Recently, methods that usea carbon-based filler, a conductive nanomaterial, have been investigated to develop composite fillers containing dielectric materials. In this study, we added geometric changes to a carbon fiber, a typical carbon-based filler material, by differentiating the orientation angle and the number of plies of the fiber. We also studied the electrical and electromagnetic shield characteristics. Based on the orientation angle of 0˚, the orientation angle of the carbon fiber was changed between 0, 15, 30, 45, and 90˚, and 2, 4, and 6 plies were stacked for each orientation angle. The maximum effect was found when the orientation angle was 90˚, which was perpendicular to the electromagnetic wave flow, as compared to 0˚, in which case the electrical resistance was small. Therefore, it is verified that the orientation angle has more of an effect on the electromagnetic interference shield performance than the number of plies.
Si(111) 표면을 NH3분위기에서 실리콘질화물(SiNx)로 변형시킨 후 탄화규소(silicon carbide, SiC) 박막을 성장하였다. 질화시간이 증가함에 따라 SiC 박막 두께가 감소함을 관찰하였다. 또한 성장변수에 따라 SiC/Si 계면에서 결정결함인 틈새를 없앨 수 있었다. 100nm, 300nm, 500nm의 SiNx/Si 기판 위에 SiC 박막을 성장시켰다. 성장된 SiC 박막들은 모두 [111]면을 따라 성장되었고, SiC 결정들이 원주형 낟알로 성장되었다. SiC/SiNx 계면에서 void를 관찰할 수 없었다. 이러한 실험 결과는 SOI 구조의 산화규소를 SiNx로 대체함으로써 SiC 소자 제작에 응용될 수 있는 방향을 제시하고 있다.