porous graphene under the catalysis of KOH etching. Moreover, this study comprehensively investigates the dielectric characteristics and heating behavior of waste tires and different proportions of waste tire–KOH mixtures. It validates the preparation of graphene through KOH-catalyzed microwave pyrolysis of waste tires, tracking morphological and structural changes under varying temperature conditions. The results indicate that optimal dielectric performance of the material is achieved at an apparent density of 0.68 g/cm3 at room temperature. As the temperature increases, the dielectric constant gradually rises, particularly reaching a notable increase around 700 °C, and then stabilizes around 750 °C. Additionally, the study investigates the penetration depth and reflection loss of mixtures with different proportions, revealing the waste tire–KOH mass ratio of 1:2 demonstrates favorable dielectric properties. This research highlights the impressive microwave responsiveness of the waste tire–KOH mixture, Upon the addition of KOH, the mixed material exhibits an augmented dielectric constant and relative dielectric constant, supporting the viability of KOH-catalyzed microwave pyrolysis for producing porous graphene from waste tires. This method is expected to provide a new method for the valuable reuse of waste tires and a technology for large-scale, efficient and environmentally friendly production of graphene.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Previous research has found that taking photos during travel for the purpose of sharing with others via SNS (social networking sites) induces self-presentational concerns, which can decrease engagement and enjoyment of the experience. However, the previous studies have defined travel engagement and enjoyment too narrowly and failed to consider the heterogeneity in terms of the importance of photo-taking. While some travelers are reluctant photo takers and regard taking photos as a bother, others place more importance on photo-taking than sightseeing, and may therefore find it difficult to enjoy the travel experience without taking photos. To address these deficiencies, we modeled not only negative, but also positive relationships between photo-taking and travel engagement and enjoyment. The results showed that when taking photos, travelers who regard photo-taking as important were more engaged in the experience and enjoyed it more than travelers who regarded photo-taking as less important. Thus, this study provides a theoretical contribution to research on travel engagement.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There may be not direct path from the psychological selection by the customers to the green behavior owing to the complexity of the green consumption. The specific mode of action still needs being further researched. This paper will research the specific path and mechanism of customer’s green consumption based on VBN theory. Based on a survey of Chinese respondents, environment values bring indirect influence to green customer behavior through individual belief or subjective norm intermediately. However, there are different paths from value to behavior. One path is that egoistic value-subjective norm-green customer behavior while another path is that altruistic value-environment beliefs-subjective norm-green customer behavior which really fits into previous research of VBN theory.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The physical and chemical properties of prestellar cores, especially massive ones, are still far from being well understood due to the lack of a large sample. The low dust temperature (< 14 K) of Planck cold clumps makes them promising candidates for prestellar objects or for sources at the very initial stages of protostellar collapse. We have been conducting a series of observations toward Planck cold clumps (PCCs) with ground-based radio telescopes. In general, when compared with other star forming samples (e.g. infrared dark clouds), PCCs are more quiescent, suggesting that most of them may be in the earliest phase of star formation. However, some PCCs are associated with protostars and molecular out ows, indicating that not all PCCs are in a prestellar phase. We have identi ed hundreds of starless dense clumps from a mapping survey with the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) 13.7-m telescope. Follow-up observations suggest that these dense clumps are ideal targets to search for prestellar objects.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), in collaboration with the University of Hawaii (UH), is upgrading Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) by replacing its principal, 65 cm aperture telescope with a modern, off-axis 1.6 m clear aperture instrument from a 1.7 m blank. The new telescope offers a significant incremental improvement in ground-based infrared and high angular resolution capabilities, and enhances our continuing program to understand photospheric magneto-convection and chromospheric dynamics. These are the drivers for what is broadly called space weather - an important problem, which impacts human technologies and life on earth. This New Solar Telescope (NST) will use the existing BBSO pedestal, pier and observatory building, which will be modified to accept the larger open telescope structure. It will be operated together with our 10 inch (for larger field-of-view vector magnetograms, Ca II K and Ha observations) and Singer-Link (full disk Hα, Ca II K and white light) synoptic telescopes. The NST optical and software control design will be similar to the existing SOLARC (UH) and the planned Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) facility led by the National Solar Observatory (NSO) - all three are off-axis designs. The NST will be available to guest observers and will continue BBSO's open data policy. The polishing of the primary will be done in partnership with the University of Arizona Mirror Lab, where their proof-of-concept for figuring 8 m pieces of 20 m nighttime telescopes will be the NST's primary mirror. We plan for the NST's first light in late 2005. This new telescope will be the largest aperture solar telescope, and the largest aperture off-axis telescope, located in one of the best observing sites. It will enable new, cutting edge science. The scientific results will be extremely important to space weather and global climate change research.
        1995.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Soybean has been cultivated in China for 5,000 years. The soybean cyst neamtode (SCN), Heterodra glycines, was recongnized in Northeastern China in 1899. Currently, it is known to occur in 12 provinces. The biology of SCN was investigated in several provinces. Six races of SCN were identified (race 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7). About f10,000 soybean germplasm lines were evaluated for their resistance to race 1, 3, 4 and 5 of SCN. At least two black-seeded cultivars are resistant to all four races. Several tolerant soybean cultivars with yellow seed coat were released and are in production. Additional resistant cultivars are being developed. Nematicides were not applied in production Potential biocontrol agents and related aspects are being investigated.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료